After Hai Ling recovered

, he took Qin Yuan to the place where it hid the poison and successfully absorbed the other two poisons

, and its own toxicity went further

, at this time, it was already late at night, and in another 24 hours, it was the time for the Blue Star Mist to open

, that is, from now on, it would be possible to explore this world for 24 hours

, "Hai Ling, let's go!"

"Babble, come on, come on"

It's better not to return to the Kingdom of Luolan, let's go straight to Snapper Island, but before that, I have to go to that guy ......

On the sea

, a huge pirate ship with a length of 1,000 meters and a height of 300 meters sailed past the islands one after another, and when it came to a volcanic island, it stopped and stopped

at the white skeleton looking at the sea

, and couldn't help but sigh

: "Originally, I just lost one artifact, but now it's okay, all three of them have been lost..."

He's not a human at all

, he's just as good as a monster, he ran away

, and he'll never see freedom


!" Old skeleton, what are you smirking at?

"Oh! Oops


The familiar voice

looked back and saw that

Qin Yuan was actually sitting on the flagpole and smiling at it

, "Big ...... How did you find me

?"Why?"Not welcome?

"How could it be

!I want to kill you!"I want you to die!"I want you to die!I have 300 perpetual motion internal drives, but I have been running for a day and a night

!I don't dare to stop when the zombies run thin! It's

hundreds of kilometers away from the original location, maybe even thousands of kilometers away,

you're a dog!

How did you find me?

Although the white skeleton complained in his heart, he still looked like a licking dog

on the surface, and he couldn't

put his strength there, even if he was unhappy, he could only obediently give in

Qin Yuan's hands with his hands, and a trace jumped down, and landed on the deck with a click

, and slowly walked to the side of the white skeleton, looking at

the sea in the distance, "Old skeleton, come and tell me about the sea realm".

"I want to know everything here"


The existence of the sea boundary is longer than the blue star.,There is an interface with the blue star.,There will be some people or monsters to communicate between the two worlds

.,At present, it is known that 90

% of the sea boundary is water.,10% is land.,But there are exceptions.,There was a time when a large part of the sea water disappeared inexplicably.,Resulting in 70% water and 30% land

.,The sea world also has humans.,Most of them live on islands.,Live by fishing all year round.

However, due to the lack of a strong official power to govern, the pirates here are extremely rampant

, and the strongest monster in the sea realm is currently known to be the sixth order, which is a super existence called a divine beast

, and the existence that can use the power of the rules

is rare now, even if it is the fifth order, it is not much to shoot,

but the most active are the first-order and second-order creatures, and it is also the creature that occupies the largest proportion of this world,

98% of the sea realm They are all first- and second-order creatures, and the creatures above the second order only account for 2%, and it may not be enough

, Qin Yuan listened to the white bone skeleton's narration

, "You said that there are still human civilizations, do they have the scientific and technological strength to deal with the Zerg?, or genetic weapons?"

"My lord, then I don't know, in fact, I rarely deal with humans,"

Qin Yuan could see it

The White Bone Skeleton was an otaku before his death

, and he could know so much news, all because of it, he had lived long enough, and these

news were still pieced together from the scattered news he occasionally heard

, "Skeleton, you should know where

the human kingdom is, right? Take me to see it" "My lord, the human kingdom is all human, so what's the best thing to go to? Why don't I take you to the empty island to play"


Qin Yuan's eyes lit up,

and the legendary island floating in the sky might have a treasure

, "Yes, let's go

" Hearing this

, the three hundred sharks began to pull the cart, heading towards the empty

island, in order to prevent being taken to a strange place

, Qin Yuan couldn't help but be curious, and asked more

: "Is the sky island the kind that floats in the air?"



As long as it's right, it's good ......

The shark pulls the cart until six o'clock

in the morning, the sun rises from the horizon, the sun dyes the clouds in the sky orange, and a long shadow of the sun is dragged out on the ocean, and countless seabirds fly overhead

, and there are huge islands and empty islands flying over the seabirds at the same time? To be precise

, there are countless islands floating in the sky

of the empty islands

, ranging from hundreds of cubic meters to a city

Looking up, there was life on it, a patch of green

, and countless seabirds landed in

it, "Let's go, go up and see"

Without waiting for the skeleton to reply

, Qin Yuan grabbed its collar, and the sea spirit hugged Qin Yuan's thighs,

and the wings behind his back

spread out, and flew towards the sky, and the wind above the island was very strong, and the structure of the entire island was very peculiar, as if it was not naturally formed

Instead, he floated in the sky with the help of some kind of instrument or some kind of power

, "Ahh

Xiao Hailing's eyes glowed with blue light, and his mouth grew slightly,

it turned out that it was not poisoned, there really was an

elf, and if you count it carefully, it is also a kind of

elf "babble!"

"Hai Ling, Tide Water Control"

The water molecules in the air quickly condensed, forming a water flow towards the elf wrapping

, but the elf disappeared in front of everyone's eyes

, Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows

, huh?

"Kind of interesting!".

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