After dealing with all the enemies, Qin Yuan flapped his wings and flew to the sky island, and it was not too early to leave, and it

was time to leave

the sky above the bonfire party

, "Skeletons, sea spirits, pack up your things and go

" "Yes!"

Hearing this, the elf empress spread her thin wings and flew into the air, looking at Qin Yuan with her eyes hopeful

With a simple and harmless face

, "Lord Divine Spirit, can you let our

elf clan follow you" Qin Yuan looked at the only thousands of elves, these little guys have good brewing skills

, "Yes, follow me on the boat!"

The elf clan was suddenly surprised, and jumped up hand in hand, his eyes were full of hope,

"yes! our elf clan has a backer!"

Alas, if only I had met the gods earlier, then Gina Valley wouldn't

have broken up

with me" "Hehe, you weren't broken up because of this, everyone knows, it's because you have a very small ..... "

Very small?

"What else is it?"

The elves turned their heads and walked

one after another, boarding the boat one after another

, leaving the empty island, and began to set off towards

Snapper Island, at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night

, when approaching the vicinity of Snapper Island

, the dense fog rose

, and the visibility was super low, how low was it?

There were no men and women at a distance of one meter, no distinction between people and animals at a distance of three meters, and no one could be seen from five meters away


, even the sound is difficult to transmit, and the air is filled with the smell of air

, Qin Yuan asked, "Skeleton, when can we get to the Blue Star?"

"Wait a minute, my lord, wait for me to hang up",


Qin Yuan's

eyes flashed

, and there were a lot of skeletons


not only can he summon the zombie brother

If I can learn divination,

then the improvement will be great

, "Skeleton, let me see how you divination" "

No problem!

The compass is made up of six rings, which are enlarged from the inside to the outside, and each ring is written with mysterious symbols

corresponding to them, time, place, people, events, good luck and evil, thank you for your patronage.

Wait a minute

, it seems that something strange is mixed

in, it's too late to wait

, buzz~

The compass turned

the skeleton and began to cast a spell, only to see its two soul eyes glow green, cross-legged, and began to shake wildly,

humming and chirping an inexplicable tune in its mouth



black fertilizer will volatilize when it is gray, and the gray fertilizer will be black when it volatilizes...""The black gray fertilizer will volatilize when the black ash is black..."MD

!The ordinary skeleton with such a fluttering hair

raised his head and pointed at the sky

, "Lei Gong help me" Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment

, do you want me to cooperate?

"Okay! I'll help you

!" Raise your hand

, "

Million Ford!"


"I didn't mean you....."

The scorched skeleton cried

big brother, you just have to watch me perform quietly, what kind of mess

are you making? Tell Lei Gong to help me, that's the line you need to

really split!

The key is that you shouted that a million

fords were split, why are there tens of millions of fords?

I'm confused

"My lord, the spell was interrupted, it seems that I can't predict it today

" "But it doesn't matter, with my years of experience in shuttling between the two realms, I have a 50% chance of successfully reaching

the Blue Star" Qin Yuan asked

, "What about the remaining 50%?"

"Return to the Sea Realm" "Shut up, you"

This fog originally only led to the Sea Realm

and the Blue Star

The key is that this fog can't even be perceived

Qin Yuan's rule power has been greatly reduced in the fog, and if you want to get out, you have to have a little luck


There was a soft sound, the sound was very small, but Qin Yuan heard it very clearly

, as if something had hit the ship?

"Skeleton, go and see, if there are other ships crashing into


." Whenever you get lost, there

will be a guide who has no money, there will be a person who sends money

, who walks casually on the road without equipment, and can also pick up a treasure chest

to doze off, so I send a pillow

This way

, I am familiar! Hehe!

Thief, God

, you still say that I am not a child of destiny?

Hearing this

, the skeleton hurriedly ran to check and was

immediately surprised

"My lord, you are really clever

!" "Heh, it's an old routine, I understand!"

"I've hit the rocks

" "......

"Okay, I'm not a child of destiny

, after some emergency rescue

, the ship is saved

, it seems that

waiting for the courier to come to the door is unrealistic,

and you must take the initiative

" Skeleton, go find

a rope long enough, I'll explore" "Yes! My lord"

The skeleton found a 10,000-meter-long rope, it is said that this was originally intended to tie

up the three artifacts of the giant, and the skeleton in his hand can be described as high-spirited, invincible, and they are already ready to fight the kingdom of giants, but unfortunately one artifact was stolen by the 'god', and two pieces of this rope were snatched by Qin Yuan, and

it was wasted

" Yes! Tie it to my waist, and pull the rope as soon as you find the traces of the blue star, do you know?"

The sea spirit and the skeleton nodded, indicating that they understood

, Qin Yuan flew into the mist

, and soon the screams of various creatures were heard, but it was a pity that it was difficult to transmit even the sound here,

and the pheromones naturally could not be used to locate

them, so they could only rely on the most primitive rope

Qin Yuan flew all the way, from time to time at the beginning of the film, looking at the surrounding fog, there were many strange creatures in the mist,

some of them had no facial features, some had no heart, only living on a intestine, and some didn't even have a specific shape, just a mess

, we call them

"shameless", "heartless eyes" and "No. 3"

Qin Yuan felt a pulling force coming from the rope in the sky, and at the beginning of the period, he thought that the rope was at its limit

But in the next second

, an even greater pulling force pulled him backwards and backwards violently,

and someone on the other side of the boat was exerting force?

Could it be that

he found the blue star?

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