【Gene Death Evolution】【

Insufficient Gene Energy Reserve, Start Extracting Gene Origin Energy

】【Start Extracting Life Force】【Extracting Potential】【Extracting Life

】【Resurrection of the Phoenix

All Attributes After the Third Death Resurrection* 500, 10% chance that the Dead Realm Mode will be activated, and the Dead Realm Mode consumes all Gene Source Power + all Life Force + All Potentials + Soul Power

[Discord Rules Activated, Reject Dead Realm Mode Enabled

] [Normal Resurrection......

] [Moro Stone Fusion ......

] [Death Evolution

] [Resurrection Success

] [● Mode 4: Demon Seed: Destruction Ant (Dream Demonized Seed)] [

Second Order 1% , Insect power 5000 points/200,000, strength 48400/400,000 tons

] [Second-order exclusive genetic ability: 1 over-limit strength, over-limit speed, 3 over-limit agility, 4 over-limit combat intent, 5 over-limit killing, 6 over-limit repair, 7 combat intuition

] [Gene Technique: Ultimate Destruction Cannon

] [Demonization Exclusive Ability: Rule Destruction]

is coming

, if the ancient god heavenly ant is a support, then the demon seed destruction ant is a pure warrior

Its skills are even purer than nuclear blasters, simple and rough

200,000 insect power, 400,000 tons of power upper limit

What is the concept?


Qin Yuan was suddenly stunned

, "This familiar feeling

is coming, it is coming again

, and the gene fusion is collapsing!

When the mythical genes in the body reach four, it is as if some kind of weak balance is broken,

and the genes begin to devour each other, fighting each other

, and there is a tendency to fight

endlessly, and the four genes are fighting each other, and the battle in Qin Yuan's body is turned upside down

Qin Yuan's face was pale, fine sweat oozed from his forehead, and after a while, the seven orifices began to bleed

, and a

mouthful of black blood spurted out

[Heavenly ant healing, over-speed regeneration, over-limit repair....

] Zizizi

[Healing failure, regeneration failure, repair failure

] [Gene collapse ......

] [Seventh Sense Reminder: Danger, I have been disabled!]

It's not


[Gene Tips: Please Quickly Solve the Genetic Collapse in the Body]

I TM also want to solve it Qin Yuan's

eyes widened, two lines of blood and tears flowed out, and the skin began to ooze fine blood The

muscles of the whole body began to spasm uncontrollably, convulsions

, muscles, cells, genes, all began to tear

A little painful


, this little pain

is within the range of endurance


, outside, outside, outside, it hurts

! Beast, stop!

Qin Yuan's eyes widened

, and he roared weakly, and he couldn't stop the battle in his body, the situation gradually became clear,

and the demon seed destroyer ant was extremely brave, and a genetic sequence pressed three mythical species

, but the victory or defeat at this time was no longer important to Qin Yuan,

because his body couldn't hold it and was already about to burp

[Gene collapse 97%...... 98%...... 99%

] [Gene Collapse 99.99%]

In the last 0.001 seconds

, Qin Yuan crushed the egg on the side with all his strength

, "Rely on you" "Miracle


Buzz Buzz Buzz

~ The shattered miracle egg shines with the light of evolution


The miracle did not happen

Qin Yuan, died


He is dead again

, but he is not completely dead

, [Genes are all out to rescue the host, and the ......] [Exclusive Gene ......] [Gene Origin ......] [Super Beast Gene ......] [Mythical Gene ......]

[Gene Consciousness......


The genes in the body began to make big moves

, and all

the people boiled

for the final struggle

[Trigger Passive: Elf's Blessing: Lucky 100

] [Activate the Miracle Egg Again

] The shattered Miracle Egg shines with the light of evolution, and the white light Dasheng illuminates the entire dark space The

miracle did not happen

Perhaps, there is no miracle in this world at all


Discord Rule Trigger: Refuse to Die, Refuse to Fail] [

Elven Blessing triggers Synergy Discord Rules, triggers Miracle Egg]

[Miracle Trigger...... Failed

] [Fantasy Crit Coordinated Trigger, Lucky Crit] [

Activate the Miracle Egg Again, Miracle Trigger...... Failure

] [Aura of Faith, Aura of Courage Synergistically Triggered] [

Activate the Miracle Egg Again, Miracle Trigger...... Failed

] [Phantom Beast Gene Sand, Phantom Beast Gene Electricity, Phantom Beast Gene Phoenix, Nuclear Energy Gene, Synergistic Trigger] [

Activate the Miracle Egg Again, Miracle Trigger...... Failed

] [Toxic Gene Combination, Nine-striped Parrot Ancient Poison Snail Gene, White-Ringed Phantom Beast Octopus Gene, and Black and White King Ringed Sea Snake Gene Synergistic Trigger] [

Activate the Miracle Egg Again, Miracle Trigger...... Failure

] [Burst of Potential, Ruby Corn, Dragon's Blood, Elf Wine, Life Essence, Water of Life, Longevity Gene Origin, Synergistic Trigger] [

Activate the Miracle Egg Again, Miracle Trigger...... Failure

] [Power of Natal Rules: Order Rules, Discord

Rules, Destruction Rules, Destruction Rules, Light Rules, Wood Rules, Synergy Trigger] [Failure!] [Failure!] [Failure!]

[Exclusive Gene Death,

Phantom Beast Gene Death, Gene Origin Death, Toxicity Origin

Death] [Order Rules, Death] [Destruction Rules, Death]


Break the Rules

, Death] [Law of Light, Death] [Law of Wood

, Death] [Discord Rule Gene, Sacrifice Full Potential, Refuse to Die, Forcibly

Activate Miracle Egg] [Activate Miracle Egg, Miracle Trigger

......] [Failure] [Discord Rule Gene, Death

] [

You Are Dead]


Qin Yuan looked at

the genes in his body that were desperately trying to save him

, his lips trembled slightly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed out

, "I'm sorry", "You really did your best",

I'm sorry

, ......

I'm really sorry

for what is the strongest in the world,

I ...... Too weak ......


only I had been a little stronger......

If it's stronger......

The consciousness became more and more sinking


it fell into a dead silence

[Gene never gives up

] [The origin of the four mythical genes is fused!]

[The end dance of life] [

Activate the miracle egg, the miracle triggers the loss.... Lost, lost, lost

, ......] The bottom of the abyss of consciousness

was chaotic

Qin Yuan heard dimly, and someone was calling out to him to

be ...... Who?genes

!Is it their own genes?Is

it their own obsession

!They haven't given up their genes yet

, and they can still risk their lives to fight for me!

If I still don't do anything

at this moment

, it will be

very shameless

: "I'm back!"

The Emperor of Immortal Thoughts

has returned

[Genes and the host's immortal intent are triggered in tandem to forcibly reverse

the miracle] [Success!] [The miracle is triggered successfully, and the resurrection begins......]

Forcibly reversed

! The four gods are one

, and all the genes are united, and the miracle is thrown fiercely

, and you want me to fail?

Then I want to succeed to show you!


ultimate evolution

, myth, and gene fusion

●Ancient Immortal: Dark Crystal Emperor Ant (Mutated

Mythical Species) ● Atomic State Nuclear Exploding Ant (Mythical Aberrant

Species) ● Ancient God: Celestial Ant (Ancient Mythical Species

) ● Demon Seed - Destruction Ant (Dream Demonized Species

) Gene

Fusion Final Fusion Form:

[●Immortal Demon God Ant (Ultimate Mythology)]

[Second Order 1%, Insect Power 5000/1 Million, Power 40,000/ 1,000,000]

[Second-Order Exclusive Genetic Ability: 1 Demon God's Body, 2 Demon God's Power (10), 3 Demon God's Amplification Aura, 4 Material Energy Control, 5 Demon God's Induction, 6 Demon God's Domain

] [Genetic Skill: 1 Demon God's Clone, 2 Demon God Cannon

] [Super Beast Ability: 1 Demon God Phoenix] [

Fourth Death Mode Activated: When the Gene Energy is stored to 100%, the strength will be increased by 600% after death resurrection , There is a certain probability of staying in the death realm permanently, and the side effects are unknown

] [2 Nuclear Energy

Control, 3 Holy Light Control] [Super Beast Ability: Dream Crit

] [Rule Ability: 1 Elemental Law: Sand, Thunder, Wood, Light, 2 Decomposition Law, 3 Poison Law, 4 Rule Discord, 5 Rule Order, 6

Rule Destruction, 7 Rule Destruction,] [Companion Demon Weapon: Demon God Sword (Red 7 Stars)

] [Conceptual Ability: Immortal Thought]

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