At noon

the next day, it was still sunny

, and the players entered the arena in advance, and the familiar pre-game trash talk session came to the familiar pre-game trash talk session

: "Hello everyone! I'm Wu Qianqian, next to me, this is one of the seeded players in the first round of 16

, the Three Tigers of the Prison Disaster"

"Three Tigers, what do you want to say to the opponent this time before the game?"

Sanhu took the microphone

and raised his eyebrows

, "Shura King Luo Xing, I have seen his game

" "He is very strong, so strong that

there are almost no shortcomings" "Of course, there are no advantages

" "I will try to solve the battle in five minutes, and then go and buy my son Qin's nutrient solution, a bottle of refreshing ......

"The other half

" Hello everyone! I'm Dongfang Yun, and now we're going to interview Asura King

Luo Xing" "Mr. Luo Xing, what do you think of the top 16 matches of this conference? Is your goal for the championship in this competition?"

Luo Xing paused, his pure white eyes and Dongfang Yun looked at each other instantly, as if he was being targeted by a giant beast, which made Dongfang Yun's legs weak

, this is a terrifying monster

! If you fool it like a little devil, you

will die!

Luo Xing spoke, his voice was very thick, like a heroic hero

, "The top 16 will not be my end

", "I only came for the insect emperor Qin Yuan",



"Ah!!, my ears!!" The

special camera suddenly exploded, injuring a photographer's ear

, and a group of people hurriedly surrounded

it Dongfang Yun took a deep look at Asura's back, can the other party's momentum already affect the material

? Who else can resist such a strong person?

It is estimated that the three tiger lords are more than auspicious!

At the same time

, the owners of the casino were tied up in a secret room by the demon boy, and the five people were in a row, their faces full of fear

At this time, the demon boy had white hair and red eyes, was wearing a suit, holding a bottle in his left hand and a leather whip in his right hand, standing on a brown wooden chair,

the leather whip slapped on the ground


"Dare to play fairy jump with me?"

My lord.... Little adult, at most, we can abscond with money, not an immortal jump!


!" "I don't care

, lose money!" The five chaebol managers looked at each other

, "My lord, you just say how much you want to lose, you say the number

" Hearing this

, the eyes of the demon boy lit up

, and there is such a good thing

, "This is what you told me!"


What !!

" "How many ?!!

" all the bosses wondered if they were crazy about hearing hallucinations

and money, right? One trillion!

? Why don't you grab

it? "Little adult, we really don't have that much, can you return the original 800 million?"


? Return it to me?


I ask for food

." The magic boy frowned

, "Looking for a fight

!" and then flicked the leather whip and whipped

it, "Hey, hahahaha!" Whip you to death, Whip you to death

!" "Devil! You are the devil

!" "Don't you know if the fake one pays ten? The immortal jumps the crime plus one class, and the minimum loss is twenty! Twenty times my bonus!"

"20 times 800 million is 16 billion, and then 20 times 320 billion

" Hehe! Whoever dares not to give it, I will directly visit the door, "

this time I want these five chaebols to bleed......

fiercelyIn the ring

, the three-meter-tall Asura King and the eight-meter-tall Three Tigers stood opposite each other

, and the eyes of the two sides met

, the eyes of the Asura King shone with a ray of white light, and the eyes of the Three Tigers were full of battle intent

, "The game begins!"

With the order

of the game, the flames of the three tigers' bodies soared, and the incarnated fire man

raised ten fingers to aim at the Asura

"Flame Gun: Ten Turns Gatling".

Feng Feng Feng Feng! Flame

bullets shot out like raindrops, all of them hit Asura's body,


explosions continued to sound

continuously, but strangely, this Asura didn't dodge at all, and took all of these flame attacks

, and the Three Tigers laughed

, "Hahahaha!

Hundred Birds Flame Strike!

" "Flame Amplification",

"Flame Burst", "Ten Thousand Birds Burst Flame Map"

At first, the sky was ignited, and a little bit of spark exploded, and then the combustible gas in the air was ignited,


then a hundred birds came out together, and the ten-meter-large flame birds and beasts came to life, each of them had the strength of a medium-level insect beast, and each of them had the strength of a high-level insect beast

Then increase the hundredfold Ten Thousand Birds Burst Flame Diagram, each bird has the strength of a first-order high-level insect beast, the number of almost 10,000

ignited the entire sky in an instant

, and the people in the audience could feel the surging heat wave in their faces

, and the spectacular scene

was like a gorgeous color picture

, who said that the flame is not good?

People who play with fire can't do it, don't blame the uneven road,

the three tigers stared at each other, and pointed at the Asura with one hand

"Burn it

, ten thousand birds" and "chirp !!

" In an instant, the

most shocked person in the field of ten thousand birds was still the giant wood natural disaster, she stared blankly at the flame ten thousand birds in the sky

, "When he fought with me, he actually left his hand...... "

If the three tigers shot with all their might, she would probably have no bones left now, right?

Witnessed by 600,000 spectators, Wanniao first flew high towards the sky, and then fell violently towards the asura

, and when he drew an inverted V in the sky

and fell to the ground, the white light flashed and flashed...... Thousand Flash...... Wan Shan ......

Violent explosions began to

rumble ......

A continuous explosion rang out, and the bombing continued for a full five minutes before it stopped, and

the bombing ended

, and the entire ring was filled with smoke

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