There is no anger in Hongdou's eyes, full of mockery

, killing you, right?

At this time, he has already killed the old monk, and with one claw down

, "Fierce King Force"


Inserted into the


, a question mark appeared in everyone's

mindsWhat is she going to do?

The hand that inserted the alloy floor suddenly rose up, and directly lifted the clay alloy on

it and threw it into the sky

together with the old monk, "Let's go

!" The old monk didn't expect that with such a flick, he would actually be separated from the golden bell jar

, and then his face changed drastically

: "Not good!"

"King Kong is not bad: Pork rib gong"


The floor in the air shattered, and the white tiger came to him, his chest stood up, and he let out a roar

, "Genetic Technique: Fierce King

Roar" and "Roar !!!!"

stunned 600,000 viewers

with a blow

The brains were buzzing, as if someone was holding his head to jump, and the kind of

old monk who bore the brunt

of it for three days and three nights did not change his face and was not afraid at all

, because he was already dizzy

The killing intent of the red bean's eyes skyrocketed, revealing a hideous smile

, "Hehehehe, the Tiger King slapped,


The watermelon exploded

, only to see a ball of flesh and blood falling in the air

, seeing everyone fainting, Qin Yuan was helpless, so he had to personally announce

"The winner of this competition is

" "The right protector of the Qin State, the ancient fierce king tiger, the red bean""

The game rests for an hour, and the next round of battle will start after an hour

""Demon Boy VS Earth Disaster King Man" Earth Disaster

is the top of the mudslide disaster, the power of the elements is several times stronger than the mudslide

, and it can borrow the power of the earth is also a favorable contender

for the championship, and everyone has high hopes for it

, not to mention, the pacifier God of War!

This battle must be a battle of dragons and tigers

for 300 rounds!

Experts predict 55 ......


outer city of Qindu

is full of low houses

, and in the dark alleys

, when

a woman is running away frantically with her bare feet, turning her head to look behind her from time to time, she accidentally bumps into the trash can and makes a sound,

so frightened that she hurriedly shouts

: "Someone! Help!

"There are monsters!"

The woman stopped, her abdomen was already stained red with blood, her eyes gradually dimmed, and

there was a hundred-meter-long green tentacle at the abdominal wound

that was purring ~

three or two times to absorb her flesh and blood, and even the skin was eaten, leaving only blood-stained clothes on the ground

The tentacles retracted back to the telephone pole a hundred meters away, and a green monster stood at the top of the telephone pole

It has four arms, seven eyes, a face full of small tentacles, and dozens of long green tentacles used to hunt behind

it, hunting everything in this small mountain village

, whether it is humans, insects, insects, beasts, it is impossible to escape the catastrophe

of the monster, the seven eyes are wide open, the corners of the mouth are grinning to the roots of the ears

, "Hey! This insect and beast conference, there are really more human beings, and the quality is much higher."

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before I can grow into a second-order transcendent peak!Oh box box!

" A female voice sounded

, "Are you so happy to eat some leftovers

?" The green alien body shrank, and suddenly became alert

, "Who?"

The seven eyeballs turned at the same time, looking around, up and down, left and right, but they didn't see a single figure

or smell a


smell What's going on

? Could it be that after eating mental illness, there was schizophrenia?

The female voice remembered

the "mirror space" again~

A mirror space instantly appeared from the feet of the green alien, and threw it into the new mirror world to go to the

opposite sex and couldn't fly, so she could only stare wide-eyed and watch herself fall down,

"! Sneak attack .....

". The whole process from the beginning to the end

, Jin Linna didn't even show her face

, she even sat in the office, took a sip of ice American, and rubbed her temples

, "The eighth one

" Recently, the frequency of this appearance is getting higher and higher, and the strength is not bad, and the average insect can't

deal with it at all, "Fortunately, the three tigers have been eliminated, and now someone can help deal with it together"

It would be nice if they eliminated a few more

This will be able to handle a lot of things at the same time,

pray for them!Come

second, guys!


In the blue meteorite room

of the Divine Realm

, the 'god' took out its ultimate secret treasure

, "Dangdang Dang!"

A blank piece

of paper, Ying Yuan glanced at it lightly

, turned his head, and left,

"Hey, don't look down on the white paper, this is a page of white paper in the ultimate canon, "The ultimate canon



it to me" "No! I can't give it to you right now, if you can get one for me, I'll give

it to you" "Forget it

" "Don't!" The gods are about to cry, why is this new god so bad

? Isn't the ultimate god a treasure that every god wants? Why is it like looking at garbage? Could it be that I can't read the goods?

"I'm willing to add two more keys to all worlds as bargaining chips".

"Add 10 and I'll promise

you" "You new god, why are you so greedy?at most three, no more, I don't have more

" "Then I'll go?" "

Okay, deal!" The

two reached an agreement, Ying Yuan helped it bring back a god body from one of the parallel worlds, and the god paid 10 keys to the worlds plus a one-pager of the ultimate gods

, but the down payment was only given to 3 keys to the worlds, and the rest was kept for the final payment

Ying Yuan was puzzled

, "Why don't you go yourself?" Aren't you able to travel through the Ten Thousand Realms at will?"

"The gods born in the primordial realm like us are different from the primordial gods like you, we have no entity, and we can't survive in other realms for a long time"

The gods sighed leisurely

, their restrictions were already extremely great

, and they pressed all the treasures in Qin Yuan's Blue Star World, and the result was almost completely wiped out

Not to mention the loss of the artifact, the power of the origin still consumes most of it, and it can be said that

it is impossible to go out to find the body because of the great damage to the vitality, mainly because I am afraid that Ying Yuan will not believe that

it is allergic

to the air

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