On the road in the last days

, a little boy carried a backpack that was a head taller than it, walking on the sidewalk

while drinking drinks and singing

the song "Today is a good day..."


The song soon attracted all kinds of hearing insects, spiders, centipedes, grasshoppers, fleas, mutant cats......


wondered who was singing?

All kinds of insects and beasts were watching in the dark, and the moment they saw Yingyuan, they immediately flowed all over the ground

with food

! Delicious human cubs

! Thank you for the gift of nature!


An eight-meter-long black centipede couldn't help but be the first to kill from the darkness and attack with a puff of smoke

The two giant claws opened their heads towards Ying Yuan and bit down

on the other insects and beasts, where would it be so easy to let it succeed

Another big spider that had been lurking for a long time upstairs immediately squirted a spider web from its buttocks

, poof

~ A cloud of white cobwebs directly locked the centipede to the ground

, "Roar!" The

centipede was unwilling to roar and struggled to


A few more cobwebs, completely wrapped the centipede tightly, it can only whine in the cobwebs

The spider did not care about the centipede, but attacked

the human cubs with fine skin and tender flesh in Yingyuan, it is the most delicious delicacy for insects and beasts,

you are mine!


A loud shout rang out

, "Stop

!" "Let go of that child

!" Sun Yi led three beauties to rescue

the red-haired beauty in time, directly incarnated into a half-birdman form, with feathers growing on his body, and half-knelt on the spot to set up a Barrett to

aim, and

shot in one go



Ying Yuan was shot in the head

Defenseless, he was directly knocked to the ground

, this shot did not hurt much

, and the insult was extremely strong, and he wrote "Let go of that child!"

The second half of the sentence is "Let me come", right

? Tang Ranran's frightened hand The gun fell off

, "It's not good, I killed the hostage

" Sun Yi slapped his forehead


, maybe we shouldn't have come

, "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and save people"

Sun Yi raised the machete to force the spider back, and the three beauties quickly ran towards

Yingyuan, Tang Ranran's eyes were tearful, and while running, she apologized

, "I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!" "But I'm really aiming at the spider on your head!" When

the three of them came to Yingyuan's side, they found that this little guy was looking at them with a curious face,

blonde hair and blue eyes, white and tender

, this is not Zhengtai, this is Gangnan

Who taught you that you are so handsome

at such a young age? Then you will have it when you grow up?

Ying Yuan looked at the three of them with big eyes, and looked harmless and dazed,

"Just now...... Who

attacked me sneak attack?" I didn't feel the killing intent at all

, I was actually hit, and I didn't even react to the seventh sense, of course, it is not ruled out that the seventh sense didn't think it was dangerous at all

, and the third female general Ying Yuan checked

up and down, and Tang Ranran was the most excited

: "Wow! Great! It's so good, you missed it just now, scared me to death, you're actually okay! God willing!".

The three women all thought that the bullet just missed and didn't hit Ying Yuan

After all, it was a special armor-piercing bullet, even the tank could penetrate

If it really hit, it is estimated that the only thing that appears in front of them now is only a half-incomplete corpse

Sun Yi also ran forward with a machete at this moment

, and reminded loudly, "It's okay if the child is fine, there are more and more insects and beasts, let's withdraw quickly."

The three girls looked up and saw that the entire street was full of insects, they kept saliva and watched everyone


Tang Ranran picked up Ying Yuan's backpack, picked him up and ran, and the rest of the people blocked the attack of insects and beasts in the back

, Ying Yuan asked curiously

, "Where are you going to take me?"

"Survivor camp"


Maybe someone there will be someone who can read the pointer

and maybe "Yes, but the matter of your sneak attack on me is not over, let's calculate it slowly

" "Oh, little handsome guy, don't be so stingy! The bullet just flew over your head, and it didn't hit your head, so you forgive me!"

Ying Yuan's small mouth opened slightly, her eyes widened

, what stupid thing was she talking

about? Such a big bullet hit me on the head, and she pretended not to see it?

"Your cheek is probably able to block that armor-piercing bullet

" "Oops, oh no! There is an excellent level

insect beast at the peak of the first order in front of you" The strongest captain of the team is only a first-order high-level elite, and the rest of the people are only first-order intermediate, and the four of them are not necessarily the opponents of the insect beast, and it is difficult to bring a baby oil bottle


Ten meters ahead, a cyan seven-meter pincer shrimp stopped on everyone's way, its two small eyes were full of bloodthirstiness, and the two pincers clicked

and said inexplicable words

in its mouth, "Thin coo

!" "Roar!"

just aimed at everyone and let out an angry roar, and then...


The head exploded out of thin air

, and green blood splashed on several people, emitting a fishy smell,

and everyone looked at each other, looking confused

, "What's the matter?"

After this battle

, everyone did not encounter any danger, the danger was squeezed by someone's volley when he didn't show up

, how could there be any quiet time, but there was a child who was silently pinching everything,

everyone didn't care about retrieving the supplies

, and directly took Ying Yuan to the survivor camp

, which was a newly repaired unfinished building, and the walls were reinforced with reinforced concrete

The building is filled with students, white-collar workers, criminals, police, doctors, ......

A total of thousands

of people entered the building, but everyone who saw Ying Yuan's bulging big backpack, their eyes invariably glowed with green light

, you must know that

after the end

of the world, ordinary people can usually drink a bowl of porridge at every meal, which is the best arrangement

of food, but the most precious material

is not guilty, and a

bloody storm is coming

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