Looking up at

the back door of the school, there were hundreds of people around, crowded, like a black and astringent rush

to rush out of the school, and one person shouted "

Lao Cai, what do you mean by this? Have you forgotten the contract of the six families?"

The leading man on the other side is Lao Cai, he has long hair with a shawl, his eyes are sunken, his appearance is feminine, and he has a box pistol pinned to his waist

Cai Jiang's eyes were disdainful, and he sneered

, "What do you mean

?" "With your current group of remnants defeated, can you hold on to so many supplies and population?" I'm not here to find trouble, on the contrary, I'm here to help you

" "Ask your boss to come out and talk to me"

As soon as the words fell

, Qiu Wu pushed everyone away and appeared in front of Cai Jiang, and as soon as the two met, they opened their hands

, "Hahahaha!" Lao Cai, long time no

see" "Oh, Lao Qiu! If you don't see you for a day, it's like every other autumn!" The

two came to a big hug

, Qiu Wu smiled, leaned on Cai Jiang's shoulder and whispered

, "You don't need to kill it all

" "You are this piece of fat, the five families are staring at it, if you don't cooperate with me, then you can only wait to be divided."

Qiu Wu was silent, now there are 200 veterans, 100 recruits, 800 young women, 1900 old people and children left in the base

, except for their own camp is democratized, the other five gathering places are slaves

, if these people are really handed over, then they can only live like animals in this life, live like

an animal

, but they are alive anyway, isn't it


I don't agree! The two separated

, Qiu Wu's eyes were full of determination, "I live for a day, and I won't let my people be hurt in the slightest

" "So, I refuse

!" "Lao Cai, you ....." Before the words fell, Cai Jiang took out the pistol on his waist, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and a hideous smile appeared on his face

, "If you don't agree, you will die!"

Pull out the gun, raise your hand, pull the trigger

and bang——

bullet flew towards Qiu Wu's heart at a rapid

speed [Bullet time] In 0.00001 seconds

, the world seemed to be pressed the pause button

, a figure walked slowly between the two, stretched out two fingers to easily clamp the bullet, took another sip of Bing Kebi, and scratched his somewhat itchy ears with his little tail finger

[Bullet time ends].



Qiu Wu covered his chest and fell to the ground, his eyes were closed, his expression was painfully distorted, and the hissing sound in his mouth continued


Qin Yuan was dumbfounded and kicked Qiu Wu's leg

with his foot, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"I...... I got shot...... Take care of ...... My wife...... And my sister-in-law...... "

Are you talking about this

bullet?" "Huh?"

Hearing this, Qiu Wu looked at the bullet in Qin Yuan's hand, then looked down at his chest, and groped his whole body up and down with both hands, only then did he make sure that he really didn't hit Qiu Wu

smiled embarrassedly

, "Hehe, I thought it was too painful, and my senses were paralyzed"

It's okay!

When he looked up and found that not only him, but the whole audience was stunned

, everyone stared at Qin Yuan and

Qiu Wu

with a long mouth, and was shocked, "Why can you take ?!!the bullet empty-handed?"

And you are obviously behind the crowd, how did you appear

in front of me? Qiankun Teleportation

? Qiu Wu was stunned?

Even more confused than him was Cai Jiang who shot in front of him, his hands were trembling at the moment as if he had lived in Parkinson's

fog for many years, and he knew that there was no superpower in this world, and all the answers were only one

The man in front of him was a monster in the fog

A misty creature that is exactly the same as a human being, and when he meets this person for the first time in 20 years since he entered the mist

, he may be the lord of the mist, the king of the mist, the tyrant of the mist, the god of the mist, the apostle of the mist, and the ...... of the mist

Not only can he grab bullets with his bare hands, but he can also teleport

, and he can't be provoked by teleportation! Hurry up Cai Jiang's

eyes widened, staring directly at Qin Yuan, and slowly retreating The

legendary Lord of the Mist needs to be firmly stared at without blinking, otherwise it will teleporte behind

you, kill it Hehe

, my Lao Cai will not be so stupid, I will definitely stare at you

Qin Yuan looked at Lao Cai's actions suspiciously

"What are you doing?"

"I'm running away

" "Come back

!" "Yes!"

Lao Cai quickly stepped forward when he heard this, returned to Qin Yuan's side, his body stood straight, his eyes looked straight ahead, and he didn't dare to take

a breath

Qin Yuan smiled and looked at Lao Cai in front of him

, "You are quite interesting"

Cai Jiang bent down and smiled, with a flattering face

. What the Lord of the Mist said, the villain didn't dare to disobey, but ......

" "But what?"

"The people from the other four major gathering places are also on the way, and it will be dangerous here at that time

" As soon as he finished speaking

, a loud laugh sounded

, "Hahahaha!

Let me tell you, it's not just Qiu Wu's women and supplies that we want, but also your Lao Cai's women, we also want

it" "Hahahahaha!" A

burly figure walked out of the fog and appeared in everyone's field of vision

, at least 2 meters tall, with tight muscles all over his body, wearing a crooked military hat, it was a general wearing a military coat It was

a chocolate, and when he laughed, he could only see a flash of white light, and there were hundreds of chocolate soldiers with guns behind him

Qin Yuan frowned, raised his hand, and aimed at the group of

chocolates "Breaking the Rules, Cell Destruction"


In an instant

, hundreds of chocolates foamed at the mouth, and their whole body twitched, obviously experiencing great pain

, "Aba

, Mom, Mom, Woo Woo Woo" "



The chocolates ended their sinful lives in a painful wail, and the crime rate in the fog dropped directly by 99%

Qin Yuan showed a

satisfied smile, and couldn't help but sigh

I am still so kind

Raised his eyes and looked at the other three groups of people who were menacing again, the corners of his mouth went up, and he snorted softly

, "Huh?"

The boss of the three groups of people knelt down directly, and the rest of the people knelt down

. Dear Lord of the Mist, we have come to pray for you, there is absolutely no malice, praise you!

" "Praise the Lord of the Mist" ×1588

Qin Yuan is all happy, this group of things that bully the soft and fear the hard are all good material for being raped

"Okay, get up

" "All the bosses come to gather with me

" "Yes" ×5


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