
to Buzz -

The whole space was quiet for a second at this moment

, and then BOOM

!!!! the ground roared, and the ground below cracked at first, and then it seemed to have received a huge pressure, and it began to collapse towards the bottom at a rapid speed, and there was a boom and a boom


dust was flying

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a bottomless huge pit appeared,

and the breath of the evil god disappeared completely, and it was directly beaten into powder, and the dead could not die anymore


God, pawn!] Qin Yuan was helpless, holding his head and shouting

, "No!!, God, why?"

"Why is it another punch

" "I'm obviously already very light"

What about the evil gods who went to TMD

are still ancient gods?

This is as brittle as a piece of paper

, it is better for the earth gods to be able to resist the fight Now it's okay, the plan is all in vain

, and I can't ask why I

owe it so much?

Before Qin Yuan could be sad for long, the familiar rustling sound sounded

, and there were people wearing masks walking out of the bushes, densely packed with hundreds of masked people, and their aura was very unified

[Sixth-Order Peak Evil God Falling Tungsten].

[Sixth-Order Peak: Evil God Falling Tungsten

] [Sixth-Order Peak: Evil God Falling Tungsten]


So many

evil gods have stabbed the evil gods' nest

? No

, the breath is not right

, Qin Yuan reacted, "Puppet?" It

turns out that the evil god who has just been fighting for so long is actually just an ordinary puppet of the other party?

How strong should the real body be

? This is really


The corners of Qin Yuan's mouth hooked up with a sunny smile

"It's great that you're okay

" "Second game, let's start"


On the second day

, the voice of the home court of the Qindu

quarterfinals rang out

, "Starting today, the quarterfinals

of the world's first insect and beast conference, the top eight players who advanced are

" "Pacifier God of War Demon Boy

", "King of Asura, Luo Xing",

"The First Legion Commander of Qin State: Vector Natural Disaster, Unicorn Immortal", "Qin

State's Right Protector Messenger: Ancient Fierce King Tiger Red Bean".

"Qin Guozuo Protector Messenger

: Canglong Yunju", "Imperial Sword Saint: Qin Xin

", "Mysterious Black Robed Man", "Extreme Cold Natural Disaster: Han Buwei

", "The schedule of the competition is as follows

", "First Match: Unicorn Fairy VS Mysterious Black Robed Man

", "Second Match: Canglong Yunju VS Asura King",

"Third Match: Demon Boy VS Extreme Cold Natural Calamity",


Fourth Match: Red Bean VS Sword MasterThe

black calamity in the audience seat

with white bandages on his body sat with the other Qin army commanders, and looked at the stage with solemn eyes

, "That mysterious black-robed man, it doesn't feel like an earth creature"

Recalling yesterday's big battle

, the black calamity had palpitations

, and after the black curtain was opened, only a few people knew what happened

The strength of the mysterious black-robed people is actually a second-order peak

natural disaster, and it is very strange to attack, in this situation where the earth is generally first-order, a second-order cub suddenly appears

, which makes the black natural disaster very puzzled

, you know, even if they want to break through the second order at the moment, it is very difficult

, of course, they can also be upgraded through the downgrade

The so-called degrading and upgrading,It is to reduce the quality of natural disasters to ordinary super beasts,Or reduce to the perfect level,To achieve the purpose of breakthrough

Unless it is a last resort,No beast will choose this way of damaging potential to improve its

own degradation and upgrading,At present, it is known that only one monster has used

it, that is, the second-order mosquito mother,According to the spy sparrow,It was cut off by a man with a hand knife.,At present, it seems that the second-order can't turn over any storms

. Because the gap between

the second-order perfection and the second-order natural calamity is outrageous, but the mysterious black-robed

person is different, it is the peak of the second-order natural calamity, this is outrageous

? Even if it is the strongest person he knows, the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan, he has only broken through the

second-order natural calamity, or

is it the peak? In today's Blue Star, it is impossible to appear

unless it is an alien,

and the

host's voice sounded again

"The game starts in 60 minutes, please get ready for the unicorn fairy and the mysterious black-robed man

" The audience outside the court began to bet one after another

, "It's coming, I'll buy a unicorn fairy for 1 million" "Still buy a unicorn


That's the strongest vector natural disaster, known as the super strong person of the first person in the natural disaster, I will press the unicorn fairy 5 million!" "

How strong can it be? Dare to say that you can win the black natural disaster within 1 hour? Yesterday, the black natural disaster was beaten all the way, even if a small black room was opened in the back, it could only be locked up and beaten

" "I pressed the mysterious black robe man 10 million

" ......

The audience was divided into two groups

, basically, the support rate of both sides was 55 Kai

, and finally

the time came an hour later

, the unicorn fairy and the mysterious black-robed man entered one after another, and the two stood like a hundred meters opposite each other, and

the host's voice sounded

, "The game begins!"

The mysterious black-robed man is three meters tall, with a white ghost mask on his face, revealing two brown vertical pupils under the mask, he raised his index finger with brown leather gloves, and pointed his finger at

the unicorn fairy "laser beam"

The blue light lights up


The unicorn fairy's insect sense is reminding it that this laser is very dangerous

but, so what

? Am I afraid of danger?

Labor and management can: vector natural disaster!" "Vector rebound

" The laser was intercepted halfway, stuck in mid-air and unable to advance or retreat, and kept making a sizzling sound

, and the mysterious black robe let out a rattling laugh

, "It is worthy of a vector natural disaster, even my genetic weapon can resist it"

The unicorn fairy raised his eyebrows and raised his

genetic weapon?

Isn't it genetically armed?

Could it really be like the Black Scourge said, the other party is actually an alien race?

Regardless of whether

he fights, he will know that

"provoking me will only make you die faster"

"Vector Manipulation Tornado"

This is the first time that the unicorn fairy has used the power of vector to affect wind energy, but as soon as he gets started, it is like a partner who has cooperated for many years, and he is handy,

and the wind is raging

in an instant

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