
, it's not the breath of a transcendent creature

, it's .....

The breath of the gods?!Moreover, there are two breaths of the gods

!boom!There was a loud bang

in the sky, and the kilometer demon frog fell to the ground, "Quack

!" On the forehead

of the demon frog, Qin Yuan hugged his chest with both hands, and the majestic power of the demon god emanated out to make everyone tremble, he looked at the enemy in the sky coldly, and frowned slightly

, "This obscene breath....""

Oh~!I remembered, it's you!" That lewd god who didn't even dare to show his face, now I know that you are not only cowardly, but also a faceless person (slut)"

The moment the sky deceitful god saw Qin Yuan, he couldn't hide his excitement, and a big jagged mouth grew on his face, grinning wildly

, "Hehehehe! Finally meet! Worm Emperor, really counted, this is the first time we have met

" "Your mouth is much more poisonous than the rumors, hehehehe!"

"I'm not here to play tricks with you, I know that you are also looking for a black Rubik's Cube, you must have one in your hand

, it's useless for you to hold this thing, it's better to sell it to me" "You can mention the conditions as you like

" Before Qin Yuan could speak, an angry children's voice said, "Don't

sell it! No one will sell it to you, you villain!"

Everyone heard the sound and saw that

it was the demon boy trio standing

on the roof of a building

The magic boy crossed his waist at the moment, looked arrogant, and staggered forward

, "Uncle Ben hates two kinds of people the most in his life, the first is to come and steal my family while I am away

" "The second is the person who came to stop me when I was concentrating on stealing my house

" "Hmph!"


was shocked


Uncle Demon Boy

! Qin Yuan saw the angry demon boy, smiled lightly, and instantly flashed to its side,

"What? Interested in this ugly monster?"

"The stealing dog should be defeated by Uncle Ben! Qin Yuan, you don't want to rob me of monsters, right?" The

demon boy's expression suddenly changed, his mouth pursed, he shook his hands like a demon, and his tone began to be yin and yang

, "No, no, the dignified insect emperor has actually been reduced to fighting with a baby to rob monsters, you won't be so stingy, right? It's not like me....... Oh! Don't ...... Wrong!I'm wrong

!"I haven't finished my lines yet

!""It's a big deal, let's guess the boxing, two wins in three games, and the one who loses is going to clean up that ugly monster, but if you lose the punch, don't beat the ugly monster to death, I still want to play......."

The deceitful god was angry with

the Worm Emperor and the Demon Boy, what did these two think of themselves

? Guess the boxing

? Play me

? Don't play to death?!

It's too much to deceive the gods! I don't take

my deceitful god in my eyes at all, "Look for death!"

Qin Yuan's eyes exploded

, Qin Yuan's eyes moved slightly, as if he felt the killing intent of the deceitful god, and raised two fingers at

the same time with the god, and the two of them spoke at the same time

, "Deceitful God Domain

", "Demon God Domain", "

Unfolded", ×

2, and in an instant,


humIn the eyes of

Qin Yuan and the gods, time and space seemed to stand still, everything in heaven and earth turned gray and white, Qin Du was all shrouded in

the realm, and under the collision of the two realms, everything was isolated outside the realm, Qin Yuan and the strange god were the only two Qin Yuan

and the strange god Qin Yuan was surprised

, "Oh? Such a huge and tough realm, it seems that you are much stronger than the first guy who claims to be a god, I have to wonder if you are the same species."

"Hehe, it's just waking up too early, otherwise it's a simple matter to clean you up, we are pure gods with eternal life

!" "

If you give me the black Rubik's Cube, I promise that you will also become a member of the God Race and share eternity!"

"Insect Emperor Qin Yuan, why don't we cooperate! If you and I walk hand in hand, we can be the king of the whole universe!"

Qin Yuan smiled

"To be the master of the universe, I am enough for myself, and I need to join hands with you?" This idea

is equivalent to an ordinary person saying to Musko: Musko and I will join hands to be the richest man in the world! I

will share 1,000 billion yuan with you for 132 yuan and 5 cents, and both of them will become the richest man, right

? Who cares about your three-digit deposits

? Who cares?

Isn't this pure and disgusting person?

The god's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing evil and murderous intent, and the divine power on his body gushed

out and threw out a black sword, and a drop of pure white blood

[Demon Sword Boda (5-star red)] [Ancient Evil God Essence Blood (9-star red)]

"This is a specially prepared gift to kill you, but don't let me down

!" "Demon Refining Array: Qi!" "

Six Demons, Resentment, Evil, Pain, Guilt... Despair, Hatred, Six-in-One

" "True Martial Demon King: Evil Resentment Wave"

On the battlefield, countless unjust souls, evil thoughts, emotions, blood

, and all negative energy began to absorb all the negative energy accumulated by Blue Star over the years, and the negative energy of the entire Blue Star was poured into the magic sword

, and a black shadow gradually condensed into the

first-order, second-order, and third-order


Its strength is also rising rapidly

, in the [Seventh-Order Peak Demon Seed

: True Martial Demon King: Evil Resentment Wave] [Ability: Negative Emotional Manipulation

, Negative Energy Absorption] [Genetic Armament: 6-Star Demon Sword (Negative Energy Infection +1 Star)]

The appearance of the True Martial Demon King is a three-meter-tall fat man, with two pink flesh horns on his head, white stripes on his body, and a black magic sword in his hand

After the god of deception injected his divinity into the demon sword, the True Martial Demon King Evil Resentment Wave successfully broke through to the seventh order, but did not become an apostle, but evolved into a demon seed

With the blessing of the negative energy of the universe, this guy is still continuing to become stronger

Evil Thought Creation?

Qin Yuan's expression became a little serious, and he pulled out his weapon

[+11 Demon God Sword (8-star red)]

The movement was as fast as lightning, and he appeared in front of the True Martial Demon King in an instant

"Split Huashan!" shouted

in his mouth to split Huashan, and raised his hand to slash horizontally


The True Martial Demon King was cut in half with a single sword, and its face was still stunned, the magic sword raised in his hand looked very stupid, and the momentum on his body was instantly weakened by 50%

Qin Yuan was also shocked

that he didn't die?!

Split into two seventh-order top-level True Martial Demon Kings, mouths grew out of the buttocks of the lower half of his body, and he scolded angrily,


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