The Demon Boy's expression was angry, his eyes were red, he looked up to the sky and roared, and the power of the rules gushed out all over his body, and the power of the rules turned into a liquid state to wrap his whole body

, "Demon Fury, Kai!

", "Demon Transformation, Second Transformation",

"Anger Rules

: Blessing", "Law of Killing: Blessing",

and "Supreme Battle Instinct: Open"

transformation was completed

Two curved demon horns grew on the demon boy's head, and he was about to enter an unconscious state in an instant, and he forcibly bit his tongue and used pain to keep his sanity

! The law of anger cannot be fully activated, and he will lose his reason,

"Endless Battle, Open!"


100% 200




golden flame burned violently out of thin air, the demon boy was bathed in flames, and the momentum of the whole person increased again

, even as an enemy, An Guozuo was shocked by the breath

of the demon boy at this moment, and the muscles of his body instinctively tightened, this is the state that only appears when he meets an opponent with strength, which shows that the strength of the demon boy at this moment can be comparable to him

An Guozuo's expression became

more and more excited, the corners of his mouth were smiling, and his eyes were full of battle intent, "Finally! Finally waiting for an opponent! I haven't been so excited for thousands of years

!" "Come on, let me see your true strength

" "Let's go all out!" The

demon boy has two horns on his head at this moment, his eyes are blood-red, fangs grow out of his mouth, a pair of demon wings on his back, and a demon tail grows on his back, and

his mouth exhales blood-colored flames

The burning golden flame on his body was mixed with the blood flame, forming a golden red blood flame

Looking at An Guozuo, he grinned

, "Don't worry, we have to play slowly!"

An Guozuo didn't even have time to react, the cause and effect gun had already appeared in front of him

, and his pupils suddenly shrank so fast

! But An Guozuo was a thousand-year-old soldier after all, and his body reacted with instinct

"Guardian Enchantment" crossed his arms, and a purple enchantment shield appeared on his chest Poof!

The causal gun ignored the guardian enchantment

and directly inserted it into An Guozuo's heart, An Guozuo's pupils dilated, and

blood overflowed from his mouth

The guardian barrier disappeared in an instant

, "cough cough...... How could it be?...

"Why is this happening?"

I obviously defended it

, and without waiting for him to think too much, a fist quickly enlarged in front

of his eyes, "Trachoma

Fist" Bang!


!" An Guozuo covered his eyes and screamed in pain, his left eye was directly hit purple by a punch

, but this is not over, the attack of the demon boy has only officially started now

, "Continuous Demon Boy Fist!"



h The whole pit echoed with the sound ......!!of fist drums

, "How is it? Does it hurt?" "Ahh

Don't fight anymore

!" Hearing the other party begging for mercy, the magic boy became even more excited

, "Hahahahaha

!Oh, angry?Oops, so angry!, so angry!, tsk, tsk, "Trachoma, I'll let you try trachoma, ahhh


The demon boy fought for more than 10 minutes, until An Guozuo's body bones were shattered, the muscles were torn, the meridians were broken, ** exploded

When his breath of life disappeared

, the demon boy withdrew his hand and pulled out the cause and effect gun, and still fell to the ground with a bang from An Guozuo's free fall movement

, blood stained the earth, life and death did not know

the blood stains on the gun The demon boy

threw the blood on the gun, his expression was disdainful, and he stepped on An Guozuo's head with one foot, and his tone was extremely arrogant

"Miscellaneous! It's your honor to die under the fist of my demon boy, but it's a pity! If you have any good treasures to give up early, I may also consider sparing your life

" "If you want to blame yourself, you don't have any eyesight

" At this moment

, a violent heartbeat sounded, and the demon boy turned his head to look around in surprise

, "Hmm, what sound?"

This time, the demon boy finally determined the source of the voice, looked at An Guozuo at his feet

, and frowned, "Not dead yet? The strength is not good, but the life is quite hard"

At this moment, An Guozuo punched, this punch was so fast that it was blurred, but the demon boy predicted the opponent's attack with his supreme combat instinct, and sneered and swung

his fist to fist bombardment


The wind raged in the entire deep pit, and the demon boy's face changed, and a huge energy fluctuation came from his arm


! The demon boy was blasted out, and his body drew a beautiful parabola

in the air, An Guozuo's body at the moment was twisted and deformed like a monster, the back of his hands and insteps were facing down, his head was flipped 180 degrees,

and he staggered and stood up, his body continued to sound a clicking and writhing sound, and the kung fu of blinking was restored to its original

state, twisting his neck at will

, looking at the demon boy, there was a little more appreciation in his eyes

: "Not bad! It's just that the accuracy is a little worse, and if you just use the power of the law to break my core, it may cause me a little trouble

" "You are an opponent worthy of a formal battle

" "Then ......"

"Reacquaint yourself with it".

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