"Ahh.....h I.... I can't breathe

" "Let go...... Pass...... I "

I want to...... "...... alive"

Qin Yuan pinched the neck of the True Martial Demon King, lifted it up like a little chicken and hung it in the air, his gaze quickly swept over the surrounding

demon boy and fell to the ground After lifting the second stage of the endless battle, the demon boy passed out directly to the ground, and the powerful side effects were enough for it to sleep for a while

Around was the raging sixth-order insect tide and a large number of third-order and fourth-order alien insects

, on the distant battlefield, the demon

dragon frog, the apostle Jayne, and the Asura King Hai Ling were all fighting against the sixth-order insect tide

The Three Tigers and some of the Hive Empress reinforcements are fighting against the third-order and fourth-order insect tides, and the natural disasters such as the One-Horned Immortal are still fighting in Jin Linna's mirror

, and the situation is critical

Qin Yuan frowned, and his five fingers tightened hard, suffocating the True Martial Demon King's face red, and his eyeballs began to be congested

, "Surrender/Die"

The True Martial Demon King cried, didn't I surrender a long time ago? Cooperation, you don't care what I said at all

Why is there an illusion that I am still resisting

stubbornly? I have surrendered a long time ago!

The True Martial Demon King reluctantly spoke

, "Suck a

......" and "Surrender ......"

Hearing this

, Qin Yuan let go of his hand and let the True Martial Demon King fall to the ground, condescendingly looking down on this Erwuzai

." You currently have the divinity of the insect god in this

body, force it out and hand it over to me" The True Martial Demon King raised his hand and forced out a golden bead [Divine Crystallization of the Eighth Order Insect God]

Qin Yuan directly put it into his pocket, and threw out a flying needle with his backhand and pierced it into the body of the True Martial Demon King

, "Your inner body has been planted with the poison of concept by me, if you dare to have two hearts, you will be wiped out immediately"

Of course, as long as you do it well, it will not only detoxify you, but also teach you how to use the power

of the concept"

In fact, how can I know what kind of concept poison, just take it out and scare it, now there is a shortage of manpower, there is just an immortal true martial demon king at the peak of the seventh order who can be used as a thug

tool, of course, it is a prostitute

! I am not even ready to pay my salary!

The head under the True Martial Demon King smiled disdainfully


this moment! Thought

I would believe this kind of nonsense

? The poison of the concept, if you knew how to use this method a long time ago, would you wait until now

? At most, it is a rule-based toxin, wait for me to find it out first, the rule-based toxin has no use for this kind of

resentment aggregate against me, and wants to scare me the True Martial Demon King's evil resentment? What are you kidding?

It's okay not to look inward, after an inward view....

The True Martial Demon King suddenly trembled, his eyes were panicked, and his two hands began to wipe sweat frantically

, right

? There is no brain?

There is no cell? There is no gene?

soul, spirit, resentment, and the demon seed gene ......

No! No! Still

no! After looking around, I was surprised to find that I couldn't find where

the poison was! How could it be that there was no

poison? Could it really be a

conceptual-level poison? Isn't

it? No? No! It's

not going to be so ruthless?!

If you think about it carefully, this is the only one possible, and only a conceptual-level poison can make you undetectable

The True Martial Demon King's legs were limp and collapsed to the ground, and then his eyes rolled around, and he immediately knelt on the ground, and placed his fist on his chest with one

hand, "Lord Insect Emperor is on top! I, the True Martial Demon King, am willing to obey your command! Become the sharpest sword in your hand!"

I'm still so young, just a child of more than 80,000

years old! 85,688 years old is about to die young?


I will never allow this to happen, I still

have to kill back to the Demon Realm! Now in this situation, I don't know who I was summoned by, and my strength has fallen to the seventh order, and I will definitely not be able to defeat it, so I can only steal my development first

and then sneak back to the Demon Realm when I have time, and slowly find a way to detoxify

Qin Yuan, in line with the idea that the tool man can prostitute himself in vain, happily accepted the surrender of

the True Martial Demon King, "Since you have become a warrior under the emperor's throne, then don't be idle, go to the battlefield and arrest all the sixth-order insects and beasts, and you want to live"

The True Martial Demon King held his sword in both hands and surrendered his hand

, "Obey!" After that, he turned into a black light and ran to the first battlefield

, Qin Yuan picked up the demon boy and left towards the rear


After settling the demon boy, Qin Yuan looked at the sky, the portal was already a hundred meters small at this moment, and there were no more insects and beasts teleporting over

, "Worm God, arrived 11 months earlier than in his previous life, is he in such a hurry to die?"

Just when Qin Yuan was about to launch a star cannon at the wormhole, the wormhole in the sky suddenly disappeared,

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows

, "Oh? This is ......?"

"Was it counter-predicted?".

It's so strong that the seventh sense actually predicted that I predicted

it, mainly Qin Yuan hesitated just now

, and at this moment, he didn't know what kind of existence the forces behind the insect god were, but judging from the news that Ying Yuan came back, the Zerg forces were more complex than he imagined

, and the object of his direct revenge must be the eighth-order true god who invaded this time, but the Zerg had conquered the existence of the universe for centuries, and it was definitely not as simple as more than one eighth-order

In the case that the ancient universe overlord is not allowed to protect the other party's forces and backhand, it is not advisable to attack blindly, at least before reaching the peak

of the universe, Qin Yuan will most likely not challenge the ancient universe overlord, his eyes seem to penetrate the space and see the insect god behind

him, "Let you live for two more days"

Wait for yourself to win the Millennium Universe Qualifying Match, find the three-color super artifact given to him by the universe nobles last time, and then go and get today's field back

Qin Yuan gave up the pursuit, and instead entered

the natural disaster battlefield in the Ten Thousand Mirrors space

, Jin Linna, Bai He, and White Tiger Red Beans were besieging the fourth-order

blood spirit, the situation of the three of them was not optimistic, at this moment, they were ragged and exhausted, after all, the three of them were only second-order, and in the case of the same quality, the challenge of leapfrogging was no longer easy

, even if they relied on special abilities to cooperate with each other, they were still not the opponents of the blood spirit natural disaster, and it was only a matter of time before they failed

The Blood Spirit Catastrophe's mouth opened 180 degrees, aiming at Jin Linna and the others, and let out a piercing hiss

, "Woo, ah, ah, !!!!!",

"Ten Thousand Piercing Blood Sword Kill

" In an instant, tens of thousands of blood swords condensed the blood spirit out of thin air

, revealing a cruel smile

: "Fear! Human!

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