Qin Yuan's smile made the deceitful god creepy, and his pupils

were not good!

This smile was going to suffer!


deceitful god's eyes were full of fear, he gritted his teeth and activated the power of the law, his hands were sealed, and his fingers changed and pinched out several magic decisions

Qin Yuan immediately felt a dizzying whispering sound in his head, which was even more uncomfortable than hearing chalk scraping the blackboard, a hundred times dizzy

, nausea, and powerlessness

, and various negative states followed one after another

, Qin Yuan covered his head with one hand, his expression was painful

, and the deceitful god was also relieved when he saw this, revealing a villain's triumphant smile

: "Hey, hahaha!" The duration of the ancient god's whispering can reach 24 hours, and during this time, you will continue to suffer mental torture, how about it?This feeling is very uncomfortable, right

?" "This is the whispering of the ninth-order ancient god, even if it

is you, the insect emperor Qin Yuan can't resist the existence" "Now you just need to tell me where the black magic cube is, I won't kill you, let's get together and disperse, how about it?"

Qin Yuan covered his head, sweating profusely and falling to the ground in pain, but he still looked at the deceitful god with a firm gaze

"You tell me first...... What the hell is the cosmic authority? Otherwise, even if

you kill me, you won't get it" The deceitful god smiled and

said, "Hehahaha!" Don't be stupid, you think I'm going to tell you? If I don't say it, what can you do to me?"If you don't say it,

then I'll kill myself"



you threaten me with suicide

? Are

we enemies

?"Then you will die, hurry up and die!" "If I die, you will never think of the black Rubik's Cube"

What? What poisonous human beings!

If you like to kill yourself, forget it, and die with my cosmic key? How can there be such a person?

The deceitful god fell into deep thought

, he didn't believe that Qin Yuan would die so easily, and he didn't believe that he would give himself a Rubik's Cube

, but now he didn't have a choice at all, the ancient god whispered normally for 24 hours, but against a strong person like Qin Yuan, he could only be trapped for about an hour at most

, so he could only gamble

, "Okay, I'll tell you the cosmic permission, you give me the black Rubik's Cube, if you agree, just sign it."

Take out a brown parchment scroll

[Divine Spirit Contract (Red

1 Star)] [Sign the contract under the witness of the laws of the universe, if there is any violation of the contract, the laws of the universe will be punished

] [Treaty 1: The current deceitful god of Party A: Tiso Laolos, is willing to exchange the information of the cosmic authority for the cosmic key in the hands of the Lord of the Blue Star Qin Kingdom of Party B: Insect Emperor Qin Yuan] [

Treaty 2: After the transaction is established, the handover of items and information needs to be completed within 1 hour]

[Party A's Signature: Tiso Laulos (Attached: Soul Mark)

] [Party B's Signature:]

Qin Yuan's eyes rolled and swept the parchment scroll, he immediately stood up straight, and wrote his name at will

, completely like a nobody

, the deceitful god was stunned, his eyes widened, and his mouth was open ninety degrees

, what happened?"

"You...... How did you recover

?"How is it possible

?24 hours


So fast?!

It's only been less than a minute?

?Qin Yuan pouted disdainfully

, "Just your old lady's babbling on the street?

Now Qin Yuan doesn't talk about the ninth-order ancient gods, even if the legendary tenth-order powerhouse dares to touch it

, he just wants to get a little more information

, but Qin Yuan also knows that the deceitful god can't do anything else, and the kung fu of running away is 999!6 After turning it, Qin Yuan

has a deep understanding of this

, and now that he has signed a contract, he is not afraid that the god of deceit will regret and run away, the majestic power of the cosmic law is not a joke

Even if Qin Yuan was as small as dust in front of it, let alone

the god of deceit, "Confess! Confess leniently, resist strictly, don't think about running, you can't afford the consequences of running

" The god of deceit immediately became a bitter gourd face

, and he was actually tricked

! This is very insect emperor!

"Okay, this has to start with the god war...... "

God war again?

". Why don't you start with the Big Bang?

Qin Yuan's forehead blood vessels gradually bulged, and his tone gradually became irritable

, "Tell the point!" The

deceitful god cleared his throat

"To put it simply, the cosmic authority is divided into two parts: creation/destruction, and the destruction authority is all in the hands of the cosmic will, and it will not be handed over, and now all that is scattered outside is the creation authority."

The purpose of this god is also very simple, to use the authority to create the kingdom of God, as for why I am in such a hurry to create the kingdom of God, I'm sorry! This is my privacy, it's inconvenient to disclose"

Qin Yuan tilted his head and wondered

, who asked you?

If you don't create the kingdom of God, who cares?"

After listening to you, I feel that this cosmic authority is the same as Lese......

"What is

wet garbage at most

?Or is it the god of garbage and deceit

arrogantly raising his head"The law of creation?How can that kind of garbage be compared to cosmic permission?Cosmic permission does not refer to a single universe, but to the multiverse, in other words..."

"Permission can open up new universes!You will become the original god! Take charge of your own cosmic space, even if the universe you are in is destroyed, restarted, and reset to zero, as long as you have cosmic permission, you will not be affected

" "Cosmic authority can also create mythical creatures, create divinity, and even surpass

gods, above all gods" "That is, true immortality, true eternity, supreme perfection!"

As he spoke, the tone of the deceitful god became more and more excited, and his words were full of yearning

Just as it was giving a speech, a black Rubik's Cube was thrown towards it, and the deceitful god subconsciously caught

it, then raised his head and looked at Qin Yuan in disbelief

, "You actually gave it to me?"

At this moment, the parchment rolled into ashes

[The contract was reached]

Qin Yuan spread his hands, showing a sunny and handsome smile

, "Of course, I have always been a good five-star citizen who keeps his promises!"

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