The three tigers

in the west teaching

building are fighting with dung

beetles, cockroach people VS dung beetles (shell lang),

the three tigers must suffer more in terms of strength, but in terms of speed, the three tigers are faster,

the range of both sides is wider, and the aftermath of the battle is greater, and the corpses of insects and beasts that come to watch can be piled up on the first floor of the teaching building

." MD, how can this thing be the same as a dog's skin plaster, and you

can't get rid of it?" "To be honest

, the three tigers don't want to fight with each other, the dung beetle's genetic development degree is more than twice

that of him, and the overall strength is stronger than him, and he can hit the opponent with a charged blow, the key is that there is no chance of charging, the other party will not stand stupidly and wait for you to complete the charge

, don't look at the insect beast, a physique is very large, and often the winner is only cut off in one move

If you really dare to stand still, slowly accumulate strength for 20 seconds, the head is unscrewed by the insect beast in

minutes, and when the ball is kicked, you can only outwit



The wall is broken, and the dung beetle is found again, fortunately, the other party will not attack from a distance, and the best thing is a trick head mallet, and a strong King Kong leg

dung beetle

legs use the head mallet

The three tigers deftly avoided, constantly shuttling between buildings, looking for a suitable counterattack opportunity


the ground trembled

, and with a bang, the dung beetle actually came out of the ground, hugged the legs of the three tigers,

and the three tigers secretly said that it was not good, gritted their teeth

and slashed their legs with a knife, and their wings flapped and flew backwards, sticking to the wall

"Exclusive Gene: Regeneration"


A new foot grew again, but it also took a lot of physical strength because

of this, and the dung beetle gnawed the legs of the three tigers on the spot, eating with relish, that called a fragrant

three tigers, his face was ugly, and he was forced into such an embarrassing situation by the excellence level

, and the three tigers were gloomy when they fell to the ground again, and their eyes showed an irrepressible murderous aura

: "Come on!

He agitated the back swing of his right hand, forming an inverted

V, and sure enough

, when the other party saw it like this, he immediately threw down the leg meat that gnawed

to the side, and launched an attack, and the three tigers had already expected the other party's actions, this time it was just a false shot

, and the wings fanned to dodge the attack

, and then still kept the back swing of the hand in a V-shaped shape, and the dung beetle was willing to let the three tigers charge up and

another speed head hammer came over

The three tigers are like bullfighting, constantly consuming the dung beetle's physical strength, it is not aware of the rapid consumption of its physical strength

, and the use of the speed of the head hammer itself also has a lot of load on

the dung beetle, not to mention that after less than 15 minutes of continuous use, the speed of the dung beetle has slowed down significantly, the three tigers know that the time is ripe, and they began to take the initiative to approach the dung

beetle in close combat

, and the dung beetle immediately let out a happy roar,

"Roar!" "

The feeling of attacking Miss all the time is too uncomfortable, who can understand

it? When it comes into close contact, it finds that something is wrong, how can this guy be so able to fight?

The three tigers made a move

, first a Lushan ascending dragon tyrant, punching the dung beetle insect into the air, and then a set of combo greetings,

you must know that he is a gangster

When I was young, the double-flower red stick, now I have been strengthened by the strength of the worm, all kinds of fighting tricks and martial arts routines are easy to get

the enemy's skin and I fight, and the enemy enters me

and every attack of the dung beetle is accurately avoided by the three tigers, and I don't forget to say a mock

"Hey, I can't fight!"

"Are you angry?"


The dung beetle roared angrily This

insect man

should be damned!

Its muscles have doubled in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, I don't know if it's a skill or an exclusive genetic ability,

and the three tigers also used their own unique stunts


The wings quickly rose into the air, and the dung beetle beast's exclusive genes did not evolve wings, so they could only be impotent and furious

on the ground, constantly throwing stones at the sky

, and when the muscles on his body subsided, the three tigers went down for the first time

Knee top, elbow strike, fist throw, hook box, whip leg

all kinds of tricks to it to beckon

the opponent's defense is really strong, receiving many attacks from

the three tigers is still like a nobody, but the purpose of the three tigers is to consume a lot of the opponent's physical strength, and then complete a blow to kill

is still close combat, but this time after the three tigers punched the opponent away, the arm bent back again and began to accumulate strength, and

it was too late for the other party to find out

5 seconds of charging, 200% bonus

"Charge a blow!"


Hit the dung beetle's head heavily and beat it into a slight concussion, and fell to the ground in a blur

, and the three tigers directly grabbed its neck and rode up, raised his right fist again and bent it into an inverted V shape

for 1 second... 5 seconds... 15 seconds... 20 seconds to charge to complete

the "Lore Charge Blow!"

The dung beetle opened its eyes and slammed a fist the size of a casserole


Green blood splashed, and the head of the dung beetle insect beast was successfully exploded

[Absorb 1% of the exclusive giant power gene... 1.5%... 1.8%... 2%.. 【

Absorb the origin of insects and beasts 1%... 1.5%... 2%....]

[Absorb Skill Genes: Berserk (Disabled), 5% Insect and Beast Origin and 5% Skill Genes are required to complete Berserk Skills.. ]

The Three Tigers used the absorbed genes to complete

this skill Berserk: within 60 seconds, the strength attribute *200%, the speed × 150%, and after the rage, fall into a weakened state for 300 seconds, and all attributes drop by 30%, which can be used every 12 hours

If there is a brief introduction to this skill, it must be:

(Do you choose to be a warrior for a minute, or a coward for a lifetime?)

A skill to turn the tables at a critical moment, but the sequelae is a trouble

Counting the charged blow

, the three tigers

already have two skills

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