"Everyone, listen, from now on, immediately abandon all useless things, including battleships, and give me full speed forward!Coordinates 655.358.745.333

" "I want to reach this coordinate location in five days, can I do it?"

Although the Elven Empress and all the elders and generals were full of doubts, none of them dared to resist Qin Yuan's order, and they were uniform, chanting in unison,

"It can be done!" × N

"Okay! The other is to give me a copy of your existing technology and genetic data

" "Obey!"

"Open the treasure house, I'll check if there is any quality problem

" "Huh......? Good...... Okay...... "

The fleet quickly made adjustments, and all the combat ships that couldn't keep up with the main ship mother stayed in place, including Qin Yuan's Tianzun

, the Octopus Brother, successfully boarded the ship, and came to

the World, the World turned on its maximum horsepower, and set off at a speed of one-fifth of the speed of light/hour, heading towards the coordinates of the three-color super artifact


On the other side

, after the Blue Star

New Qin Capital experienced the baptism of war, the rebuilt New Qin Capital looked even more majestic

, and the three-thousand-meter-high central high-rise building became the Holy Land of the Zerg, with a golden bell symbolizing order placed on the top, as well as the autograph of the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan

The hundred-meter-high church, the thousand-meter-high stadium, countless giant buildings rise from the ground, and the silver-white circular flying lane surrounds it, although it is night, it is as bright as day, and the streets are full of colorful neon lights

After getting the alien technology, the rapid development of Qinguo science and technology, the popularity of flying cars has led to the lane in the sky, flying cars can be seen everywhere, the ground has completely become the territory of pedestrians, coupled with the assistance of artificial intelligence,

the alley where car accidents are almost eliminated, the colorful lights in the Duka bar

are accompanied by deafening music, and the insects and humans in the field are releasing their hormones, indulging in singing and dancing, shaking their heads and jumping in

the box

The remnants of the three empires and the great sect leaders of several major churches gathered together, and they were communicating the next step of stealing the country,

and several people sat

face to face, and the prime minister of the Great Eagle Empire lifted his black robe to reveal his true face, his eyes were gloomy and compassionate, and he showed an evil smile

: "Everyone, the public opinion offensive has been issued, and now the whole city is discussing the public opinion report that Jin Linna blocked the news channel of the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan, and she wants to usurp the throne as the queen of Qin."

"Let's just say that the golden agent steals the fruits of victory and controls the Insect Emperor! It just so happens that the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan never shows up, which also gives us an opportunity, once she wants to usurp the throne, then we will bring her down in the name of the Qing Jun

" "Don't say, this group of low-level people is easy to deceive, a little call a few marketing accounts with rhythm, they will be led by the nose by fake news, and start biting like mad dogs! Hahahahaha!!"

The prime minister of the Tsarist Russian Empire pouted and immediately refuted

. What's the use of public opinion? Are we going to drown her to death with a big living person by spitting

?" "You can't be so naïve, will you?" Will the Wanjing Natural Disaster Jin Lina be the kind of happy person who is gossiped about and then gets jade disease and jumps off the building

?" "If you think so, then I can only give you a man with a lower head

" Da Yingzai was quite angry, and slapped the table and stood up

, "Can you stop swearing! Grass mud horse! When did I say that it depends on public opinion alone?" You are a dignified prime minister who casually slanders people, where is this prime minister, is it a pure troll

?" The prime minister of the Tsarist Russian Empire could also be angry

, and the two completely quarreled, "Xi Niangpi! You still dare to scold me?"

"What about scolding you? Labor and management are going to beat you

!" "Come on! Who is instigating whose grandson!" Seeing

that the two civil officials were already rolling up their sleeves

The old face of the prime minister of the Fali Empire was wrinkled, and he waved his hands flatly, signaling everyone

not to quarrel, "Okay! Okay! Say a few words, the prime minister is still arguing like a small person in the market, is it a

shame?" "Hmph!"*2

When the two of them saw that they were good, they sat down one after another

, and their little force value, not to mention the shame of the fight, was also unsightly.

At this moment

, the yellow-robed female sect leader of the Hades God Church stood up

, "You can figure it out, now the focus of our discussion this time is: Vector Cataclysm Unicorn Immortal, Flame Hell Cataclysm Three Tigers, Cloud and Mist Cataclysm Canglong Yunju, Scarlet Cataclysm White Tiger, Ash Cataclysm White Crane, Black Cataclysm Raven King, White Bone Disaster...""

How to deal with these top powerhouses who are often in the Qin Capital, will be the biggest obstacle to our power."

When the red-clothed sect leader of the Evil God Church heard this, he immediately stood up

, "People from the Church of the Underworld, don't worry, after this period of divine blessings and the penance of the people in our church, there is one second-order peak natural calamity-level powerhouse in our church, and it is more than enough to deal with one of them

", "Our Demon Church can also have 1 natural disaster", "The Seagod Church

can have 1 natural disaster", "Okay! Then my Church of the Underworld can also make a statement, and I can dispatch 1 natural disaster".

"Misty Church

, no natural disasters", "Church of Life, no natural disasters",



Seeing that everyone had finished reporting, the three empires also began to report their hidden powers

, "Fali Empire, 1 second-order peak natural calamity, 15 second-order perfect species, 120 second-order excellent species, 400 second-order elite species" "Great Eagle Empire, 1 second-order peak natural disaster, 20 second-order perfect species, 150 second-order excellent species, 500 second-order elite species


Tsarist Empire, 1

second-order peak natural disaster, 10 second-order perfect species, 100 second-order excellent species, and 400 second-order elite species" scattered and scattered a total of 7 second-order peak natural disasters, and several second-order perfect species and excellent species, the elite species launched a coup d'état at the same

time for a long time to recuperate, coupled with the centralized supply of energy, quickly leveled the gap between the high-end combat power of the empire and the

Qin State, "With such combat power, why worry about not taking the Qin State?".

The Prime Minister of Tsarist Russia hesitated, "

Prime Minister of the Great Eagle, are you really sure that the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan will not make a move?" If the estimation is wrong, then we are all dead

!" "The Great Eagle Prime Minister's eyes flashed with a ray of fine light

, "Don't worry! I have investigated clearly, the Insect Emperor Qin Yuan has never managed the Qin State, so as long as we control Jin Linna, it is equivalent to actually controlling

the Qin State" "We are the real masters of the Qin State!"

The plan to steal the country will definitely succeed!".

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