The scene in front of countless reincarnations has also been experienced countless times, defeating the Yuan Spirit, absorbing the Yuan Spirit and the Mother Goddess, sealing 'it' in the name of the Savior, the seal fails, activates the back hand, and the reincarnation is reborn for the second time to seal the cycle of the Yuan Spirit,

a good old man who wants to protect all life in the Almighty Universe.

Originally, the five omniscient and all-powerful Taidao Venerables were all people who could escape the reset of the universe, but only the five of them could escape.

The Almighty Universe was completely destroyed every time it woke up, and then rebuilt little by little

until one day

the Yuan Spirit decided to protect this Almighty Universe, no one knew what the Yuan Spirit had experienced, and it said very firmly

"The universe, I will protect it!"

For this reason, it did not hesitate to sacrifice its four brothers and sisters, trying to put 'it' into a deep sleep forever

Outside the omnipotent universe, 'it' is something that is unknowable, invisible, unspeakable, unthinkable, and no one knows what 'it' is, or that anyone who knows it, is dead.

'It' seems to be the only true god outside the omnipotent universe, when 'it' wakes up, the entire omnipotent universe will be destroyed in an instant, so the Yuan Ling has been looking for a way to make 'it' fall into a permanent sleep

Fortunately, the Yuan Ling found

it Unfortunately, using this method requires sacrificing the entire Almighty Universe, and it cannot be truly permanent.

So, Yuan Ling thought

of the second method "Five-in-one, eternal seal

" Qin Yuan commented

"This is really a stupid method to death, you can obviously choose to bring some people to survive"

Yes, using the loopholes in the rules of the dead world can indeed save a part of the life in the universe.

Yuan Ling shook his head firmly when he heard

this, "No, I can't do it" "No matter who is saved, it is a kind of trampling on other lives, a kind of desecration of the soul, I will never do this"

Qin Yuan let go

of Yuan Ling, "So what?, you just give me the choice? You trust me so much

?" "Aren't you afraid that I will run away?"


Ling looked at Qin Yuan with a look of belief

. You won't

" "There are only two paths in front of you right now

" "1 is to be like a real man, to seal 'it' and be a hero to save the universe.

2 is like a cowardly loser, hiding with his own race, and being a coward for the rest of his life. "

Now, how will you choose?"

Hearing this

, Qin Yuan smiled crookedly

, "Excuse me, you also think too highly of me Qin." "

My choice is ......" "Don't choose either!

" "I'll carry the weight forward, let them live quietly?" "Get out!"

"Everyone is an adult, and I will never make any choice for them!"

You must know that this is not only my Qin Yuan's universe, but also your Yuan Ling's universe, let the two of us save the world and let that group of capitalists enjoy their happiness, and in the future, I, Qin Min, will have to work for other capitalists?"

"Put the bullshit of the mud lady! Go to the hero of Nima

!" "This kind of virgin hero, labor and management are

not right!" "Ah

? The hero is not right

? How is this good?

Yuan Ling was stunned by the roar

It didn't expect Qin Yuan to change so much in this life

, "Qin Yuan, you...... It seems that you have changed a lot in this life!" Qin

Yuan was not like this in the past, he was also a young man who had the same belief in saving the universe as himself, what was it that made him become what he is now?

But thinking about it carefully, what Qin Yuan said actually made some sense.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that Yuan Ling didn't refute, Qin Yuan smiled

, "Then it goes without saying, of course, the Almighty Universe will come together to open a referendum!"

"Dead or alive, let them make their own choices." "

You know, 'it' has adapted to the power of the time reincarnation of Taizun Dao, and we have no room for trial and error, so this time..."


Is it the last time

?" Yuan Ling nodded, and it highly agreed with Qin Yuan's words

, "Okay, do you need my help

?" "Of course, you contact the cosmic will of the Almighty Universe and start the national broadcast, I'll arrange

the scene" "Arrange the scene?"

"Yes, some monsters or something, huh..... It's like this!"

Qin Yuan raised his hand and waved it casually, and the sealing universe turned into the original void universe again, but there was a little more dim light, and countless monsters with dark outlines appeared behind

them, their smallest size was also more than the blue star, and the largest size was even more than the super galaxy cluster, and there was no end in sight at all, only a few outlines could be seen, and only by zooming out the lens hundreds of millions of light years away could it see its specific volume

at the same time

In just a few minutes, Qin Yuan's face appeared in the sky above the entire Almighty Planet, and along with Qin Yuan, there were countless silhouettes of huge void creatures wandering behind him

." Creatures of the universe, there is bad news for you, as you can see, the universe is now experiencing the worst crisis in history, and some unknown being is trying to destroy the entire universe

" "If it strikes, it will kill your parents, your best friend, your closest brother and sister, your younger sibling, your wife or husband, and it will take away your favorite food, your favorite games, your favorite anime and movies, and everything in your life

"" Now there are two choices before

you" "First, for the sake of your people, for your descendants, for your people, for your land, for the love of you and everything you love, fight bravely! Unswerving! But

this choice, you will definitely die" "The second choice, hide, and then be crushed to death like a bedbug, spurned, and thrown in the forgotten garbage heap of the universe, but this choice, you can live, live like an animal.

"Life or death, choose one of the two!" "

Fight to the death or steal life, please make your choice! Those who are willing to fight and die should raise your right hand or make a gesture that represents consent, and those who choose to surrender can do nothing but bury their heads in the toilet and tremble." "

You have 10 minutes to make a choice, and I remind you that the dead will be drained of some of their lives, and the possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

"For the sake of the universe, please die!"

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