On the shore

, Jin Linna and others looked at the lake nervously, the level of the entire 8,000 acres of lake was descending at a speed visible to the naked eye, like

a black hole in the lake, in just ten minutes, the lake disappeared cleanly, revealing the lake

bed, and in the center of the lake bed stood a dark crystal beast more than eight meters tall, and there was a headless white bone corpse at his feet

Knock knock! knock knock ....

A huge heartbeat sounded came, and the body of the Dark Crystal Behemoth began to gradually shrink until it regained its human form [

Dark Crystal Emperor Ant

] [Exclusive Genetic Ability: 1 Transcendent Giant Power (Mythical), 2 Ancient Divine Poison (Myth), 3 Seventh Super Sense (Mythical), 4 Dark Crystal Armor (Mythical), 5 Super Speed Regeneration (Mythical), 6 Ancient Emperor Realm (Myth), 7 Dark Crystal Shattering Ray (Mythic)] [

● Seventh Super Sense (New): Time Sense, Can Predict the Future for a Short Time]

[●Ancient Emperor Realm (New): Can affect both reality and spirit to form a double-layer superimposed realm

] [Gene Skill: 1 Emperor Combo

(King Level), 2 Dark Crystal Shield (King Level)] [Weapon Gene: 1 Dark Gold Purple Wing (Golden 2 Stars), 2 Dark Crystal Poison Blade (Golden 1 Star)] [

Resistance: Death Resistance +80 (8% chance to resist death), Fire Resistance +1200 (Immunity to high temperatures below 1200°)].

[Super Gene Ability: 1 Fantasy Crit

, 2 Phoenix Nirvana] [● Phoenix Nirvana (New): Effect 1 can store enough gene energy for Nirvana evolution, Effect 2 can use its own special genes to perform death evolution, there is a small probability of a special form after

the first death resurrection of all attributes *300%, priority consumption of reserve gene energy, 100% activation when the energy is full, optimized for resistance, no side effects (not enabled).

After the second death resurrection, all attributes*400, 50% probability exclusive hunting and hunting mode is activated, priority is given to consuming reserve gene energy

+ gene source power + partial potential + vitality + mental power (not enabled) After the third death resurrection, all attributes *500, 10% probability death mode is activated, consuming gene source power + all life force + all potential + soul power (not enabled)

Fourth death mode: not enabled]

Mythic Exclusive Rule Skills: Discord, rule-based skills, which can make everything within the range disordered, including the rules of the same level

] [The current gene development degree has been cleared] [The growth

limit has been increased by 300%, the current is 30,000 manpower]

Evolve the power of the Ancient Darkness Emperor Ant

30,000 people again

?That is, 3,000 tons of power?The

growth limit has tripled!

Moreover, the number of resurrections of all deaths is 0, which means that he is not really dead just now

, dying once, 300% bonus

, 400% for the second time

, 500%

for the third time, just when Qin Yuan was happy

, a strong sense of weakness came

, and the energy required for gene fusion and evolution was huge, which made the already oily body even worse

, "Unicorn Fairy, come down"

"Here comes the lord!" The

unicorn fairy grinned when he heard Qin Yuan's order, and took Jin Linna, Heijiao, and the three tigers who had turned into an egg, jumped from the shore


formed a perfect parabola


the air!Qin Yuan came to the side of the white bone phoenix, fiddling with the weapons on its

body, and the whole body was a treasure

! After the calcination of the black death flame, the weapons on the phoenix's body had evolved to varying degrees, especially the three

items! The props that evolved into golden weapons!

Qin Yuan cleared his throat,

"Ahem... Everything you have done, the little black Jiao has already told me through pheromones

" "Let's talk about meritorious deeds, and now we will start awarding rewards for this operation

" Hearing the reward

of two people and one snake, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully

, "Head Gong: Jin Linna! Find the hiding place of the leader of the meteorite and the worm people, and draw out the phantom beast

" "Reward the phoenix eye (orange 3 stars)" "

Wow! Thank you, boss!".

It was the first time Jin Linna had seen the orange armed props, she originally thought that she was coming to work for a day job

, but she didn't expect that the boss was so arrogant! so generous! Even this kind of high-end armed equipment was said to be sent away

, Jin Linna held the phoenix's eyes, which was called a love Qin

Yuan looked at the white egg

, "The second is the Three Tigers, who have saved their teammates with their bodies many times, and also risked their lives to seduce the white bone phoenix in the final kill."

Reward Phoenix Claw (Orange 3 Stars)"

The white egg shook left and right as a sign of gratitude

" Unicorn Fairy, Forehead...... True blue...

Reward!" "Reward Burning Lungs (Orange 2 Stars)"

"Hehe, Thank you for

the treasure rewarded by the Lord!" "The Unicorn Fairy is missing a long-range attack method, the Lord really understands it too well,

good baby

! With this treasure, my position as the first general will be secure!

The Unicorn Fairy showed his big white teeth and smiled unconsciously, revealing an extremely confident expression

" Little Black Jiao, come back, reward you for staying on me"

When the little black Jiao heard this, he immediately ran back to Qin Yuan's hand, and

the three strongest weapons on the white bone phoenix were not given to them, not that Qin Yuan was stingy, but mainly because he was afraid that they would not be able to grasp the

Dark Bone Sword (golden 1 star): it comes with tearing, bleeding, armor breaking, reducing physical strength, and resisting recovery

Active Skill: Stygian Slash, consume genetic energy to send out a dimensional slash to the underworld (you need to link to the underworld passage to use) Underworld


● Void Feather (Golden 1 Star): You can use it for 60 seconds to enter the Void within 10 minutes, and it can be passively triggered (

cooldown time 60 minutes) The original three Void Feathers have become 1, the use time is extended, the cooldown time is shortened, and the passive 3-second limit

has been canceled and extended to 60 seconds, which means that the passive has been increased by 20 times!

Qin Yuan put his hand on the physical items that the armed genes were transformed into, and directly absorbed these weapons into the inner body

Now his equipment has a new look, it can be said that it is full of golden equipment

, and the growth level has reached an astonishing 3,000 tons!

What kind of concept is this?

It is equivalent to

30,000 ordinary people superimposed together, 3,000 ordinary insects and beasts, 1,500 elite insects, 750 excellence levels, and 375 perfect levels

, although the genetic growth level has been cleared, but the strength of their own flesh alone is not comparable to that of ordinary insects and beasts

On the contrary, the growth level is the simplest

"One-horned fairy, take this corpse, let's return

" "Obey orders! Lord!" "

The next step is to

conquer Bincheng

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