The Supreme Council of the Reich

is like

a large church, with a round table of 12 people sitting on the center stage

, a large circle shape of 144 people sitting on the outside, and an audience of 1,728 people sitting in rows at the bottom

The people who participated in the meeting one after another

included 179 imperial 2-star lieutenant generals, 22 4-star imperial generals, 3 naval generals, 8 army generals, 1

air force general, marshal of the navy, land and air force, the marshal is personally served by His Majesty the current emperor, and did not attend this meeting,

in addition to the chief of the cabinet, the chief of the Imperial City Janissary Guard,

the presiding officer of this conference is the imperial prime minister: Fan Ru

Everyone had already arrived in unison

, and as the circular pointer on the wall pointed to 10 o'clock

, the adjutant next

to the prime minister shouted, "The meeting begins, please ask the generals to discuss at will for 30 minutes at will, and when the time is up, the prime minister will summarize and supplement

" As soon as the words fell

, the generals and generals began to communicate fiercely, and the entire army could be roughly divided into three factions

1 The radical faction led by the prime minister wants to kill all

the insects and maintain the stability of the country 2 The conservatives led by the chief cabinet suggest that they cooperate with the insects to eradicate the insects and beasts and control the insect plague

3 The inaction faction led by the imperial power will not pay attention to it as long as it is not a blatant anti-official, and let them develop on their own

The prime minister took the lead in asking

, "Everyone, if you have any opinions, let's talk about it

" The field marshal was the first to respond

, "Prime Minister, I support your plan to drop nuclear bombs on four cities, including Haixing City, Wuji City, Qinggao City, and Yunbei City, in order to cause maximum damage to insects and beasts

" The chief cabinet frowned slightly

, "If the Prime Minister is on the issue of nuclear bombs, I don't think there is any need to discuss it, isn't this matter already decided?"

The prime minister nodded

, "Well, now we want to discuss the issue of nuclear bomb dropping, but it's not this city, but another new

city" "Bincheng" "Bincheng


Several bigwigs wondered

, what is this a small city that has never heard of bombing such a small place?

"Adjutant, show them the video".

The prime minister's adjutant took out a professional instrument and opened it in front of several bigwigs, and the other people around closed up when they saw this, and watched it together with bated breath

. Prime Minister, if it's just for my own sake, I don't think

it's necessary to launch a nuclear bomb" "We can send a special team to approach it and kill it

" "Yes! I also agree with the words of the Admiral

" "That's true, it's not worth sacrificing a million people for a worm"


Several other bigwigs also agreed, this time even the field marshal was rare and did not approve of launching a nuclear bomb, after all, there are millions of people in that city

for a worm beast, there is really no need to launch a nuclear bomb

To put it bluntly

, the bigwigs did not take Qin Yuan's worm man in their eyes, they just regarded it as an ordinary insect beast, but it flew a little faster

Then, the adjutant began to play the second video

White Bone Phoenix VS Dark Crystal Emperor Ant

This is a big battle between the two in the

city, the power of the two of them is like a small missile, a genetic skill is like an intercontinental missile, the two of them have destroyed most of the entire city center

, and its power is no less than a small nuclear bomb, but there is no nuclear radiation, and

everyone is also the first time to see such a powerful insect man, and the

picture is not over

The picture of the two people fighting in the jungle also appeared on the screen, and the danger level of the two was also marked on it:

Danger Level ● Natural Disaster Dark Crystal Emperor Ant: Danger Level ● Natural Disaster +

I saw the dark crystal shattering ray output by the emperor ant with all his strength, and the earth was punched into a bottomless hole


measurement depth is: Unknown

destructive power estimate: Unmeasurable

In the end, in a lake, the satellite photography was interfered with and could not take a picture, but the ability detector showed that the energy reaction of the White Bone Scourge completely disappeared

and finally deduced: The White Bone Disaster was killed

! The adjutant reported "

This is the only one of the 22 natural disasters currently known in the world that can kill other natural disasters, and the current danger level cannot be assessed, and it is tentatively defined as

" "Danger level: above the natural disaster"


The five bigwigs in the room were all shocked, and everyone immediately attached great importance to Qin Yuan

, did the natural disaster

still bring the above

?What does that have to be?

Doomsday level?

The marshal instantly changed from a serious face to a smiling face

, "As for the prime minister's nuclear bomb dropping, I actually supported it from the beginning, but just now I said the opposite

" "Yes!" The power

above the natural disaster is beyond the control of the empire, and it must be destroyed" "If the natural disaster is above, bury it in the dust cloud of history, and make a contribution to the world's nuclear peace!"

"Hmm... It makes sense!

" "I have no opinion"

A few people never mentioned the matter of millions of human beings, and directly made a version of dropping nuclear bombs to destroy this uncontrollable force

, and passed a resolution with a proud result of 6 votes in favor of

Bincheng, and in order not to leak the news, everyone in Bincheng was not allowed to evacuate, including the special team sent to assassinate Qin Yuan

, and

the prime minister smiled

proudlyIn order to completely eliminate Qin Yuan, a nuclear bomb with the maximum yield was also prepared for him, which was an 80 million tons of explosion yield

Da Yiwan, accept it

, this is a congratulatory

nuclear bomb

from the empire, Da Yiwan!

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