Above the clouds

, a state-of-the-art Imperial U33 fighter is talking to the command

headquarters, "Code 9527 has arrived at the designated location, call headquarters! Received, please answer "Zizizi

" 9527! This is headquarters, please carry out the bomb dropping mission immediately

" "Mission code: Da Iwan

" "9527

received! The

hatch of the "Start Bomb Dropping ......"

fighter opened, and a huge bomb was dropped from a height of 10,000 meters, in fact, it was also possible to use the missile launch mode, but considering that the Dark Crystal Emperor Ant had a destruction ray, it was more concealed to use this method of 10,000 meters of unpowered attack

What they didn't know was that Qin Yuan's super sense had been mutated and evolved to the extent that he could temporarily predict the future

The moment the sky fighter arrived, Qin Yuan predicted everything that was going to happen

, knock

knock, knock"Nuclear...... Nuclear bomb ?..

". Jin Linna looked at the three tigers on the side with a confused face, who knew that the three tigers also turned their heads to look at

Jin Linna at the same time?????

"It's just a nuclear bomb" "Jin Linna, help me take care of the little black Jiao, I'll go back when I go"

After speaking, he threw the black Jiao to Jin Linna, the purple and white wings spread, and the whole person rose into the sky with a slight flap of his wings

Jin Linna and the unicorn fairy lay on the window and watched for a while, only to see a small black dot quickly disappear in their eyes, entering the clouds

, Jin Lina worried,

"Nuclear bomb...... Oh my God!"

"After the explosion, it's hundreds of millions of degrees hot, Lord Ant...... He's not going to have an accident, right?"


" The little black Jiao stared at Jin Linna with murderous eyes, as if to say, "Say this kind of bad luck again, be careful that I bite you

" "Impossible! Lord Monarch is invincible

!" "The Unicorn Fairy faithfully believes in Qin Yuan, even if it is a nuclear bomb, his Lord Lord will never have an accident

!" Qin

Yuan's eyes in the sky were full of excitement

, "Sure enough, it was as I expected!" "

My layout

started from the first video of Bincheng, everything was calculated to

attract attention - challenge the army - city war - absorb the phoenix - attract the

nuclear bomb Empire official

was within Qin Yuan's calculations from the beginning

! Including their attitude

! The follow-up reaction

is strange if this nuclear bomb doesn't come!

Capturing the phoenix gene has been a nuclear variant prepared for a nuclear bomb from the very beginning


Qin Yuan's eyes widened with excitement, and the corners of his mouth cracked open to reveal an evil smile like a demon


! Let's appreciate the birth of the strongest creature!

Bell -

he opened his hands widely, hugged the nuclear bomb that was falling, and began to fly upward, at this time he could clearly see

that there was an instrument used to time the nuclear bomb 2 minutes 39 2

minutes 38

Qin Yuan held the nuclear bomb and flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, until his body began to freeze and did not stop, where oxygen was thin and the temperature was extremely low, and there was strong cosmic radiation

It's the best place to evolve, and

I don't know

what kind .....of monster I'm going to become


seconds 8 seconds









drops -

the white light turns

the atomic bomb into an extremely hot spot in an instant, and at the same time radiates a large number of rays and fast neutrons outward

The surrounding thin air and matter were quickly heated to form a large fireball, and then continued to expand

!! followed by a powerful shock wave, pushing away the surrounding clouds for hundreds of kilometers

, "Void!"


moment the white light hit, Qin Yuan's whole person was submerged

, and his body was destroyed instantly

, but fortunately, he successfully used the Void Feather to save a head, if there was no scum left, there was no way to resurrect

Then the false time came, Qin Yuan completely fell into

death, this is the first death in the true sense, but the strange thing is that the soul did not reach the death realm, but wandered around, the soul state to see the world is a completely different perspective, the

whole world is only gray and white, no longer rich in color, and the soul does not have any emotional fluctuations,

I can't think of how the resentful spirit was born in this state?

Like a sage mode after love

, with no desire and no desire

, the flames rose

, Qin Yuan's head ignited the flame of the phoenix's resurrection, and fell straight to the ground

, at the same

time, the big people who were far away in the imperial headquarters were watching the release

of nuclear bombs, this time a total of 7 nuclear bombs were dropped,

and the other nuclear bombs were all exploded in major cities one after another

Among them, two of them were put into the cherry blossom country

, one called: I don't know the other called: Don't worry When

the mushroom cloud rose, the hanging hearts of the bigwigs slowly let go, but

the seventh nuclear bomb did not explode for a long time, and the adjutant glanced at the adjutant, and the adjutant immediately dialed the combat headquarters


"Hey, what's going on with you in the War Department, why did the seventh nuclear bomb not explode for a long time?"


space?" Click-the

adjutant hung up the phone and started to contact the people from the satellite department again

, "help me point the satellite camera over Bincheng, be fast! This is the highest priority order"

When the camera switched to an altitude of 10,000 meters, everyone was stunned,

how could there be fireworks in space

? Who set off fireworks in this position?

If you look closely

, it's not right!

It's not a firework

! It's a nuclear bomb! The

prime minister said

, "Call up the video for me and see what is going on?"

Looking at what happened in the video, the big guys in the field were ashamed, and even the adjutant who was watching from the sidelines had a sense of admiration for this insect man,

and they were amazed in their hearts Mr

. Righteousness!

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