
Insect and Beast Secret Research Institute

This is a scientific research base buried deep underground, with a total of minus 13 floors, and the more down the monster, the more valuable it is to study

Through the bulletproof glass, you can see the little boy who is locked inside, and there are seven or eight insects and beasts that have just been put in around him

, and the insects and beasts are carefully selected and hungry for several days, but after putting them in, the insects and beasts went crazy and began to kill each other, and when the last insect beast was left, he chose to end himself, and took out his heart with his arm,

and the black-framed glasses man saw this scene, and showed a crazy smile:

"Beauty..... It's so beautiful

!" The middle-aged female doctor next to her was puzzled, "Dr. Cheng Xinji, such an experiment has been done several times, I don't understand what the meaning of repeating the experiment is

" "Because of beauty!"

The middle-aged female doctor fell silent, and the conversation between the two didn't seem to be on the same channel

, just at this moment, the red alarm sounded

, woo~woo~woo-bumm

"Level 1 alarm! Level

1 alarm! ....."

"The enemy is invading!Please evacuate the experimenters immediately......

" The middle-aged female doctor frowned, this is an official secret base, and even the top official of Bincheng doesn't know the specific location, how did the enemy know

? Could it be that the other party has a clairvoyant eye

? Or is it that there is a spy inside?

"Dr. Cheng Xinji, let's leave quickly

." The young man in glasses was unmoved, still staring blankly at the boy in the glass

, "It's okay, they can't get here, and even if they get in, what

can they do?" "We still have those special allies, no one can touch us"


The half-insect White Tiger Red Bean, the White Crane Liao Huo, and the Black Beetle Man Luke, the three of them came to the first floor of the underground research institute according to the address given by Qin Yuan

, and they encountered the enemy's desperate resistance as soon as they entered the basement floor, but this time they led the team with two perfect-level insects and one excellent-level insects

, and the three killed all the enemies who shot with a devastating momentum, leaving only two alive mouths

, "Answer our questions and spare your lives."

Where are you holding the Perfect-level Brain Worm?"

The two surviving soldiers knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands

, "We really don't know! We only know that the emergency passage on the second floor is next to room -1303 on the left, and the elevator requires the authentication of senior personnel

" After listening to the information, the black beetle raised his hand to kill the two survivors, but was unexpectedly stopped by the half-white crane Liao Huo

, "Stop! Let's say that we will spare their lives, and we can't be untrustworthy."

Hei Jia is a person who has been a soldier, not a little white like two brothers and sisters, so he naturally has a different opinion

, "If they go out to report the matter to the army, attracting planes, tanks, rocket artillery, how should His Excellency Bai He deal with it?"

"This ......

" Liao Huo was speechless for a while, he really didn't think about it so much, his thoughts were still stuck in the concept of being forgiving and forgiving in peacetime, and

the black armor ant was educated to

"Now is the battlefield"

"We can have bad intentions, but we must not be stupid, especially don't save some stupid women"

and then rushed over, and the surviving soldiers were killed in two clicks, this time the two brothers and sisters did not stop him

, after all, everyone's identity has now changed into a worm, and the adaptability of the younger sister Red Bean seems to be above the elder brother, and the Red Bean's

combat power is also the strongest in everyone!

The three of them soon came to the door of room 1303, Bai He was just about to open the door of the room, Hongdou suddenly felt a violent sense

of crisis, "Don't move! Don't move!" Although I don't know where the danger comes from

, but only everyone is still, the sense of crisis disappears instantly

, Hongdou's eyes quickly searched around, and finally locked his eyes on

the door: "Brother, take your hand off the door, gently!".

After the white crane's hand was taken away from the doorknob, the sense of crisis disappeared completely, which showed that what the two soldiers had just told them was false information, this is definitely a big trap

, it is likely to be a huge tonnage

bomb, Hongdou told the two of them his conjecture, and the black armored ant immediately thought of a new method

: "Since the other party planted a bomb here, let's change the place and go directly through the floor

!" "Good idea

!" "I also agree!"

Luke, who has just awakened to hit the floor, will definitely not be able to do it, but for the two brothers and sisters whose awakening degree is close to 15%, it is indeed very easy

to "peck

the white crane" bell...!!

only to see the head of the white crane frantically hit the ground, like a woodpecker in the anime, the pile driver quickly dug the ground

and opened up the first floor in just a few minutes, and found the way to the second underground floor, which is also the fastest way

Looking down, it was a white metal floor

, and there was no figure "I'll go

down first, you follow me" The white tiger cat's ear red bean jumped down first, and after landing on the ground, one rolled and hid aside, and after a careful inspection, there was indeed

no one "Strange? Where have all the people gone?"

"Brother, black ants, you come down quickly, there is no one below"

The two big men jumped down one after another

After being vigilant, I found that it was indeed empty, the doors of all the rooms were opened, the coffee inside was still steaming

, and the documents on the seat were halfway written, and the A4 white paper

and black armor ants for office were scattered randomly on the ground, guessing that it might be that the other party had all escaped to the refuge floor

, "Don't worry about them, let's continue down

" "Okay! Look at my"

bell bell !!....

The third underground floor arrived, but there was still no one in

the whole base, except for the first floor

, the whole base seemed extraordinarily quiet, so quiet that it was a little creepy,

it was the kind

of silence that could be heard of a needle dropping

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