Qin Yuan uses the ability to drive top hackers, they use technology to invade major video platforms, and recruit talents for them all over the world

is one of them, and the rats in the dark are the second

, it is not only humans who can see the video

, but also the alien zerg hidden in the dark, the fish-man clan evolved in the deep sea, the king class of orc evolution, the locally evolved worm beast, and the worm-man ......

On the tallest building in Fuyun City

, a red-robed humanoid king insect let out a strange laugh

, "At this time period, there are insects and beasts who dare to claim the title of emperor? Isn't it afraid of the destruction of the empire?

The eyes of the king insect revealed a trace of pity

for the wood, and the wind will destroy this

dark crystal emperor ant is a good example


Tens of thousands of unknown black insects in the forest insect hive of

Anxin City

are flying in the insect hive

, and a bewitching Zerg empress in the core insect hive is staring at Qin Yuan in the live broadcast on her mobile phone in a daze at the moment,

"It's so beautiful...... Angel ......

" "Insect Emperor...... Qin Yuan

......, "Is this the male insect that the concubine is looking for?" "It's really strong!"

"Our child will definitely be able to become the master of the world! I really want to see you early, my strong male worm

" "Come on, let me find out where Bincheng is"


A young male phantom beast species insect man in Tree City

watched the live broadcast, gritted his teeth

, and smashed the table and chair in front

of him with a fist, "Why?" "

I am a dignified phantom beast species, but he can only nest in this small place, but he can be admired by thousands of people and the world's attention?"

"These should be mine!"

"Pass my order, go to Bincheng, I want to cut this emperor ant under the horse".

"Let the world know who the real king is!" jealousy

makes people lose their


The ten insect presidents

of the Nandu Zerg Association

urgently connected via video link, "Everyone, you are fellow wormmen, what do you think?"

"Woo the main

" "If it can't be used by us, don't directly cause conflicts, we can borrow the knife of the empire...",

"Ditto", "Ditto..."


In the end, no one wants to go to a small city far away, and they don't want to offend this powerful force, they all want to win over this force

, after all, there are four perfection levels that appear on the scene alone, two ancient species, and one phantom beast species, Qin Yuan's current breed is uncertain, and the power of the super phantom beast

is extremely terrifying even in the capital, and the choice of the small city to directly crush

these elites is

not to take the initiative, not to refuse, and not to be responsible......

Focusing on co-opting cooperation, eliminating suppression is the ...... the backhand

On October 8th, at 15:30

in the afternoon, the Emperor's dormitory

, the Grand Duke of the Imperial

Palace, was walking quickly towards the dormitory, until he was stopped by

the secret guard in front of the door, "Your Majesty is resting, what is the important matter of the father-in-law?"

"My lord, it is the prime minister who asks to see him, and I am tired of informing him!" The

secret guard nodded, signaling to wait, he opened the door and went in, closed the door gently

, and went in less than a minute

"Xuan! Prime Minister Fan Ru

" The father-in-law nodded and immediately brought

the prime minister in, and the prime minister entered the emperor's dormitory alone, and the moment he saw the emperor, the prime minister knelt down on the spot

, "Your Majesty

", "What's the matter?"

"I'm afraid something big will happen today

", "Oh?

Let's listen to it", the prime minister told Qin Yuan all about the situation from Qin Yuan's first appearance to the current capture of Bincheng

Including the news that the other party was hard connected to the nuclear bomb explosion and did not die, he said it all in one go, it was a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius in the center of the nuclear bomb!

In this way, the emperor who sat on the dragon bed did not kill the other party actually knew this for a long time, but he didn't want to care about these trivial battles

Now that the basket is bigger, he, as the king of a country, has to come forward to settle

the old way, pretending to be unkind to everything

All the credit belongs to the emperor, and the black cauldron is all the courtiers

" Well, I know, contact the five empires, convene a joint imperial meeting, the time is set at 5:30 in

the afternoon, "Yes! Your Majesty"

The prime minister retired

, and in the afternoon, the meeting of the five empires was held as scheduled, and the main discussion this time was the handling of insects and beasts

The prime minister of the Dragon Empire suddenly broke into the video conference room

, "Your Majesty, it's reversed, it's rebelled! There are insects who rebelled",

and then in front of the five empires, the live video of Qin Yuan calling the emperor was played, and

the other four imperial emperors were laughing at the beginning, and then the smile gradually disappeared, and they immediately couldn't laugh when they thought of the group of goods in their country

, and if there was one, there would be a second

Once the atmosphere of the Zerg nation's founding is brought up, their five empires will be completely finished,

and the beautiful empire first spoke

, "We must destroy them, this opening cannot be opened, and now we will destroy them in front of the whole world immediately

" The Russian Bear Empire clapped

and agreed, and the Great Eagle Empire also agreed with

both hands of the Fali Empire, and also gave a suggestion

, "We not only want to kill people, but also punish our hearts

"" It is also necessary to initiate

a video connection to suppress the power of the insects" The emperor also pondered for a moment

Anyway, he also wanted to see it, this immortal insect emperor

would do so

" Fan Ru, help me arrange a video connection, I want to talk to the Emperor Ant in person

" "Yes! Your Majesty"

Bincheng Wu Qianqian's camera team soon told her the news that she had received the royal family's video connection

She whispered into the headset

, "Lord Ant-King, as you expected, the empire has come to make a video call

" "Okay, take it in!"

Zizizi ~

A 3D real-time projection appeared in the sky, and the figure slowly became clear from blur, and it was clear that

this person was the current Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom

, Helian Mingshi

With white hair and a full beard, a pair of eyes that are blazing, a crown with a trident on his head, ten fingers full of gem rings

, the majesty of the emperor is about to overflow through the live broadcast,

and many civilians even kneel

on the spot, this is

the domineering of the king!

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