Apocalyptic Pregnancy

One hundred and fifty-six games without gunpowder smoke

In front, Ye Yu, who stood in the way of Su Su's bullet, turned his head and grinned at Su Su, with endless arrogance and evil, and cursed: "Fuck, don't dare to do it earlier? I even mobilized everyone to call my brother over, I thought I could have a good fight, md, Lixia, you order 10 people, take your mother and Su Su together, go out and drive the car back."

"Yes!" Lixia moved immediately, turned around and pointed to the wounded 10 head on his side, and said to Su Su: "Su Su, you go out and drive with us."

"No!" Su Su shook her head and refused resolutely, "There are a lot of zombies outside, I'm afraid, I want to watch the fun here."


Ye Yu in the front turned around and glared at Su Su. Not to be outdone, Su Su glared back at Ye Yu, stretched out his hand, and tightly grabbed Ye Yu's marching rucksack.

Look at her softness and frailty, she looks like I feel pity for her, like a dodder flower in a greenhouse, who has never seen anything big in the world, and still has to see the bustle to the end, and also pretends that no one can pull her away Ye Yu smiled unconsciously, then straightened his face and said threateningly:

"After a while, I was shot into a sieve, so I don't bother to care about you."

"Take care of yourself, you have been shot into a sieve, and I don't care about you!"

Stretching out his hand, Su Su pushed Ye Yu's head straight. There were several guns on his forehead, and he always turned his head to talk to her. Is he evil? !

Li Xia shook his head, feeling very helpless towards these two people, led ten people with a cold face, led the old godmother, and moved to the outside of the obstacle with the dark gun hole, King Kong and others followed behind, seemingly slowly, but They acted quickly to make up for Li Xia and the others. Together with Ye Yu, the 8 people surrounded Su Su in the heart, but in front of them was still a circle of soldiers holding guns against their foreheads.

In front of the dark gun hole, King Kong took out a cigarette, and fumbled in his pockets leisurely for a while, but he couldn't find the lighter, so he stuffed the cigarette into the muzzle between his eyebrows, and whispered to Ye Yu beside him road:

"Pick the skin, let's make a fire."

Ye Yu turned his head and glanced at the smoke that King Kong put on the muzzle of the gun. The smoke immediately ignited spontaneously without fire, and the red sparks were on top of the white smoke, and the white smoke billowed up.

Under such a leisurely posture, there is a mysterious and tense atmosphere. Although Su Su is sure that Lu Yin will not hurt her vitality at this critical moment, she is also a little nervous in her heart. With so many guns, if there is a fight, my side will definitely win, but what happens after winning?

Lu Yin surrounded the entire safety zone and came out.

The soldiers under his hands must be more than a little bit here, and there will be a steady stream of troops from afar to replenish them, so I don't know how long it will take to kill them, and this time they killed other people's soldiers, will they still be in Xiangcheng in the future? Living in the base and walking? This base has not been built yet, and it has already made an enmity with the future leader of the base, what should I do?

But according to Lu Yin's actions today, it seems that he has already competed with Ye Yu's team. With Ye Yu's habits, it is natural that there is no possibility of being Lu Yin's subordinates. Ye Yu was annoyed, and it was possible to betray the entire base.

She is a woman with a big belly, and she is expected to live a stable life, but today her mind is flooded, and she followed this muddy water without even thinking about it. From now on, is she going to wander with Ye Yu or what? ? ?

On the other hand, Lu Yin is also an idiot, he didn't understand Ye Yu's team's temperament at all, so he wanted to recruit them as his subordinates, first send Li Ying to soften them, and send a recall order directly In the end, they were going to detain Ye Yu. If they didn't keep anyone, they would keep half of the supplies. It was obvious that they were forcing Ye Yu not to leave.

Just like Ye Yu, if he is soft but not hard, the more he is detained, the more it will arouse Ye Yu's rebelliousness. If he is weak, maybe when Ye Yu is in a good mood, he can help him. Take Lu Yin to fight a few battles.

Su Su scolded himself for being nosy in his heart, and then scolded Lu Yin for being stupid. He scolded back and forth, looked at Ye Yu's back, and thought about what kind of feelings Ye Yu and others were from the army now. In this mood, to face these soldiers pointing guns at them?

She was a little confused and couldn't find the right way to keep the whole family safe and happy.

In a tense and depressed mood, Li Xia had already led his brothers and Lao Ganma out of the obstacle. The zombies outside the obstacle had been almost cleaned up by them. Now because of the struggle with the people, the zombies wandering outside No one cleaned it up, so Li Xia took some time and led the brothers to start cleaning up the zombies outside again.

Su Su, Ye Yujingang and other 8 people were still surrounded in the middle. In the silent confrontation, Ye Yu backhanded, stretched out the dirty black hand with bloodstains, and grabbed Su Su's hand that was holding his backpack. Bai Nen's little hand squeezed it soothingly, as if telling Su Su to wait a little longer, Su Su's heart stabilized, she unconsciously lowered her head and smiled, squeezed Ye Yu's hand back hard, and patiently accompanied him waiting.

Thinking on the bright side, maybe this is a game without gunpowder smoke. The comparison is who has better patience, perseverance, and stronger mental quality. Whoever makes concessions is showing weakness. Ye Yu couldn't hold it anymore, he didn't need to raise his head to be a man in front of Lu Yin, he just listened to Lu Yin's orders, and Lu Yin couldn't hold it anymore, in the future, Ye Yu could stand sideways in the base Walk.

Time passed by every minute and every second. In the silence, Lixia's 10 people had finished killing the zombies outside, 10 people and 10 cars, and the car of Laoganma and Lixia slowly drove into the obstacle. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he personally opened a door of the barbed wire fence, let Lixia 10 car in, and left.

The eagle in the sky screamed full of anger, but it didn't react too aggressively, so it pointed guns at the soldiers of Ye Yu's group, and pointed guns like that until Lixia opened it. 10 vehicles full of supplies entered the safe area and left.

"Okay, let's go too!"

Ye Yu stared at the gun-wielding soldier in front of him, held Su Su's hand tightly, and retreated step by step to the safe zone. King Kong and the other seven people also slowly moved forward and backward, gradually forming a moving offensive and defensive circle. King Kong still had a cigarette in his mouth. As soon as the ash fell, it landed on the barrel of a gun pointed at his heart. Stepped back and shouted,

"Doctor Zhuo, drive the car up."

*********************The author has something to say**************************

Wishing all my readers a happy new year and all the best!

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