Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Three hundred and forty second, a little jealous

"It's the end of the world, it's the end of the world!!!"

Su Su glanced at Qinyue, feeling extremely irritable for no reason, feeling that Qinyue's temperament is too gentle, it's the end of the world, and she still hopes that the child can live happily and freely like before the end of the world, and let the child develop according to nature?

She couldn't understand what Qinyue was thinking. Anyway, Su Su hoped that the children who grew up in Bafang Village would have the ability to protect themselves when they went out. In the end of the world, you can live out a courage and courage.

Brother Pi winked at Qinyue, meaning to tell Qinyue not to mess with Su Su. Su Su's life is not easy at all these days, and her temper is also very irritable. If you have any opinions, you need to wait until Su Su is born. , Qinyue bit her lip and lowered her head, and stopped saying anything to refute Su Su.

Su Su was even more annoying, she always liked the kind of people who talked, Qinyue obviously had a look of opinion, but under Pi Ge's eyes, she didn't say a word, Su Su said again:

"People say that a loving mother is a loser, what do you think? Let Ruirui live as innocently as before the end of the world? Children all over the world are accepting the alchemy of the end of the world. Ruirui will walk out of Bafang Village in the future, just like an idiot , do you think you feel better? I won’t tell you anymore, I’ll go see Li Ying and those people.”

The irritable Su Su turned around, left Qinyue and left her yard, and walked towards the middle of the village. Brother Pi followed behind her, carefully persuading:

"Su Su, don't be as knowledgeable as Qinyue. She is a woman, and the end of the world has just begun, so she follows you. Naturally, she doesn't understand how dark the outside world is. You see, you are about to give birth, and you can live without saying a day. Get angry seven or eight times, get angry so much, others will not feel good, and you will not feel good either."

"Don't talk to me, Zhuo Shijia said that I may have a little prenatal anxiety!"

Su Su walked forward with her stomach straight. She naturally knew that it was abnormal for her to be angry frequently these days, but what should she do if she couldn't control it? When she met Li Ying and gave her all these troubles, Su Su's anger was not ordinary. The best way for others at the moment is to ignore her. The more she looks for a sense of presence in front of her, the more irritable she becomes, Maybe one of them disagrees, and they will kill each other.

Piggy behind him lowered his head,

Touching the tip of his nose, everyone can see that Su Su is not normal now. Su Su's temper was not good at first, but at most, the words in his mouth were a little unpleasant, but now Su Su, It was in a state of rage all over his body, for no reason, and Brother Pi felt a little scared in his heart.

In this way, the two walked up to the watchtower in the middle of the village in silence.

Standing on the tower and looking forward, on the flat ground outside Bafang Village, several cars, large and small, have already parked, and some cars form a large circle. Outside the circle, there are soldiers cleaning up the maggots, and inside the circle, there are wounded soldiers. There were also some women captured by Li Ying who were playing the role of amateur nurses.

Far away, there were several large RVs parked outside the circle. In the RV, Li Ying was standing by the window, looking at the watchtower in the distance. Beside her was the tall Much like Voldemort's supernatural being, now that supernatural being has advanced, a thick red snake is stopping at his feet, circling into a ball.

The big red snake spit out bloody snake letters, but Voldemort sneered, and said to Li Ying: "It seems that you have offended the village chief of Bafang Village. These wounded soldiers have been waiting outside for a whole day. God, she has no intention of opening the door at all."

Li Ying did not speak, but stood in the car window, looking at Su Su on the watchtower from a distance. Now this Bafang Village is quite different from what she saw a few months ago. She sent several soldiers to check for something, but nothing was found. Not only that, but the soldiers she sent have never returned since then.

Outside the whole village, there was originally a loose earth wall, but now there is a big stone on the east and west of the earth wall, and it looks like a patch has been made on the earthy earthen wall from a distance, which is a bit inexplicable It was funny, but besides being funny, Li Ying noticed that outside the wall, there was actually a circle of power grids, and the huge wind power station was turning its blades in the midsummer breeze.

The maggots outside the Bafang Village have been crawling into the Bafang Village from a very early age. However, after several months of crawling, they still come and get wiped out. Now it seems that these maggots are mainly exterminated. , It turned out to be those purple-red bushes in the trench of Bafang Village!

Su Su didn't know when, she raised the mutated bushes quietly. No one cared about these mutated bushes at first, but after they grew up, those mutated bushes had turned purple-red , the growth is extremely lush, as long as there are creatures close to these bushes, they can produce sharp thorns with a length of one foot, and the thorns are also very magical, the maggots stabbed by the thorns will be sucked dry in the blink of an eye clean.

These mutated bushes alone made Li Ying a little jealous, not to mention that Bafang Village seems to be getting bigger and bigger. If they can live here, they can develop well and expand their manpower. …

She thought in her heart, Su Su has always been a soft-hearted person, although Li Ying has no idea how she offended Su Su, but as long as her posture is low enough, she wonders if Su Su can let her in? As long as she can enter Bafang Village, she will definitely be able to use Bafang Village as a new starting point and create a glorious era that belongs to her Li Ying!

"Mom, Mom, I want Mom, let me in, Mom, come out, Mom."

An immature male voice sounded, which successfully interrupted Li Ying's thoughts. Standing in the window, she turned her head to follow the sound, and saw a few ragged refugees approaching not far away. They were all skinny, and one of the half-old children, about 10 years old, was about to rush into the encirclement of the car with excitement.

And in the circle surrounded by the cars, there was also a woman in ragged clothes, crying and about to rush out, but two soldiers held up the butts of their guns, knocked one on her stomach, and the other on her stomach. back, knocked out, and dragged into a tent somewhere.

This kind of scene, Li Ying is very common, it is nothing more than she snatched a few women on the road, and the sons or family members of those women have been following her team, crying and clamoring for her to return those women.

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