Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Three hundred and seventy sixth teacher Qin

The scholar and Li Xiaoyu, in fact, just looked at each other a little bit, they were indifferent, not even a couple, and they never said anything beyond the status of friends. Under the circumstances, to do it with Li Xiaoyu, he must restrain himself no matter what.

If he wanted to do it, he hoped that he could consciously control himself instead of letting his lower body drive him.

As time passed, the scholar released a dense white mist uncontrollably. Mo Weiming led special forces with supernatural powers, fully armed and wearing gas masks, rushed into the white mist, in front of Li Xiaoyu face, and carried away the scholar who was in a coma with his blood pumping.

Li Xiaoyu was crying in the car, with her hands on the window, looking at the white mist, being carried away by the special forces with gas masks, she covered her face, crying a little To me, there is such a man in this world who, facing her, would not touch a single hair of her even if he was in love. This feeling is actually not very good for Li Xiaoyu.

This thick white mist enveloped Li Xiaoyu's love fragrance, and it was separated between Pupu Town and Bafang Village. The scholar has not woken up, and Li Xiaoyu seems to have been hit hard. After the women's self-improvement team rushed over, he opened the car door, folded his wings, put on his clothes, and silently huddled in a corner of the car, waiting. The car started and returned to Pupa Town.

In the thick fog, Li Anxin shouted hoarsely and intermittently. Several men were in the white mist full of love, forgetting their identities and purposes, and all they could think about was sex... , plug plug plug!

Outside Pupa Town, in the copycat armored vehicle running forward on the national highway, the teammates chatted excitedly about a group of pupa faces that appeared on the map. According to the map updated yesterday in Bafang Village, this group of faces The chrysalis are still very small, like a group of newly born ones, walking around and pushing buildings in the safe zone.

The high-rise buildings were knocked down by these human-faced chrysalis. Looking at Xiangcheng today, it really feels like the world has been destroyed.

"Everyone, let me ask you a question. When the world we live in is destroyed, we need to rebuild our homeland. What is the first thing to rebuild?"

Inside the dealer's car,

A man in his 40s, looking very healthy, wearing a black down jacket and holding a textbook, suddenly stood up and asked everyone in the car with burning eyes.

Su Su held Xiao Ai in her arms, and Xiao Ai, who was only a few months old, sat on the waist stool on her waist. In the swaying car, the little girl woke up for a while, Su Su took out the bottle and fed her two sips of water, She closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Hearing the man's question, Su Su turned his head and looked over, and heard someone say with great interest: "Of course it's a house, and we need to build various habitats for human beings first."

"Building a house requires people. We must first gather enough people to build a house."

"Then you don't have enough food and clothing, and even if you have enough people, you don't have the strength to build a house. So I think that the disaster destroyed the whole world. If we want to rebuild our home, we must first feed ourselves and clothe ourselves."

"Let there be seeds to solve the food crisis."

"What if you only have seeds but can't plant them? You have to have books and the knowledge of planting, so that you can sow seeds in four seasons, and the food you plant will be shelled."

"I think there must be a medical system first. After the end of the world, there will be a crisis of shortage of medicines everywhere. Human beings are not only traumatized physically, but also traumatized in their hearts."

"There must be rules. Rules determine everything. Rules formulate the medical system, decide who will save people, who will spread knowledge, who will plant, who will recruit people, and who will build houses!"

The person who said this was the one with the book in his hand who asked the question first. He stood in the car, raised his hand and patted the book in his hand, and continued with some impassioned words:

"However, who will set the rules for the last days? Doctors? Lawyers? Or officials? No, it's the strong. The strong set the rules for this new world."

"Hahahaha, let me tell you, Mr. Qin, you, don't express your emotions here. Every day is a day, and now we are living a good life. Why do you think so much?"

"That's right, the strong? Who dares to call themselves a strong now? Today you are a strong, and tomorrow a stronger strong will emerge. Today you make a rule, and tomorrow I will beat you to death, and I will kill you again." Make one rule, and countless rules are messed up."

"This is a world where you kill the weak and run away when you see the strong. Teacher Qin, come on, let's stop thinking so much, come on, drink some water, kill the chrysalis for a while, and exchange more Crystal nucleus, store more food, this winter will be difficult."

Teacher Qin's face full of generosity suddenly showed a look of disappointment. He seemed to be unable to find a bosom friend, and sat back in his seat depressed. Su Su looked at Teacher Qin and thought for a while. She seemed to be I heard Brother Pi say that the sociologist who proposed "use heavy codes in troubled times" is called Qin. Could it be this Teacher Qin?

Just thinking about it, the moving car stopped, and the people in the car quickly packed up their weapons and bags, and began to prepare for getting off the car. Su Su was no exception. When she got on the car before, she gave Xiao Ai a small hat It was lifted, and now Xiao Ai put the multicolored woolen hat back on her little head, put her backpack on her back, and stood up.

At this moment, the woman who let Su Su get into the car came back from the passenger seat, pushed aside the person blocking the way, walked to Su Su's side, and ruthlessly warned:

"We are about to get off here. If you want to follow us, then manage yourself. When danger comes, no one will take care of you and protect you. If you don't follow us, you can go on your own after getting off the car. On the return journey, I will also find a car to go back by myself."

Su Su nodded, the end of the world is coming, everyone will come out to do tasks together, it should be so! Turning her head and looking again, the car door opened, and the wind and snow poured into the car. She took a step forward to protect Xiao Ai, her feet gradually opened As soon as the door was stepped on, the whole person was ejected from the fake armored vehicle.

Behind him, the people in the car were stunned for two seconds, and someone blew a whistle and praised: "It's a bit capable!"

"Whether you have the ability or not, you will know after you have seen it!"

Another person sneered, followed Su Su and jumped out of the cottage armored vehicle. Looking up, Su Su was holding Xiao Ai in the front, with a big backpack on his back, and walked a long way in front of the rubble. The pace was not at all. The pace a normal woman should have.

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