Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Three hundred and ninety-one small

Su Su collected materials locally, and took the crystal nucleus from the body of the human-faced chrysalis, which was absorbed by her before it was warmed up, so she was full of energy and was not tired at all.

It's just that there are too many human face pupae piled up outside the wall, and the human face pupae behind can't come over. Although they are masters of pushing walls, they can't push off their own pupae shells, so these human face pupae shells, It turned out to be the best defense to protect the wall of Su Su's house!

However, Human Face Chrysalis couldn't get in, and Su Su and the others couldn't get out either.

Behind Su Su, in the medical building, there was a weak cry of a baby. She frowned and looked at the chrysalis shells crowded outside the wall. Zhuo Shijia's baby was born, and they couldn't go out for the time being.

Although Su Su was able to suppress the chrysalis alone, Mr. Qin and his group were not idle. Their abilities were useless for killing chrysalis, but Su Su could not protect them all by himself, they would also help attack The human face chrysalis came from behind.

"Su Su, what do we do now?"

The battle stopped for a while, because the human face pupae behind was blocked by the human face pupae's corpse, so everyone had no human face pupae to kill.

Hearing this, Su Su touched Xiao Ai's head, looked out from the wall, looked at the corpses with white human faces, thought for a while, and said honestly:

"I guess the other party won't let us go out so easily. Dr. Zhuo and her child can't go out now, so let's wait here for now."

If there were only Su Su and Xiao Ai today, Su Su would be sure to take Xiao Ai to break out, but the key is that he is still with such a large group of people, Zhuo Shijia and the child who needs to stay in the incubator. , everyone should take care of each other, but it's not the last moment, Su Su is unlikely to leave Zhuo Shijia and the newborn child behind.

If Ye Yu went to attack Voldemort's stronghold and came back early, he would definitely come to find her and Xiao Ai. During this period, they only need to ensure their own personal safety. It is not very difficult for special forces with special abilities to come to the rescue.

Of course, the rest of the people thought the same way. They were with Ye Yu's women and children. As long as they didn't try to die, they probably wouldn't die. Therefore, the most urgent task was how to protect themselves in this closed green forest.

Next, Su Su introduced this small "Bafang Village" to these people, which villas can live in, which villa is her and Xiao Ai's, and some of these villas have not been taken away. Materials, everyone can look through and look for them, maybe you can find some food.

It doesn't matter if you can't find food. When Xiao Yao's team goes out to do missions, they will bring enough food for several days every time, so food is not a problem for the time being.

Then Su Su hugged Xiao Ai on the waist stool, and turned quickly to look at Zhuo Shijia. To be honest, she was very anxious in her heart. She didn't see what kind of situation Zhuo Shijia is in now, but the child crying The sound was very weak, several decibels lower than when Xiao Ai was born, just like a wounded kitten whimpering.

It wasn't until Su Su hurried up to the second floor that he realized that the room that was originally used as a delivery room was covered with blood, and Xiao Yao was busy cleaning up a very small, red baby boy , Zhuo Shijia crawled off the delivery bed with blood all over his lower body,

Although she is very weak, Xiao Yao doesn't care about taking care of the premature baby, and Zhuo Shijia's child has to come by herself.

"3 catties."

She took her son and weighed her son on the electronic scale. Her brows were tightly locked, her hair was wet and messy, and blood was constantly flowing from her bare legs under the long down jacket. down, but this amount is only for the normal exclusion of bad leakage, and has not reached the level of hemorrhage.

The surrounding air was very cold, Xiao Yao found a pack of unopened nursing pads, Zhuo Shijia used the nursing pads to wrap her son first, then took off her down jacket, and wrapped her son again, This is when he turned his head and said to Su Su who walked in quickly:

"Su Su, you have to do me a favor, help me clean the incubator with water."

This villa and these facilities have not been used for a long time, and a thick layer of dust has accumulated in many places. Zhuo Shijia's son was born prematurely, and his birth weight was less than half that of Xiao Ai. If the incubators are dirty, the chance of death will increase countless times.

Su Su nodded solemnly all over her face, and started to clean the incubator inside and out with water. These things are not difficult for her, a water-type supernatural being, so Xiao Yao at this time, I searched around in this medical building, and found some medical supplies for disinfection, nursing pads, etc.

After Su Su cleaned the incubator and washed the entire delivery room to make it spotless, she looked at Zhuo Shijia's bare legs, slapped her forehead, and said:

"I forgot, I still have a maternity bag."

When I left here, I was really in a hurry, and the only things I could take away were small things, and for things like maternity bags, Su Su only had one or two sets, but she stocked up a dozen or twenty sets at the beginning. Inside the Su family villa.

Because she was the only woman who gave birth, she couldn't use so many maternity bags at all, so the rest were left in the Su family villa to grow dust, and because outside the world, the wall was covered with piranhas, waiting for idlers When you can't get in at all, this place is like a lost world, and no human being has ever set foot.

Su Su hugged Xiao Ai, and hurried back to the Su family's villa, waved her hand, and rolled her own villa with water. It took only ten minutes before and after, and then went to the basement full of supplies, and searched through boxes and chests to find a few sets of pregnant women. bag, and a few pieces of baby underwear in gift boxes. In addition, she even dug out a box of infant milk powder from the basement.

When doing this, Su Su took Xiao Ai with her all the time. She has always been very curious. For her now, everything is so novel, so Xiao Ai is very quiet at the moment, and there is no Because Su Su is busy, she makes a lot of noise.

Xiao Yao found a few sets of cleaner clothes for Zhuo Shijia. She discussed with Su Su and brought Teacher Qin over. Su Su put a bathtub of clean water in the bathroom of the medical building, and then let Qin The teacher warmed it up so that Zhuo Shijia could take a bath.

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