Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Three hundred and ninety-fifth, borrow some breast milk

Su Su waved hands with Teacher Qin, turned around and carried Xiao Ai who was sleeping soundly to the medical building. On the second floor of the medical building, Zhuo Shijia and Tianci in the incubator were still there. Can't wait to see it. ? W≥W≤W≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W≠. ≥C≥O≠M≠

On the second floor, Zhuo Shijia was still asleep on the bed. When Su Su went back to the villa last night, Zhuo Shijia was still awake. Presumably she was extremely tired, so she didn't wake up even when Su Su opened the door to come in.

Su Su hugged Xiao Ai and walked to the side of the incubator, and glanced at Tianci, poor little Tianci, now he was like a little beast, wearing diapers, and the diapers were the smallest nB size that Su Su found out , but it looks so big when worn on Xiaotianci's body.

His upper body is naked, there is no flesh under the thin skin, only a few small ribs can be seen, Zhuo Shijia put an electrocardiogram detector on the chest, the belly is bulging, red meat There is only a little bit of meat, and such a small child, whose face is not as big as Su Su's palm, is wearing a ventilator.

Su Su stood by the side of the incubator and looked at it for a while, and Tianci started to move. Does it look like he's hungry? So Su Su raised her hand, hugged Xiao Ai, made a water drop the size of a glass ball, sent it to Tianci's mouth from the small round hole on the side of the incubator, and fed it to him little by little.

Because Zhuo Shijia was pregnant with this child and gave birth in such an environment, his body was so weak that he hadn't given milk yet. Yesterday he gave Tianci some milk powder with a spoon. If Zhuo Shijia didn't have milk powder today If she wants to breastfeed, Su Su probably has to find a way to find a feeding bottle.

I don't know if such a young child can last until seeing King Kong... Su Su shook her head, she felt that she really shouldn't think so, Zhuo Shijia had a difficult life, as a friend, if she thought the same way , how should Zhuo Shijia survive?

Thinking of this, Su Su turned her head and glanced at Zhuo Shijia who was still asleep. She went downstairs with Xiao Ai in her arms. After eating the food cooked by Xiao Yao and the others, she returned to her villa and rummaged through boxes and boxes in the basement. Looking for supplies, I found a small baby bottle and a thermos, washed them with water, and found Teacher Qin, who asked Qin to warm some water and put them in the thermos.

When Su Su returned to the medical building where Zhuo Shijia was staying, Zhuo Shijia had already woken up, Xiao Yao came to bring her some food and chicken soup, Zhuo Shijia was sitting by the bed eating and drinking soup, seeing Su Su with one hand Holding Xiao Ai, Zhuo Shijia came up with a brand new thermos and a small feeding bottle in one hand. Zhuo Shijia stood up quickly, with a strong smile on his thin and white face, and said to Su Su:

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I don't know what to do."

"How is Tianci today?"

"He worked very hard, and there was no infection in his heart and lungs for the time being.


Zhuo Shijia said that the situation is very optimistic, but everyone can see that there is a trace of worry on her face. Tianci is too young, and he was only one day old, so he can't see anything at all. She hasn't fully fertilized yet, and Zhuo Shijia doesn't have breast milk. Besides being careful about heart and lung infections, there are many details to consider.

She took the thermos and small feeding bottle from Su Su's hand, took the first stage of milk powder that Su Su sent over yesterday, and started to make milk powder for Tianci. ,

"Su Su, I, can I ask you to borrow some breast milk?"

Milk powder is not as good as breast milk in any case. Although milk powder is as close as possible to breast milk, its nutritional value is far inferior to breast milk. Someone once did a study before the end of the world, and observed milk powder and breast milk under a microscope. Rich in white blood cells and fat globules, white blood cells can fight infection, fat globules are good for the baby's brain and eye development.

"No problem, I have a lot of milk anyway!"

Su Su shrugged, and took Xiao Ai back to her villa. Her villa had a lot of goods, and she could find several types of breast pumps, such as manual and electric ones.

After sucking a full 200 ml of breast milk for Tianci, Su Su returned to Zhuo Shijia's place with Xiao Ai in her arms. She put Xiao Ai on the small bed, and gave Zhuo Shijia the bottle containing the breast milk in her hand, and helped Zhuo Shijia by the way. Best to do some chores.

After a while, Su Su turned around and saw that Xiao Ai didn't know when she woke up, but she turned over and lay on the small bed by herself, and reached out to pick up the chopsticks that Zhuo Shijia put on the bedside table, and was holding them Playing in it, flickering, almost poking my own eyes.

Su Su felt a bit of a headache, turned around and went to grab the chopsticks in Xiao Ai's hand, Xiao Ai opened her mouth and burst into tears, Tianci, who was sucking a baby bottle in the incubator, shivered, and was about to grin and cry, Su Su quickly put Xiao Ai fished it out.

"Why don't you play with chopsticks? What if you poked your own eyes?"

While training Xiao Ai, she wiped away tears for Xiao Ai, but the little girl looked very aggrieved, tearing her throat open and crying loudly. At this moment, outside Xiangcheng, Ye Yu, who had been looking for them all night, looked like He suddenly sensed something, turned his head, and looked in the direction of the Apple Villa area.

There were ruins around him, and King Kong sat on the ruins with a slumped face, feeling like he was about to collapse, because since they entered Xiangcheng, all the traces that could be traced have been artificially erased Well, this method of smearing is very professional, and it cannot be done by an amateur like Voldemort.

That is to say, these supernatural special forces can clearly feel that a powerful force from the military is intervening between them and Voldemort, no matter in terms of covering up the traces of Su Su, Xiao Ai, and Zhuo Shijia, Still from the opponent's hidden methods, they are all very, very high-end, so high-end that they have to attract the attention of this team of supernatural special forces.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Yu staring in the direction of the Apple Villa in a daze, the scholar beside him asked, "What are you looking at?"

"I seem to hear my girl crying."

Ye Yu felt a little pain in his heart, his mood at the moment was not much better than King Kong, because according to the news sent by Brother Pi from Puzhen Town, it was that Su Su took Xiao Ai and went with Xiao Yao's team It's good to chase Zhuoshi.

In other words, all of them, including King Kong's woman Zhuo Shijia, Ye Yu's daughter Su Su and Xiao Ai, and Voldemort who kidnapped Zhuo Shijia, are all under the surveillance of this high-end force. Yes, this power has been discovered by Ye Yu and others, but it has not been discovered by Su Su and Voldemort.

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