Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Four hundred and twenty first Nannanmu ran away

Su Su felt that it was she who underestimated the soldiers on this land. Before the apocalypse, they were so tough, and after the apocalypse, even if they took a clear stand, they were still just as tough. They killed so many innocent people in Chrysalis Town, Su Su It can only be said that Nan Nanmu is not a good person, but it cannot be said that he is not a good soldier.

On the way back, everyone seemed a little dull. This time, they killed a lot of people, but the crisis in Chrysalis Town was only temporarily resolved. That annoying spy was like a fishbone stuck in his throat Generally speaking, because of Nannanmu's swearing to protect him to the death, everyone cares even more.

Su Su drove a car alone, and followed the special forces with Xiao Ai. In the orange sunset, he slowly drove back to Pupa Town. Mu Yang, Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu brought a team of people to pick him up. them.

After a long distance, Su Su saw the people standing behind the three of them. Those people were all the left and right hands of Mu Yang, Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu. Her eyes were a little cold. Spies are among these few people.

Let’s talk about Mu Yang first. There are two people with him, one is Teacher Qin, and the other is a third-level supernatural user named Hao Jun. Teacher Qin is a fire-type superhuman. Su Su has met several times. It was the first time I saw Teacher Qin standing beside Mu Yang.

She slowly drove the car into the gate of the power grid. Mu Yang was still wearing the same black suit, and walked forward quickly. In the child safety seat, drooling and falling asleep, Mu Yang opened the car door, and carefully carried Xiao Ai out of the safety seat.

Su Su also got out of the car, looked Mu Yang up and down, and saw the energy surge around this kid, it was the fire element, but it was weird, and it didn't look like a very pure kind of fire, which always made people feel angry. It feels a little intimidating.

Now in front of everyone, Su Su couldn't ask Mu Yang carefully, so he asked casually, "Are you awake? Are you okay?"

"Thank you, very good." Concise and concise, but not rude, Mu Yang became more and more individual, he looked down at Xiao Ai, and said to Su Su who was speechless: "Grandpa and grandma are still waiting for you." Look at Xiao Ai."

"Oh, good, I'll go back to Bafang Village in a while."

Su Su squinted her eyes and smiled, then looked at Pi Ge and Li Xiaoyu, Pi Ge was leading his young and Dangerous boys around the special forces, asking all kinds of questions to express his concerns, behind him The young and Dangerous boys have been with Brother Pi since the beginning of the end of the world. One is Anan, one is Xige, and the other is Da Sixi.

Li Xiaoyu walked over with her deputy Chen Siyu, looked at Su Su with concern, and asked, "Is everything going well? You're not injured, are you?"

"No, it's fine."

Su Su stepped forward and hugged Li Xiaoyu,

He glanced at Chen Siyu behind Li Xiaoyu again, nodded to Chen Siyu, and took a closer look at Chen Siyu. It is said that Chen Siyu was a starlet who had just debuted before the end of the world. The end of the world is coming when it is popular, so looking at Chen Siyu's appearance, even without makeup, he looks beautiful and pleasant, and he has a sense of righteousness.

Looking at these people one by one, there is no problem at all, and it is impossible for them to clearly write that they are spies, so Su Su frowned inadvertently, exchanged a few words with Li Xiaoyu, and then returned to the car, Xiao Ai was held by Mu Yang, and the three drove back to Bafang Village.

Looking at the military jeep going away all the way, Chen Siyu frowned, took a step forward, and asked Li Xiaoyu, "Xiaoyu, do we want to check the supplies this time?"

"No need, those materials will be counted by special forces with special abilities, and all of us are not allowed to go out."

Li Xiaoyu shook his head, turned his head and glanced at Chen Siyu, this time Su Su and the others went to Xiangcheng to do a mission, Nan Nanmu and his subordinates' equipment and weapons were all very sophisticated and advanced, but because of the martial law in Pupa Town No one can go out of Pupa Town, so those equipment and weapons, naturally, it is not the turn of the women's self-improvement team to count, and special forces with special abilities will strip the dead bodies.

Chen Siyu who was behind him lowered his head, shut his mouth and stopped asking about the materials. After a while, he heard Hao Jun, who was under Mu Yang's hand, take the initiative to ask Qingmu:

"What's the matter? Go out this time, but you killed Nannanmu?"

Aoki pursed his lips, showing a bit discouraged in his posture, and said: "No, the rest of the people are dead, only Nannanmu ran away."

"Run away? How could you let him run away?!"

Hao Jun's eyes widened, he seemed a little unbelievable, and also a little angry. These special forces went out this time to kill Nan Nanmu, how could they let Nan Nanmu run away?

Chen Siyu on the side listened, but laughed with a "puchi". She turned around, looked at Hao Jun's appearance of "hating iron but not steel", and joked:

"Look, you are so anxious, as if you can't wait to roll up your sleeves to fight in person. Then next time something like this happens, why don't you apply with Su Su and let you participate?"

After a pause, Chen Siyu turned his head to look at Aoki again, and asked strangely: "Hey, I haven't seen Ye Yu for a few days, did he go on some mission? King Kong didn't come back either..."

Aoki frowned, feeling that Chen Siyu was a talkative woman, so he gave Chen Siyu a cold look, turned around and got into the car without saying a word, and drove away.

In the same place, Brother Pi chuckled, and said to Chen Siyu, who was full of embarrassment, and Hao Jun, who was full of anger: "Okay, now there are many internal and external troubles in Pupa Town. Go your separate ways, but now, since you are still in Pupa Town, in the next period of time, everyone should just do more things and talk less, the world is chaotic, we have to live our lives well, a good day is one day."

"That makes sense."

Li Xiaoyu nodded, deeply agreeing with Pi Ge's words, and Chen Siyu behind her also expressed his support for Pi Ge with a very agreeable expression.

Only Hao Jun still seemed very unconvinced. He squeezed his fist and didn't talk back to Pi Ge. It was only after everyone left one after another that he pulled Teacher Qin and complained angrily:

"I really don't know what these special forces do to eat? They let Nannanmu run away!!!"

"Otherwise, what do you want? I know you want to go out for revenge, but it's up to you?!" Mrs. Qin, who was thin, pulled his arm out of Hao Jun's hand, glanced back at Hao Jun, and scoffed. Said: "Maybe you went out, it's not as good as those special forces, at least they killed everyone except Nan Nanmu!"

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