Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Four hundred and seventy-seventh, let Hu Sandao get pregnant

"mu~a, mu~a, mu~a!!!"

The little love holding Su Su may have felt Su Su's emotions. Holding Su Su was also crying, crying and calling her mother. , A thick layer of ice has formed, and she has fallen into the demonic barrier again. She always does this, and when she is a little emotional, she is easy to fall into the painful demonic barrier.

Taking a deep breath, Su Su let go of Hu Sandao's fingers. As soon as her feet left, there was a piece of blood under her feet, black skin, red blood, and white bones. , Hu Sandao curled up on the white ice, so cold that even the pain was numb.

How could Su Su let him die so easily? She raised her hand, patted Xiao Ai's back, and slightly withdrew some of the external abilities. The temperature in the yard rose a bit, and the frozen door was suddenly opened. In this courtyard, people who were lying in the room The resting men raised their guns and shot at Su Su and Xiao Ai standing in the yard through the door that opened suddenly.

"It's not your turn yet!"

When Su Su tilted his head, a side of ice quickly froze the doors and windows of those rooms, like a wall, blocking the doors and windows, preventing these men from running out to make trouble.

She continued to take a walk, holding Xiao Ai in her arms, walking around Hu Sandao, who was dying on the ground, reaching out, patting Xiao Ai's back lightly, while calming Xiao Ai's restless emotions, she continued to ask Hu Sandao softly. three knives,

"Before the end of the world, I can't quite understand you, human traffickers? Does the name sound nice? You should all be sentenced to death! How many families have been broken because of you human traffickers? How many people, because you have lived your whole life in regret and In pain, you say that it is only for profit, for profit, you can hurt the world to such an extent? Tell me, tell me about your mental journey? Teach me to understand, how does your heart grow?"

"I, I, I'm just for the money, to live, to live better! They, they can have another one."

Hu Sandao closed his eyes, he didn't have any mental journey, he didn't think those families who lost their children and relatives were so pitiful, they just kidnapped and trafficked women and children, and if there was one less person to eat, wouldn't those people's lives be the same? Pass?

As for the children? Parents who have lost their children, wouldn't it be nice to have another one? !

"Do you think that all children are piggies? Give birth as soon as you want? Another one, another one, it's not the original one!!!"

Su Su couldn't help but kicked Hu Sandao on the ground again, and kicked Hu Sandao who was curled up on the ground to lie flat. In order to take care of Xiao Ai's emotions, Su Su didn't lose control anymore, even though She felt that some of Hu Sandao's ideas,

It was difficult for her to control herself, but she still said slowly:

"Everyone in the world says that it's hard for women to conceive in October, but only women know how hard it is to conceive in October. Every child is a baby that women put their lives into. You just want to have another one, or else You give birth to try?? I give birth to you?!"

Saying that, Su Su's palm was placed on Hu Sandao's abdomen, and a mass of flesh and blood gradually gathered in Hu Sandao's stomach. The pain was so painful that Hu Sandao couldn't help but yelled loudly. He shouted:

"It hurts, it hurts, help, please, let me go, let me go..."

"Does it hurt? How much does it hurt? How much does your stomach hurt?"

"It hurts, it hurts, my stomach, my stomach is about to burst!"

Hu Sandao yelled, yelled, but Su Su couldn't help laughing, what did he say that his stomach was about to burst? The lump of flesh and blood in Hu Sandao's stomach is only the size of a four-month-old fetus. With such a small size, does it mean that the stomach is about to burst? The child was pregnant for 10 months in the woman's belly, how could the woman live?

She chuckled and continued to let the flesh and blood in Hu Sandao's stomach swell, she wanted to let Hu Sandao try it, every woman's pregnancy is difficult in October!

Next to him, the man who had released the signal flare looked like he was insane. He looked at Su Su, who seemed normal and abnormal, and stood there stupidly. He was so frightened that he even forgot to run. Just ignore him and continue to make Hu Sandao "pregnant!"

When Hu Sandao's belly had grown to the size of 6 months of "pregnancy", he couldn't bear it anymore. The black belly began to crack, and red faults burst out. Seeing this, Su Su felt like Jokingly, he said to Hu Sandao, whose limbs were twitching lying on the ground:

"Oh, you have stretch marks."

"Let me go, let me go, let me go..."

Today's Hu Sandao, lying on the white ice layer, would rather die than die. His black and red belly, stretching out his clothes and trousers, is still swollen, and he is only a low breath, Su Su just blinked her eyes, when a gust of wind blew in the distance, her long hair was blown away and fell on her shoulders, the tips of her hair were shaking slightly in the cold air.

Xiao Ai gradually calmed down, but she was lying on her mother's shoulder with a satisfied expression of attachment. At the skirt of her clothes, the red little snake's head poked and poked, looking very curiously at San Hu who was waiting to be slaughtered on the ground. Knife.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the mouth of Hu Sandao who was lying on the ice. His belly was burst, like a balloon that was blown too big, and burst from the inside with a "pop". , the blood scattered all over the ground, together with the intestines and feces in the intestines, it fell on the white ice layer.

That's it, Hu Sandao hasn't died yet, on the contrary, his consciousness is very clear, the pain from the whole abdomen is conveyed to his brain little by little, Hu Sandao no longer has the strength to beg for mercy, he also knows, any Everyone knows that no matter how hard he begs, Su Su will not let him go.

"So, it's so easy for you to abduct someone's child and say that it's good for someone else to have another one?"

Su Su changed hands, hugged Xiao Ai, and smiled softly. Her long hair, as black as ink, stuck to her pale face. She looked like a ghost crawling out of the underworld, looking at Hu Sandao's expression, she was obviously smiling, but it made people panic from the bottom of her heart, and she continued to say:

"Have you ever experienced the pain of losing a child? Every time you take a breath and inhale into your lungs, you will feel pain all over your body. The most painful thing is your heart. It hurts so much that you want to pluck it out. Every time you think of the child you lost , the tears flowed down uncontrollably, until the end, there was no more tears left, I just wished I could slam my head against the wall to my death, I lost my memory, I forgot everything!"

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