Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Five hundred and forty-ninth country girl

Seeing the concubine's appearance, Su Su understood in an instant that the two concubine's love was not found by Fang Shuyi himself, but by Fang Shuyi's father, who was sent by Fang Youli, and they were not the ones at the beginning. Fang Youmao was the two who went to Bafang Village, so these two confinement sister-in-laws are Fang Youli's people.

Although watching Su Su pull Mao Mao from Xiao Ai's waist, the two confinement sisters-in-law have been frightened by the majesty of the mutated snake king, and they refuse to let Fang Xiaoshi play with Xiao Ai anymore It's gone.

Fang Shuyi was so angry that his face turned blue. In front of Su Su and Su's mother, he couldn't help but reprimand the two servants without losing his status. He had to take a few deep breaths, stood on the spot and turned around a few times, pointing In the icy and snowy world outside, he whispered to the two confinement sisters-in-law:

"Both of you, put Fang Xiaoshi down and get out!"

The two confinement sisters shook their heads, the confinement sister-in-law hugged Fang Xiaoshi tightly, like a cow protecting a calf, she didn't know where the courage came from, and rushed out of the door with Fang Xiaoshi in her arms. After watching Fang Xiaoshi, the two of them were under Fang Shuyi's eyes, as if escaping from some terrible hell, they carried Fang Xiaoshi out of Su Su's yard, and got into the car parked outside. car.

Seeing this, Su Su sneered, let go of her hand, and Mao Mao slipped back to Xiao Ai's body quickly from her hand. Xiao Ai didn't understand what happened now, but just opened her ignorant eyes and sat By Su Su's side, he looked at Su Su, and at Fang Shuyi who was so angry that he almost jumped.

"I'm sorry Su Su, I went back and fired these two people!"

Fang Shuyi was really embarrassed. He thought today would be a good itinerary. After all, every child needs a playmate. How could he know that it would develop into the current situation? Like a plague.

Su Su didn't speak, Su's mother held Tianci who had stopped crying, looked at Fang Shuyi coldly, and said strangely: "We Mao Mao, don't provoke it, it is still very obedient and easy to get along with, look at our Tianci , isn't it good to play with Xiao Ai now? It's just that your little ten is too precious, the unique young master of the Fang family, who is our little love worthy of a playmate? I see from now on, Young Master Fang, you too Don't bring Young Master Fang out, lest your two nannies, who are worried, think that our little love is going to assassinate you Fang Xiaoshi."

When Su's mother got mad like this, Fang Shuyi couldn't hold back his face anymore. His handsome face was full of apologies. In the yard that had already accumulated a thin layer of snow, I looked at the car parked outside the gate. The car was still on, and the two confinement sisters were turning on the heater, feeding Fang Xiaoshi milk in the car.

Looking at the caring attitude of the confinement sister-in-law Fang Xiaoshi in the past two days, Fang Shuyi's unexplainable anger came from somewhere, and he didn't even like Fang Xiaoshi very much. The main room listened to Ye Yu and the man in the leather chair discuss the details of attacking the laboratory.

In the car, the two confinement sisters did their best to take care of Fang Xiaoshi. They turned on the heater, and regardless of the fact that there was a driver in the front seat of the car, they began to discuss while feeding Fang Xiaoshi with milk. Frowning, with a strange look, he said:

"I really don't know what our Eldest Young Master thinks about bringing Young Master to such a poor place. Look at those two children, one of them obviously has a brain problem, and they can't crawl when they are so old."

"Yes, she is quite handsome, why can't she crawl? This kind of child is also assigned to the young master as a playmate? It has lowered the style of our young ten young masters. I really don't know how to explain to the old master later."

"There is also the one named Xiao Ai, who looks beautiful, oh my mother, there is a snake hidden in her body, that snake... tsk tsk, it is so scary, you said that the little girl's mother has a heart. It's too big, what if I accidentally bite my daughter? Will there be any children willing to play with her daughter in the future?"

The driver in front turned his head to the side, and looked at the two naive confinement women with disdain. He was very smart and didn't utter a word to refute. In this day and age, he probably still wants to avoid the daughter of Su Su's family. These two confinement sisters-in-law who have never seen anything big in the world, if he had a child who was about the same age as Xiao Ai, he would have sent him to grow up with Xiao Ai and play together, and he would not be a childhood sweetheart. It's good to be familiar, if you want to take refuge in the future, if you want to send your parents, family and relatives to Bafang Village or something, it can be regarded as an invisible pass.

Hearing what the confinement sister-in-law said, she still thinks highly of herself, thinking that Su Su's family is a rural family, that the house they live in is a dilapidated thatched cottage, Godsend is a disabled child with brain problems, and Xiao Ai is a dangerous person , in short, after all, everything here doesn't match Fang Xiaoshi's style.

In the room, Mother Su was still angry at the attitude of the two confinement sisters-in-law to protect the calf. She put Tianci by Xiao Ai's side, and while watching Xiao Ai rebuild the building blocks, she complained to Su Su:

"In the future, don't come here to play with my good grandchildren for such a low-key family. They are afraid that Maomao will hurt their young master. I am also afraid that Xiao Ai and Tianci will learn from their dog-like attitude. You said that you are such a big man, why don’t you know how to distinguish, like gather together, and people are divided into groups, you know, from now on, our little love and that Fang Xiaoshi cannot be the same! What else are you playing? Don’t play, he To be his high-profile young master, our little love to be our little love's country girl, well water does not violate river water!"

"I see, I didn't call Fang Xiaoshi over today, it was Fang Shuyi who brought him over by himself."

Su Su smiled flatteringly at Mother Su, actually she was also angry when something like this happened, Fang Xiaoshi made such a big bag on her little love head, she hasn't settled with Fang Xiaoshi yet, the two The confinement sister-in-law first disliked Xiao Ai. Fang Xiaoshi's upbringing education seems to be very worrying. Just looking at the quality of the two confinement sister-in-laws, Su Su has almost seen Fang Xiaoshi's future. Playing with Fang Xiaoshi is also a good thing.

It's just that no one is playing with Xiao Ai anymore, who can I find to beat Xiao Ai again? Who will teach Xiao Ai some setbacks? Godsend? That child is absolutely unacceptable. Since Hui Tianci bit Xiao Ai, I don’t know if he was scared by King Kong’s lesson. Since then, he has never bit Xiao Ai, and he has never even photographed Xiao Ai. Now Only Xiaoai bullies Tianci, do you want Tianci to bully Xiaoai? impossible!

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