Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Five hundred and eighty-fourth, the solutions are all people's ideas.

After finishing the ice wall, Su Su turned around and saw Chunlai's wife unpacking the big bag that she had been carrying on her back. In the bag, Chunlai's wife casually packed some supplies. There was a lot of food, but these orphans had a total of There are as many as a hundred or so, such a big bag of food, even if each orphan has a bite, it is still not enough.

"How can such a small amount of things be enough?"

Chunlai's wife lowered her head and asked Su Su worriedly. She didn't dare to speak too loudly, for fear that the children who were already full of panic would panic even more. In fact, Chunlai's wife's worry was not unreasonable. After all, they are now deeply buried on the second floor of the ground. It is hard to say when they will be rescued, how long they will stay here, or whether they can wait to be rescued. , definitely not enough points.

"It's okay." Su Su stretched out his hand, patted Chunlai's wife on the shoulder, and comforted him: "The solution is all people's thinking. You see, among us children, there are three wood-type abilities, one water-type ability, and one Ice-type abilities, two fire-type abilities, and one earth-type ability person, right, as long as we divide them properly and unite, we can survive here and wait for rescue."

This is the most correct way to deal with it! After Su Su finished speaking, she walked over to the place where the children were sitting, came to the child who released sparks, waved her hand, and made the child stand up, smiled, and looked down at the child who was full of sparks. It looked like Khan, and asked:

"Do you feel a little overwhelmed?"

The child nodded, with his head held high, with an attitude of looking at a god, and looked at Su Su with eyes full of admiration. Su Su took out a handful of crystal cores from his pocket, which was given to her by Zhuo Shijia just now. It was dug out from the head of the mutated bird, and she gave the small handful of ordinary crystal nuclei to the child who had been emitting Martian lighting, and said softly:

"Try it, absorb the energy inside, it will make you feel less tired."

Seeing this, Xiao Ai, who was tied around Su Su's waist, felt that these crystal nuclei looked very beautiful under the light of sparks, so she shook her two calves, grabbed two crystal nuclei from Su Su's hand, and played with them. Su Su stroked Xiao Ai's hair with the other hand, did not stop her, and gave the remaining crystal nuclei to the little fire-type power user in front of him.

Seeing this, another little fire-type superhuman also stood up, and tried to release a little spark together. In an instant, the space that was supposed to be dark became extremely bright and warm, and the warm orange light shone on the It made the transparent ice wall look like a luminous crystal, and also illuminated the survivors' territory next door.

After solving the lighting problem, the next step is to wait for rescue, but no one knows whether the rescue will come, especially Su Su, the leader of the Eastern District, who is supposed to take care of everyone, even said that he is irresponsible and irresponsible , Fear and anxiety began to spread in everyone's heart.

Su Su's mentality here,

The mentality of the survivors is still a little better. Maybe those children do not have so many selfish thoughts like adults. They have no other choice but to believe in Su Su and rely on Su Su wholeheartedly. idea.

Anyway, things are already like this, under the protection of Su Su, they all arrived here, they can do whatever Su Su told them to do, they never doubted that Su Su would abandon them, I have always believed that as long as you listen to Su Su, you will always survive.

Including Chunlai's wife, Mei Shengnan, Zhuo Shijia and Su's mother, etc., although they are also adults, but seeing Su Su's calm posture, they also forced themselves to stabilize their emotions, and they will always go out. There will always be rescue, and there will always be survival.

In the warm firelight, Su Su sat on some ice chairs and asked several adults to sit down, thinking that there might be some mutated birds above their heads, and they would have to stay here for a few hours, and then looked at the The children on the ground became a little interested, twirled their fingers on the ground, made a big slide with ice, and put it on the edge of the ice wall.


"It's great, it's a slide!"

Seeing the children on the slide, the eyes lit up, and some children couldn't help cheering. Su Su raised a finger and made a "1" silence gesture in front of her lips. Those children They immediately fell silent, raised a little finger to their lips, and let out a "hush" sound.

A slightly older child quietly walked up to Su Su, and asked cautiously: "Dean, can we play for a while? We promise not to make any noise."

"Go ahead, queue up, don't make noise."

On the side, Chunlai's wife unconsciously released a smile on her face. Before Su Su could speak, she opened her mouth. The children pursed their mouths and jumped happily on the spot. The slide is up.

This place with children can actually reflect the atmosphere of the entire team. The children are happy and having fun. It seems that the atmosphere of the entire underground parking lot has changed. It should have been a gloomy space, but now there is something It's like a fairytale.

There were only a few adults left, still unable to hide the worry on their faces, they turned their heads and sat on the ice chair made by Su Su, taking care of the children while having a small meeting.

The little love in Su Su's arms watched her brothers and sisters playing on the slide, she couldn't sit still in her mother's arms, and she wanted to get down, but the straps of the waist stool made Su Su's neck hurt a bit, Su Su untied Xiao Ai from the waist stool, and Su Mu took her to play on the slide together. Seeing this, Tianci in Zhuo Shijia's arms looked like a follower, and wanted to play with Xiao Ai. Jia had no choice but to take Tianci to play.

Without Xiao Ai in her arms, Su Su was relieved for a while. She moved the waist stool to her waist, leaned her back on the ice chair, and watched Chunlai's wife bowing her head and pinching her fingers to figure out something. Then she asked The little man said:

"You are also a supernatural power? What supernatural power has you awakened?"

"Yes, you have a sharp eye!" The little man who was being questioned straightened his waist and replied seriously: "Two days ago, I just awakened a gold-type ability, and its level is still very low, which is not as good as yours. sharp."

"Very good, all the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth." Su Su looked at the little man with a smile, then glanced at Chunlai's wife who was still pinching her fingers, and pointed to the little man next to him. He said, "Here you are, get those children a box, half a meter high, rectangular, one meter wide and three meters long."

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