Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Five hundred and ninety-fourth, that is a murderer

Ye Yu, who was in front, ran over very happily, and kicked a head in the last two meters of running towards Su Su. Ye Yu stopped and lowered his head, feeling that the surrounding light was too dark, so, Ye Yu congealed a ball of golden light in his hand and flicked it around. The entire dark underground parking lot on the second floor was suddenly brightly lit like daylight. Everyone was shocked. There were corpses everywhere. Yes, everywhere! ! !


"Dad, Dad."

Chunlai's son and daughter, far away from Su Su, happily waved at Chunlai, as if seeing a savior, but even though Chunlai was here, Chunming and Niu Niu dared not approach the front For fear of making Su Su unhappy, he hacked them to death.

This time Su Su really gave everyone present a big psychological shadow. They thought that Su Su was leisurely and happy every day, and he was easy to get along with, but when he lost his temper, he was more terrifying than anyone else, so before , Those children worshiped Su Su, and now besides worshiping, there is also a little more awe.

"Su Su, baby, big baby, why are there so many corpses here?"

Ye Yu's face was shocked. He looked at Su Su with a rare seriousness in his eyes. Su Su didn't speak. In the bright light, she touched the back of Xiao Ai's head. That hand was full of blood. Mother also pursed her lips and did not speak. Even when Father Su came, Mother Su just shook her head and cried without saying a word.

Immediately, Ye Yu became anxious, he hurried forward, two or three steps to the side of Su Su and Xiao Ai, and shouted loudly at Su Su:

"I'm asking you something, what's the matter with you? Su Su, what's the matter with you?"

While talking, Ye Yu stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Ai, but when he touched Xiao Ai's little hand, it was scorching hot, Ye Yu's heart sank immediately, Chu Chu dug Su Su and Xiao Ai's surprise, and instantly Nothing left, he lowered his head to look at Xiao Ai, and saw Xiao Ai lying limply, half-closed her eyes, lying weakly on Su Su's shoulder, looking at Ye Yu, lowly, like a mosquito Humming, shouting,

"Dad is here."

"Yeah, daddy is here, it's daddy." No matter how stupid Ye Yu was at this moment, he realized that something was wrong with Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai's little face that should have been carved in pink was now glowing red. Like a cooked prawn, Ye Yu stretched out his hand and touched Xiao Ai's head, his heart skipped a beat, and his face turned cold, "Have a fever?!"

Having a fever this year is no better than before the apocalypse, just find a doctor and take some Merlin ibuprofen. Fever in the apocalypse means mutation. It may turn into a zombie or evolve into a supernatural being. , This is also the reason why Ye Yu turned pale with fright, because Xiao Ai had a fever. No matter how Su Su tossed her, Xiao Ai, who had never had a fever before, had a fever!


Ye Yu looked at Su Su, and originally wanted to ask her how she took care of the child, but seeing Su Su's ignorant face, Ye Yu was heartbroken again, and now he couldn't care what happened There are so many corpses in the parking lot, I just grabbed Su Su's shoulders and said in a low voice:

"The air here is not good and there are viruses everywhere. Let's go up first and find a place with a better environment to dissipate the girl's heat."

On the top of the cave, there was a soft ladder hanging down. Ye Yu gently pushed Su Su forward. No matter how stupid he was, he could see that Su Su was not in a normal mood, so at this moment, Ye Yu consciously found it. With a sense of responsibility as a man, no matter what, first get Su Su and Xiao Ai out of this underground parking lot, and find a doctor to show Xiao Ai.

At this time, in the dark, several survivors who seemed to have found a life-saving straw stood up like crazy and squeezed towards the ladder. King Kong, Gazi, and Lixia were in charge of guarding the ladder. Ye Yu blocked the survivors and said angrily:

"Didn't you see there are children here? Let the sick children go out first, don't crowd, you are good hands and feet,

All lean back. "

"That's a murderer, that's a murderer, that's a murderer!!!"

Someone stood in the crowd and yelled at Ye Yu. The survivors saw the soldiers coming and thought they had found a backer. If the first person yelled this sentence, the second one would follow. Three of them pointed at Su Su and complained to King Kong and Ye Yu:

"She, she is not worthy to be the person in charge of the East District at all. There are so many people here, she killed them all by herself."

"She just felt that her child was about to turn into a zombie, so she couldn't accept this fact and asked all of us to bury her child with her!"

"Brother Bing, kill her quickly, she is crazy, she is no longer a normal person!"

In the excitement of the crowd, he had already taken over the born ugly man from Zhuo Shijia's hands, stepped on the corpses on the ground, rushed to Su Su, and yelled at all the excited survivors present. sound to intimidate.

However, Ye Yu raised his fist, knocked down a survivor standing in front, and shouted: "Whoever you say is going to become a zombie, MD, if you dare to tell me again, I will send it to you directly!" You go feed the zombies."

His fists didn't stop, and he punched forward one by one. In the anger of the crowd, he didn't punch twice, and the survivors present also reacted. These soldiers who came down were all Su Su's cronies, the ones who beat people Ye Yu is Su Su's man, they thought they were rescued? In fact, he just got out of the fire pit of Su Su and fell into the trap of Ye Yu.

King Kong and the others also pushed away the survivors who squeezed up, and directly protected Su Su, preparing to go up the ladder and pull Su Su and Xiao Ai out from the cave, but Su Su was holding the ladder with one hand, expressionless He turned his head, glanced at the survivors, pointed to one of them, said that Xiao Ai was about to become a zombie survivor, and explained to the ugly man beside him:

"kill him!"

The ugly man lowered his eyes silently, and a fireball passed by. Amidst the horrified shouts of the crowd, the survivor who said that Xiao Ai was about to turn into a zombie was surrounded by fire.

Surrounded by the fire, the survivors rolled on the spot and screamed, while the surrounding survivors fled in all directions. An unusually terrifying atmosphere reverberated in the entire underground parking lot, but Su Su couldn't see it. Without looking at it, he held the child with one hand and the ladder with the other, and was pulled out of the hole by the people above the hole.

The one who came out was Ye Yu who followed behind. He followed Su Su and supported Su Su to stand up. The two of them carried the child to the nearest survivor shelter, where there were several doctors from the army. , also placed some standing medicines.

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