Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Extra Story. When I was a teenager in the last days (16)

Before Su Su walked out of the door of the principal's office, Ye Yu had already rushed into the pile of children with Pi Ge. After pulling this and that, and finishing that and this, King Kong opened the window and flew lightly into the playground , pointing at his own Tianci's head, and slapped it hard, Tianci didn't stand firm, and was patted directly by King Kong and sat on the ground.

"Don't hit him, hit me!!!" Seeing this, Xiao Ai, who was caught under Ye Yu's armpit, yelled at King Kong, "You are a man who hits children, what are you capable of, you have the ability to hit me! !!"

"Yo yo yo, little girl, I'm your uncle!" King Kong turned around and smiled at Xiao Ai. Originally facing Tianci's fierce and fierce appearance, in front of Xiao Ai, he immediately changed into a doting little face , "Where can I beat you, don't be angry, don't be angry, uncle will teach Tianci a lesson."

Brother Pi over there didn't have such a good temper as King Kong, so he rushed up, kicked Xu Lei a few times, and cursed: "You bastard, ah bastard, you still beat me if I told you to leapfrog, do you want to go back today? No You can dance all night when you go back."

There are also parents from the populist party, but their children are more obedient in front of them. Most of them obey discipline, let their parents beat and scold them, and bear it silently. They don't want to **** these three, can they Talk to your parents directly.

Caught by Ye Yu, Xiao Ai struggled and yelled back to the teaching building. When she looked up, her mother was standing under a lamp with frost marks on her cheeks. Xiao Ai immediately stopped talking. , knowing her mistake and admitting her mistake, let her father hold her, and put her in front of her mother.

The frost on Su Su's face is still spreading. Under the shaking lampshade, the wind outside the corridor is rustling. The sound of frost condensing rapidly rattles in the empty corridor. In the dim light, Su Su's The long skirt swayed slowly, and the eyes looking at Xiao Ai slowly turned silver.

"Wow~~~~Mom, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again, don't transform, I'm afraid, it's like acting in a horror movie."

Xiao Ai was so frightened by Su Su's eyes that she opened her mouth and began to cry. This often means that her mother has been so angry that she has lost her mind, and she will be tortured by ghosts and animals for many days. Mu Yang temporarily went to Sanqiao today In a small town, I won't be able to come back for a while, her father is a soft-legged shrimp who only listens to women blowing the pillow, and her grandparents are still in Bafang Village. This time she is dead!

Then she stood pitifully on the spot, looking at her father as if asking for help, but her father turned his head away with a look of ignorance, and there was hatred in the little heart, this dishonest person! ! !

"Mom, I'm going to leapfrog, and I won't stop unless I call to stop, okay?"

Xiao Ai bowed her head, sobbing on her small shoulders, with a sincere attitude of admitting her mistake.

Su Su breathed a sigh of relief, forget it, seeing that she admitted her mistake with a good attitude, she gave up the idea of ​​throwing the child into the sea of ​​cannibal flowers,

Then he raised his hand, pinched the protruding fur on Xiao Ai's wrist, and threw it directly to the corner. Without mercy, he threw a majestic snake king to pieces, pointed at Xiao Ai who was trembling all over, and then pointed On the playground outside the door, Xiao Ai immediately turned into a good baby, and without Su Su's opening, she squatted down pinching her ears, and jumped out with a frog.

Before her mother told her to stop leapfrogging, Xiao Ai would keep jumping until Su Su said it was ok...

Zhuo Shijia sat on the chair by the corridor, looked at Su Su, and said with some worry: "I used to think that these were all kindergarten children, but I didn't expect that after entering elementary school, the conflicts would become more and more serious. In fact, your family Xiao Ai is completely implicated by our Tianci, Su Su, Xiaoai just wants to help Tianci, don't be too harsh on her, I am just worried now, if they keep their feud like this, will they treat her in the future? What impact does Pupa Town have on Bafang Village?"

Chunlai's wife, wearing a conservative professional attire, sat beside Zhuo Shijia, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Seeing that Su Su didn't speak, she thought for a moment, and said to Zhuo Shijia:

"Actually, the meaning of education is not to teach every child to be exactly the same person. In this world, all bases are trying to restore the rules and order before the end of the world. I actually don't like those children who follow the rules. Don't you think it's easier for children like Xiaoai, Xu Lei, Tianci, and Ruirui to leave the base and go to the outside world to survive?"

Children who behave well, go to school seriously, and are obedient, when they grow up, at most they can stay in Pupa Town well and add luster to Pupa Town, such as Meixiu, who are beautiful and have many specialties, Standing out, people will only praise a few words, saying that the girls cultivated in Pupa Town are good at singing, dancing and sociability.

But when zombies attack the city, and mutated animals attack Pupa Town, how can a child like Meixiu be of much use? On the contrary, in the end, it will be children like Xiaoai, Xu Lei, Tianci, and Ruirui who fight and cause trouble every day, who can guard the pupa.

Su Su standing in the corridor, the frost on her body gradually degraded, the color of her eyeballs returned to normal, she tilted her head, looked at Chunlai's wife, and was about to speak, when Brother Pi, who was opposite, came back and snatched her words, He frowned and said with a tiger face:

"So no matter how much trouble they make, we must give them a sense of collective honor and disgrace. It is fine to fight small troubles, but we must distinguish between right and wrong. Our generation has fought the world through suffering and suffering. We must maintain it for a few years and let these The child collapsed from playing."

"That's the truth."

Chunlai's wife nodded her head with sparkling eyes. What Brother Pi said was exactly what she wanted to express. The stable and prosperous life she is living now is the result of her husband's life. Her husband stayed in Chuncheng Containing the tide of corpses and mutated birds, she and her children came to Pupa Town, so no matter what, Chunlai's wife will not make Pupa Town the next Spring City.

Children are the future. Now other bases are already in an embarrassing age of incompleteness. The people who dared to fight and kill in the previous generation, after their lives have stabilized, most of them have a kind of psychological fatigue. Some of them are like People like Su Su and Ye Yu, although they have high-level abilities, have gradually withdrawn from the historical stage of human gathering places, and only active around some high-level mutant animals and plants, pursuing a free life.

They will only appear when the base is attacked by a large area of ​​mutated animals and plants. Sometimes they even run far away. When the base is attacked, they may not be able to rush back to rescue.

There are also some, like Pige Li Xiaoyu, who are still active in human gathering places, but their power levels are not high, and the management of the base is okay. If they encounter the siege of mutated animals and plants, they will have to call in rescuers.

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