Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Eighty-five do you like children?


Here, Ye Yu, King Kong, a scholar, and a fortune teller found some gasoline in the repair shop, and repaired their car. The screws that should be tightened were tightened, and the places that should be reinforced were also reinforced. After a while, I spared time to talk to Su Su heart-to-heart.

Su Su was sitting on the window sill on the second floor, touching her lower abdomen, wearing a down jacket, thick and fleece maternity pants with small cuffs, and a pair of camel hair short boots, looking at the world outside the window with a pale face. Not bad, the snow stopped, the wind was a little less, and even the shadow of the sun could be seen faintly.

In a few months, it will be the Lunar New Year. Human beings will not be able to survive this year, but after this year, some small bases will be established one after another, and many survivors will gather together to keep warm In the area, the army is coming soon, and the field hospital is also under construction.

If Zhuo Shijia is not found on the way to the hospital, Su Su plans to go to the field hospital for a stay after the Chinese New Year.

Will giving birth to a little love this time be as painful as last time? Her heart trembled a little, and she turned her head to look downstairs. Qinyue was holding Ruirui in one hand, and stirring the noodles in the electric kettle with the other hand. Alas, life of a single mother is really tiring. Whenever a woman has a child, A lifetime of being tired and happy.

Just as she was thinking disgustingly, the light around her dimmed, and in the cold air, an unstoppable warm current instantly enveloped Su Su's small body. She raised her head and looked at Ye Yu with a face full of worry. Yes, looking down at her.

"You look like this, it looks like it will be broken when you pinch it."

He walked to her feet, sat down on the window sill at the same time, stretched out his long arms, touched Su Su's forehead, then touched his own, and said decently:

"Your body temperature is very low, it seems that you are about to turn into a dead body."

"Ye Yu..." Su Su touched her lower abdomen, ignored Ye Yu's joke, and softly called Xiao Ai's biological father, with a faint light in her eyes, she asked, "Do you like children?"


"Well, if...you have a child like Ruirui, do you like it?"

"Oh, my sister, don't scare me!" Ye Yu looked at Ruirui downstairs with a ghostly expression on his face, and turned his head to look at Su Su, "I don't want to be Ruirui's father, what time is it? Don't want children, it's the end of the world, I don't know when I'm going to die, and I'm dragging him down!"

It's like a normal man's brain circuit. He has slept with Su Su once. When Su Su asks this question, he must have some associations.

Think about it, why Su Su would ask such a question, what kind of meaning is contained in these words, this is a normal psychological reaction of a normal person.

But Ye Yu didn't, he went straight to the point and refused to be Rui Rui's father. Su Su was so angry that he lifted his boot and kicked Ye Yu's thigh, rolled his eyes, and said bitterly:

"Remember what you said today, Ye Yu, remember it for me!!! Don't worry, even if you have a child, you don't need to be responsible, I won't drag you down!!! Go to hell, bastard!"

I don't know when I will die, so I don't want to have a child to suffer in this world. This is the portrayal of most men's mood in the last days. Su Su has seen too much Ye Yu's thoughts, so he will naturally understand , She was still hesitant to tell Ye Yu about Xiao Ai's existence, but seeing Ye Yu's reaction, forget it, Xiao Ai belongs to her alone, and she gave birth to her, so it doesn't prevent Ye Yu from dying one dead!

"What do you mean? Sister, why are you losing your temper at me again?"

Ye Yu, who was in a daze, rubbed his thigh that was so painful from being kicked, with an innocent expression on his face, a woman's heart is pierced, women are tigers, this is absolutely true!

As for Su Su, he didn't want to talk to Ye Yu anymore, so he got up, went downstairs, got into the car, and went to sleep.

The convoy set off in the afternoon, and Ye Yu still got into Su Su's car. King Kong, Scholar, and Fortune Teller found three off-road vehicles in the repair shop, and they were able to drive after some repairs. Rui, Li Xiaoyu, and Li Ying had a car, and all five cars were repaired, filled with gasoline, and took a lot of oil cans on the road.

After Ye Yu got into the car, it was as if the heater was turned on in the cold airtight space. After a while, Su Su woke up from the heat. She opened her eyes, turned over, turned her back to Ye Yu, and said Without saying a word, she began to cultivate her spirit. This time she didn't hesitate, but she released her air-conditioning vigorously, trying to heat her to death? She froze the bastard to death first.

Reminded by the ice thorn that happened to appear yesterday, Su Su felt that her current water ability was a bit like she was going to mutate, but it was not like she was going to mutate, because she was still a user of water ability, but the water ability she released The water energy is abnormally cold, which is very weird.

She had never experienced such a stage in her previous life. Until two years after giving birth to Xiao Ai, Su Su was still a water-type supernatural being. Her role in the team was just like that of Li Ying now, occasionally fighting monsters, but More is to release water for the people in the team and provide assistance in life.

I don’t know when the water was released too much, Su Su’s ability suddenly became ice ability, and what was released was no longer flowing water, but extremely hard ice. Like now, when her water is released, It can be icy cold, but also cool and moisten the lungs. This phenomenon does not exist.

The car didn't take long before meeting a group of migrating zombies. Su Su opened her eyes, glanced at Ye Yu, who was shivering from the cold, and looked at the direction of the zombies' migration from the window. She frowned and said, :

"There are a large number of survivors ahead, go there."

Zombies' sense of smell is much more sensitive than sight. In broad daylight, they all drive in groups like this in one direction, which proves that there are quite a few living people where they are going. Ye Yu stopped the car, and Su Su opened the car door and got out of the car, looking around, they had already reached an intersection, not far from the hospital where Zhuo Shijia worked.

A small group of zombies seemed to smell the scent of Su Su and the others, and they no longer followed the main force in one direction, but diverted them out, walking towards Su Su and the others, she didn't look nervous, Holding the saber in both hands, he stepped forward and started to kill. Ye Yu followed closely, holding two balls of fire in his hand, He Jingang and others also started to kill.

Abandoning Qinyue, Ruirui and Li Xiaoyu, Li Ying ran to the front from the last car with a knife, and while picking up and killing zombies, she asked Su Su strangely,

"Su Su, why don't you use supernatural powers? Your supernatural powers are so powerful, it's much easier than chopping with two hands." (To be continued.)

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