Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Ninety-six black and white seahorses


The sixth floor is the place for various b-ultrasound gastroscope colonoscopy and other examinations. Although there are many zombies, because before the end of the world, most of the patients who will come to the hospital are patients with colds and fevers, so relatively speaking, these examinations patients will be less.

Of course, this is only relatively less. Compared with other places, no matter where the hospital is, there are many zombies.

Through the crack of the emergency staircase, Su Su got two watermen to enter the sixth floor to kill zombies. The crystal nuclei she obtained along the way were almost too much to fit, Su Su thought, and she would not If you don't have children, you won't be able to catch wolves, and if you don't get more water men to help out, how can there be more crystal nuclei?

Those zombies just smelled the smell of living people, and they rushed to the emergency door one after another. Su Su's water figures are colorless and odorless, and it is not easy to kill zombies. When there are few zombies left at the door, Su Su Then Su signaled Zhuo Shijia to open the emergency door.

Two or three zombies rushed out, and Zhuo Shijia could handle it alone. Su Su took two steps back and drove her two water men to continue killing inside. She herself leaned crookedly against the wall, looking sick. Shih Tzu's weak appearance.

In terms of physical fitness, Su Su, who is pregnant, is already a little tired, but this does not prevent her from manipulating the water man to kill zombies while resting. This is equivalent to the meaning of the red bar and the blue bar, but Su Su Now that her body is inconvenient, and the red stripe is short, she dare not go all out.

So Su Su stood aside and watched, while watching Zhuo Shijia kill the zombies, while controlling the two water men to obtain the crystal nucleus.

On the emergency stairs, Qinyue and Ruirui fell asleep hugging each other in the coolest place on the third floor. Although Li Ying was too tired to move, she saw that Su Su and Zhuo Shijia had already walked for a long time. The time didn't come back, and I still struggled for a long time, stood up with trembling legs, held the knife tightly in my hand, followed the direction where Su Su and Zhuo Shijia left, and entered the sixth floor.

When Li Ying entered the sixth floor, all the zombies on the sixth floor were lying on the ground in disorder. In the distance, two blue water men held two sabers that Su Su got from Ye Yu. He was chopping at the zombie standing in front of him dumbfounded and motionless.

Zombies have no IQ, only the most basic bloodthirsty instinct. The water man is colorless and tasteless, even if he slashes in front of them, the zombies will not hide.

Li Ying watched from a distance, feeling envious, if she could also make this kind of water figure, how great would it be?

It's just that Su Su and Zhuo Shijia who got out of these two water people are gone now?

Right next to the water man, separated by a wall, Su Su lay on the bed, closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the connection between her and her water man,

Although it was very weak, she still felt it. The output of the two streams of energy and the sense of collision formed an indescribable picture in her mind.

But she can't make the water man make more movements, because it takes a lot of practice to manipulate the water man to make more refined movements through the wall and where she can't see, so After the water man killed the two or three zombies in front of him, he also stood by the door in a daze like the rest of the zombies, swaying his body slightly.

At this time, beside Su Su's bed, Zhuo Shijia was adjusting the B-ultrasound machine, she sighed while pressing the buttons on the B-ultrasound machine,

"The world is so chaotic, it's a pity that these medical equipment are just thrown here and wasted."

Human civilization has been developed for thousands of years to condense such high-tech instruments. In the end of the world, zombies are everywhere, and human beings are beaten back to their original forms. They can only work hard to survive, and they can't care about other things in their leisure time. Yes, the medical equipment in these hospitals, the medical system that was developed and built with great difficulty, also fell apart with the arrival of the end of the world.

Su Su lay on the bed with her legs propped up, looking at the fuzzy black and white little hippocampus on the B-ultrasound monitor, her heart was so soft, she blinked her glasses, pointed at the little love on it, and said to Zhuo Shijia:

"You print out her photo for me, and I want to make a growth album for Xiao Ai."

As if she didn't hear Zhuo Shijia's exclamation, she happily waited for Zhuo Shijia to print Xiao Ai's B-ultrasound photo. Zhuo Shijia glanced at Su Su, printed the photo, and said:

"The fetus is developing very healthy. It seems that your usual running and jumping didn't cause much trouble to it."

"That's natural. I've been very careful. I told you. If it wasn't for Xiao Ai, I would be able to fly today!"

Su Su sat up and tidied up her clothes and trousers. Because of Zhuo Shijia's words, she felt more relieved. Before that, she was more worried. Ye Yu's ability is fire, and her ability is water. Will she treat Xiao Ai? What is the impact? Isn't it after the end of the world, there are reports that the parents' supernatural powers restrain each other, and the chances of successful pregnancy and childbirth are very low?

Facts have proved that she was thinking too much. In her previous life, she didn't know whether Ye Yu was a supernatural power, nor did she know that Ye Yu had fire powers, and she completely forgot about Ye Yu. Xiao Ai was not born in the same way, and was still alive and kicking around.

After Zhuo Shijia printed out the photo of Xiao Ai, Su Su held it and looked at it again and again. Zhuo Shijia couldn't help showing a slight smile with that look of being in love with it. After a long time, Su Su, who was looking at the photo, suddenly He raised his head, staring at Zhuo Shijia with bright black eyes, and said dreamily,

"Let's ship this B-ultrasound machine back."

"Ahem..." Zhuo Shijia choked on her own saliva, she stared at Su Su's eyes for a long time before asking: "Are you serious?"

"Really, it's more real than pearls." Su Su nodded, jumped out of bed with Xiao Ai's photo, walked to the window, and drew a big cake for Zhuo Shijia, "We need a big car, take this one The b-ultrasound machine was moved down to the sixth floor and put in the trunk of the cart and it was ok."

"Then why not find a truck that is big enough. This is a hospital, and there are still a lot of medical consumables and various medicines here. If they have been left unused for a long time, they will become moldy."

Zhuo Shijia's eyes, seeing the big cake painted by Su Su, gradually glowed with hope. She is a doctor. The skill she is most familiar with and the skill she can survive in her life is to cure diseases and save lives. It is more convenient for pregnant women and childbirth, but this does not prevent her from regretting the collapse of the doomsday medical system.

Even if these medical equipment are not needed by themselves, they can be sold to those who need it in the future after they get it. Society will be rebuilt sooner or later, and it will not be too long before human beings regain civilization. (To be continued.)

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