Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 1: Zombie Outbreak

At about 10 am on June 14, 2030...

"Ah! You are sick! You are crazy!" Help! Come and help! Take him away! Um...".


"Hiss! Ah, it hurts!" Han Feng's hand, which was pouring coffee, shook violently in shock. After being hit by the scalding coffee, Han Feng screamed.

"What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?" The supervisor came out and asked Han Feng to go and see.

Han Feng shook his hands and walked to the window angrily. He didn't know that what happened next completely overturned all his worldviews in the past 23 years.

Pushing open the window, Han Feng saw a road that was not very wide. A young man was biting an old man who was already lying on the ground, and the asphalt road under him was a pool of blood. Some passers-by were holding their mobile phones to take pictures, and some were calling the police and emergency numbers.

"It should be... okay? It seems that the driver hit the pedestrian, but he was a little cruel. "Han Feng was about to close the window to block out the noise from the outside world. Just as the window was about to be closed, a huge explosion hit the street.

Boom! Objects from the explosion were scattered all over the street. Fortunately, Han Feng was not hurt because he was far away, but he was still frightened by the sound of the explosion.

"What happened? Why is it so lively today? The police are busy~" After saying this, colleague Brother Wang motioned Han Feng to close the window, fearing that the smell of the explosion would disturb the peace of the office.

Just as Han Feng was about to close the window, the young man had already started biting the onlookers, and the uncle on the ground slowly got up.

What's going on! What's wrong with this person! It's okay that he just beat up the uncle, but now he wants to attack passers-by? This young man is too irritable, right? Hey? Why did the uncle start attacking others? Han Feng was puzzled...

No... No! Something is wrong! Han Feng saw that not only the young man was attacking passers-by, but also the uncle who had just stood up! A disabled person came out of the restaurant that exploded before... Why is it called a disabled person? Because half of his body had been blown to pieces! But with such a broken body, he still attacked pedestrians on the road !

Zombies! It's a zombie! Han Feng didn't know why this word suddenly appeared in his mind.

Gray and lifeless eyes, fatal wounds with thick blood but no expression of pain, broken arms and legs but attacking passers-by recklessly. Slow movement, great strength. If this is not a zombie, what is it! Filming a movie? !

But Han Feng knew that this was not a movie at all. Because the passerby attacked by the uncle was his colleague Wang Huan, a girl with a perverse personality. If it was really a movie, she would definitely tell you! And the man whose half body was blown up was the boss of the restaurant!

Really... this is true! It's a zombie!

Run! At this moment, Han Feng had only one idea in his mind!

Where to run? How to run? Where are there fewer people? Han Feng, who rushed out of the office, actually saw the cleaning lady biting his colleague!

"Hey! Han Feng! Why are you running? "The supervisor roared from behind, but Han Feng didn't care about that at the moment. No salary for a month of internship, working so hard but not being liked by people! No! What am I thinking! Escaping is the most important thing!

Time seems to be very slow, but it has only been three or four minutes since the collision. There are too many things around me that cannot be explained...

After rushing out of the office on the second floor, Han Feng ran to the stairs. Fortunately, I was close to the exit, so I should be the first person to rush out of this office building, right? Unfortunately, the "fight" at the door of the office building forced Han Feng back to the office building. He saw a scene like hell on earth.

Yes! There are people in my own office building who have mutated! There is no reason why there are no mutations on the streets with more people?

More people? Yes ...There are more people outside! How lucky it is to survive! No...Run back! Go to the top floor! There should be the least people on the top floor, right? Han Feng thought as he turned around and ran back.

But reality always likes to suppress people's fantasies. The cleaning lady just now "huggled" the panicked people at the stairs.

It's over...This time it's cold. There are wolves in front and tigers behind, where to run? Both roads are blocked! Han Feng's calves have begun to cramp, and the fear is eroding his reason.

In a panic, Han Feng saw the toilet on the first floor. Yes! Run to the bathroom! After deciding in his mind, Han Feng rushed to the bathroom in two steps.

Women's toilet... Men's toilet is on the second floor. Should I go in or not? Han Feng stopped when he arrived at the bathroom.

"You are sick! Being alive is more important than anything else! "Han Feng said this to himself as if to encourage himself.

After entering the toilet, there are two washbasins side by side, and then enter a door to the toilet.

Close the door, turn around, and lock the door in one go. Damn! Where's the padlock?! No door lock?! Han Feng's hand scratched the door lock several times.

"Oh my god! There is really no door lock! It's cold..." Han Feng muttered to himself in panic. No matter! Han Feng turned and entered the toilet with the door ajar. Fortunately, the door inside was locked. Leaning against the door, Han Feng panted. For a college student who just graduated, Han Feng felt that his body was hollowed out after running for so long under the erosion of fear.

"Does it cost 2,000 gold coins to build a power station?" Han Feng's mind once again remembered this cold mechanical voice. This is the third time today...

??? What? I can still remember this voice while running for my life? Han Feng was puzzled.

It turned out that Han Feng was a Red Alert fan, and he would play a Red Alert game every day before going to bed.

But then again...I seemed to hear a voice in the middle of the night last night saying "Do you want to expand the base?" I said "expand" in a half-awake state. Was this not a dream?

"Do you want to build a power station for 2,000 gold coins?" The mechanical voice sounded again...

This is the fourth time...This voice is not something I imagined! Brother! I'm running for my life! I can't possibly think about these useless things? ! Han Feng rubbed his hair hard, trying to erase the voice. It sounded again...What? What, are you playing a game of Red Alert in your head while hiding in the toilet to save your life?

"Build," Han Feng replied. Anyway, he locked himself in the toilet, so diverting his attention can also reduce fear

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