Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 124: Visit the bus company terminal again

"Do other people have the Red Alert system? This..." Listening to Luna's hesitant words, Han Feng's heart almost jumped out of his chest!

The Red Alert system is the biggest "trump card" and "bottom card" in his hand! There are various types of Red Alert warriors that can be summoned at any time, and he is not afraid of problems like "deep into the tiger's den". ♚♞  ♦♦

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

But...what if others also have this Red Alert system? ! That's a big deal! ! !

"This... Captain Han, you don't have enough authority, I can't answer this question." After holding it in for a long time, Luna said this sentence that made Han Feng even more frustrated.

"..." Han Feng was speechless for a long time because of this answer of insufficient authority.

"What about your classmates? What about other radar liaisons? Where did they go?" After thinking for a while, Han Feng changed the way of asking.

"Captain Han, radar liaison officers may not be recognized by the system after graduation. Some radar liaison officers will be assigned to battlefield coordination departments after graduation, and then their arms will be determined based on their own assessment scores."

... Unexpectedly, Luna's words were "watertight", and Han Feng could not get the information he wanted at all.

"Excuse me, Captain Han, are you opening the combat laboratory to study the virus now?" Seeing that Han Feng no longer asked her, Luna continued the topic and asked.

"Research it, other things can be put aside, but this virus must have research results!" As the "culprit" of the world, Han Feng hated this GS virus!

If there were no zombies, he might still be working hard... Although he could not make much money, at least he would not have to worry about it every day, and he would not have to experience life and death every day. At the moment, he had to be driven out of the city where he had lived for more than 20 years by the nuclear radiation that was about to erupt...

Han Feng walked to the zombie closest to him, squatted down and touched the zombie's blood.

"Report to Captain Han, the combat laboratory has been activated, and the project name is the analysis of the GS virus." After Luna finished reporting, Han Feng was silent for a while...

Suddenly, Han Feng stood up and walked towards the corpses of zombies of other levels, and then collected their different blood.

"Why are zombies divided into different levels? Why do zombies have the function of evolution? What causes it? Study them together." Han Feng expressed his doubts.

"Okay, Captain Han, the combat laboratory is joining the research direction. The project GS virus analysis is now renamed - Comprehensive analysis of GS virus."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng thought about it and had nothing to add, so he said, "Let's go back to the prison first, sort it out and then set off."

On the way back, Han Feng looked at the number of his gold coins.

9674 pieces... It will soon exceed 10,000 again.

"Luna, summon a sniper." Han Feng thought that Simon's sniper rifle was out of bullets, and this equipment warehouse did not have a suitable supply of bullets. Although Han Feng also wanted to save the gold coins to build a heavy factory...

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 2,500 gold coins to summon a sniper, please confirm."


The most urgent thing at the moment is to get the bus and truck. If it weren't for this nuclear power plant... I can wait for Simon's equipment to refresh.

"Damn..." Time was too urgent, Han Feng couldn't help cursing.

Entering the prison, Han Feng found Lin Lan and Hu Hu. In Lin Lan's arms, Hu Hu regained his happy look, although his eyes looked a little swollen and red.

"Big brother, you are back!" Seeing Han Feng coming, Hu Hu broke free from Lin Lan's arms and ran towards Han Feng.

"Come back to see Hu Hu who loves to cry~" Han Feng teased after picking up Hu Hu.

Hearing Han Feng "ridiculing" himself, Hu Hu wrinkled his nose and said, "Hu Hu is not a crybaby!" It is obvious... Hu Hu is lying. Under the smiles of Lin Lan and Han Feng, Hu Hu's little face became even redder...

While playing with Lin Lan and Hu Hu, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind, "Let the second battalion and the newly summoned sniper go out with me later. Now let them go to the equipment warehouse to prepare their weapons. By the way, Luna, summon another engineer."

Due to the death of the previous engineer, Han Feng was out of manpower. And the truck needs keyless start, which Han Feng can't do by himself.

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 500 gold coins to summon an engineer, please confirm."

"Confirm. When the engineer is summoned, let him check the armored vehicle first to see if it can be repaired. When the soldiers prepare their weapons, you notify me."

"Okay, Captain Han."

While playing with Lin Lan and Hu Hu, Han Feng arranged the follow-up matters calmly.

"Report to Captain Han, the Red Alert soldiers are ready to go." Less than ten minutes later, Luna's report sounded in Han Feng's mind.

After receiving the report, Han Feng stood up and looked at Lin Lan.

"Are you...going out again?"

"Yes, I'll be back soon, very soon." After talking to Lin Lan, Han Feng touched Hu Hu's head and said, "You play with your sister Lin Lan for a while, I have something to do outside, see you at dinner~" Han Feng left in Hu Hu's reluctant eyes.

Arriving at the prison gate alone, Han Feng saw that the convoy was ready.

After finding the engineer, Han Feng asked, "How is it, can the armored vehicle be repaired?"

"It is possible... but I don't have the materials to repair it." The engineer looked at the scars on the armored vehicle and said helplessly.

"What do you want? Where can I get the materials?"

"The things are simple, ordinary repair shops have them. But it is better to go to a large repair shop, where there are all kinds of things and materials."

"Okay, I know... Get in the car first, we are ready to go." After communicating with the engineer, Han Feng had a plan in mind. He thought that when he left this city and arrived in HS City, it would be a good idea to find a large repair shop as the initial base.

"Simon, you stay in the prison and wait for me. You can command any situation during this period." Han Feng explained before leaving.

"Okay, Captain Han, I know, you can rest assured that I am here." Simon's reply came in his mind.

"Everyone, set off!" Han Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, gave an order, and six armored vehicles and a Hummer set off together, raising dust and leaving.

In Han Feng's armored vehicle, the newly summoned sniper was also there. Looking at the sniper in the cabin, Han Feng thought for a moment and said, "From now on, your code name will be Sniper No. 2, or you can be called No. 2. You will be the captain of the second squadron, and your authority will be the same as Simon's. There is no difference between the two of you, but you two must cooperate well."

When talking to Sniper No. 2, Han Feng did not worry at all that Simon would complain, because he was the highest-level "commander" in the Red Alert system. Similarly, Han Feng would not worry that the two would have disagreements, and this confidence also came from the Red Alert system.

"Yes! Captain Han! I will lead the second team well!" Sniper No. 2, who was sitting in the back, saluted after saying that.

"We are going to the bus company terminal and the moving company next to it in a while, with the purpose of driving the buses and trucks back. To ensure safety, your task is to eliminate the hidden dangers of high-level zombies." Looking at Sniper No. 2, Han Feng issued a task.

"Okay, Captain Han, leave it to me, I guarantee there will be no problem." Just like Simon's answer, it can be seen that these snipers are very confident in themselves.

"Okay, it's up to you then." After giving the instructions, Han Feng straightened his sitting position and leaned on the backrest of the passenger seat to wait for the destination.

More than 20 minutes later, Han Feng returned to the bus company terminal again.

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