Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 176: The Fisherman Gains Benefit

"Hold on! Hold on! Keep the formation! We have guns, these monsters can't get close to us!" Han Feng heard Zhang Lei still encouraging morale while looking for Liu Hua.

As soon as Zhang Lei finished speaking, the sound of gunfire became dense in an instant. It can be seen that everyone regarded him as the backbone.

"It's useless to fight now if you don't run! When the level 3 zombies get close, you will use your head to block them!" Han Feng glanced outside nervously and cursed angrily.

"Captain Han! Captain Han!" Suddenly, Simon's voice came in his mind.

"What's wrong, Simon?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are two level 3 zombies on your flank, approaching!" ✪

"Got it." Han Feng knew that there must be more than ten level 3 zombies, and there might be more level 3 behind.

The current task is to find Liu Hua, bring him back to the car and escape quickly. This is the top priority.

"Simon! How far are you from here now?"

"Report to Captain Han, about 550 meters."

"550 meters..." Han Feng repeated softly with a frown.

"Any instructions? Captain Han."

"Find a way to cut to 150 meters behind the zombies and let the American soldiers attack from a distance. Cut off the follow-up support of the zombies from the outside first!" Han Feng observed and found that all the level 3 zombies came from the hospital, and there were almost no level 3 zombies from the outside. So this bold idea came up.

In fact, this approach is still very dangerous. Simon has no bullets at this time. What if a level 3 zombie comes...

"Okay, Captain Han! I will lead the team to cut to the back row of zombies to buy time for you.


"Are there any other instructions? Captain Han."

"Nothing else... Be careful. Don't let others see you. Try to aim when shooting to save bullets." After thinking for a while, Han Feng added.

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

"Roar! ! "As Simon finished speaking, two level 3 zombies appeared not far from the periphery, roaring and running towards the crowd...

"Da Da! Da Da Da!" Seeing this special zombie, people spontaneously turned their guns and concentrated their fire.

Under the concentrated fire of a large number of guns, a firepower net covered the two zombies.

Although the level 3 zombies moved fast enough, they could not withstand such a large-scale attack. Soon, the two level 3 zombies were hit by dozens of bullets, but with its tenacious vitality, it still broke into the crowd...

Looking at the two seriously injured level 3 zombies, Han Feng hesitated for a moment. Then he approached quickly, muttering "Damn, you are lucky!"

The telekinesis was instantly activated, imprisoning the two level 3 zombies, and then raised his hand to shoot a few times...

Unfortunately, under the guns of many people, Han Feng only killed one of them.

After the level 3 zombie died, Han Feng took the time to look at the gold coins and found that the increase was still 300, not 3,000.

"Hmm? Without the assistance of the Red Alert soldiers, how come it's still 300 gold coins? "After muttering this, Han Feng suddenly remembered the level 3 zombie he killed in the village last time, and it was also 300 after killing it...

"Luna, level 3 zombies are not worth 3,000 gold coins?" Han Feng asked Luna in his mind while looking for Liu Hua.

"Report to Captain Han, assisting in killing cannot be counted as your single kill, and the amount of gold coins is only one-tenth."

"What about the last time in the village?" Han Feng asked.

"Report to Captain Han, it was only after Sean assisted that you were able to kill it last time, so the gold coins were only 300. "

"..."After hearing this, Han Feng was speechless... thinking that the system was a big pit!

While Han Feng was still depressed, Simon's voice rang out, "Report to Captain Han, I forgot to tell you just now, Lin Lan and Hu Hu came here ten minutes ago, and now they are with me."

"What!!! What are they doing here? ! "Hearing this news, Han Feng's heart skipped a beat.

"Sorry, Captain Han... I... I didn't know. I arranged everything before leaving, and I didn't expect them to appear."

"Then don't fight to the end, and make sure to protect their safety!" After pondering for a while, Han Feng issued this order.

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After talking to Simon, Han Feng became more anxious. Now he must find Liu Hua quickly, because Simon has already gone down from the commanding heights. If a level 3 zombie appears again, he will not be able to predict it in advance!

At this time, the gunshots in the crowd were a little sparser than a minute ago. This phenomenon shows that they don't have enough bullets.

Indeed, this group of people have not received professional training. They only know how to shoot when they pick up guns. Basically, it takes dozens or hundreds of bullets to kill a zombie. It's already very good to be able to hold on for so long.

"Luna! Find Liu Hua! "Knowing this, Han Feng suddenly thought of Luna's radar, and he could use it to find people quickly.

"Report to Captain Han, Liu Hua is at your five o'clock direction, eleven meters away."

"Oh my god... behind me?! No wonder I can't find him..." After getting the exact location, Han Feng turned and squeezed towards the target...

But at this moment...


The unique roar of the third-level zombie suddenly rang in his ears!

Without Simon's detection, he can only rely on the movement of the third-level zombie to determine its position, but as long as the third-level zombie approaches silently...



Han Feng was about to curse, but a heart-pounding sound of breaking wind interrupted his next speech.

The third-level zombie jumped directly into the crowd, and swung its two powerful hands at the surrounding people.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The continuous collision sounded, and all the unlucky people who were hit flew straight up, and their limbs... fell everywhere.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! We can't fight anymore! Hurry!" It was not until this time that Zhang Lei realized how ridiculous it was to insist.

Zhang Lei spoke, and Zhang Chao, who couldn't wait any longer, also spoke quickly, and won over his team members to fight while rushing to the vehicle.

The crowd was moving, but Han Feng stood still. Because... he was looking at the third-level zombie.

That's right, the people between Han Feng and the third-level zombie were almost "cleaned up". Without the "eye-catching" people in the middle, the third-level zombie immediately stared at Han Feng.

"Da da! Da da! Ka..." At this time, a "warrior" suddenly appeared in the chaotic crowd. He held a machine gun and kept pulling the trigger at the third-level zombie. He was Liu Hua. When everyone was running for their lives, Liu Hua turned around and saw Han Feng and the level 3 zombie. However, after four bullets, the machine gun ran out of bullets...

These four bullets hit the level 3 zombie, but it was like tickling, and it didn't even hurt. It couldn't even make the level 3 zombie retreat a few steps.

"Little Brother Han! Go!" Realizing that he had no bullets, Liu Hua shouted and ran towards the level 3 zombie, trying to buy some time for Han Feng.

"Idiot! Come back!" After seeing this, Han Feng immediately made a move and grabbed Liu Hua who was sprinting. It's a pity that this force was not stopped, but rushed towards the level 3 zombie with Han Feng...

Looking at the distance getting closer and closer to the level 3 zombie, Han Feng felt bitter in his mouth... This is almost a level 3 zombie with full strength!

Just when Han Feng was ready to fight desperately, the level 3 zombie moved! But it turned around at the moment of attack.


The third-level zombie successfully took the first blood and killed a fugitive behind it...

"Run!" Seeing a glimmer of hope, Han Feng didn't consider this abnormal scene at all, but exerted all his strength to retreat with Liu Hua who was still trying to rush forward.

But what Han Feng didn't notice was that Liu Hua was like a "kite" at this time... His feet left the ground in an instant and he let Han Feng "fly" dozens of meters away...

When he came to the Hummer, Han Feng saw that Brother Wang and his friends had already sat back in the car.

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