Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 181: Flame King - Liu Zhe

"Uh...haha, don't be so nervous~" Seeing Han Feng's black gun pointed at him, Liu Zhe stopped and stretched out his hand, looking a little embarrassed.

"It seems that you haven't answered my question yet." Han Feng looked at Liu Zhe unmoved.

"I am a person who just wants to survive. I feel that if I follow you, I may live longer." Liu Zhe put down his hand and said seriously.

After Liu Zhe finished speaking, Han Feng didn't quite understand. What does it mean to have a way to survive if you follow me?

"Tell me your reasons." Han Feng knew that he couldn't show his "ignorance" now, so he could only look serious and see if he could get Liu Zhe to say something...

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π‘‘π‘€π‘˜π‘Žπ‘›.π‘π‘œπ‘š]

"Being loyal to the country! It is the duty of every citizen! It is also my unshirkable responsibility to defeat the enemies of the country!" After saying this, Liu Zhe saluted fiercely.

Seeing Liu Zhe's suddenly raised right hand, Han Feng thought he was going to attack by surprise, and almost pulled the trigger. Fortunately, Liu Zhe didn't notice his shaking hands...

"I want to join the country! I don't seek fame and fortune, I just want to live! Please give me hope, chief!" Seeing that Han Feng didn't speak, Liu Zhe thought he didn't express himself clearly, so he added another sentence.

Country... Why would he say such a thing! Why does he think he is a member of the country? ! Han Feng kept asking himself in his heart.

"How did you know?" Han Feng asked without rebutting.

"Hehe... Don't blame me if you tell me~" Liu Zhe looked at Han Feng with a smile and continued, "Some time ago, I saw your military dog ​​tipping you off."

"Think about it, ordinary people like us, who would use military dogs? And I also saw that your military dogs are many times more powerful than police dogs, and besides..."

"Stop! Are you following me?!" Hearing this, Han Feng interrupted. ♦♕  ♦࢏Because at that time, I clearly asked Luna to check the surroundings, and Luna also gave a very clear answer that no one was following me!

"Uh... Actually, it's not tracking. I just looked at you with a telescope from a high place..."

What Liu Zhe said was reasonable, but Han Feng's heart was hanging at this time. No wonder Brother Yang wanted to kill me... He regarded himself as a member of the country! After thinking for a while, Han Feng asked, "Besides you... who else knows my identity?"

"Brother Yang knows..."

"Didn't you say there is no such person as Brother Yang?"

"Uh... that's just my guess. I was originally a member of Brother Yang's "Secret Guard" team, and Brother Yang never directly faced us. He always stayed in a room without showing up, and even used a voice changer to speak... So I suspect that Brother Yang is not Brother Yang at all, either a substitute, or someone else."

After Liu Zhe finished speaking, Han Feng frowned and began to think about every word he said...

"Why did Brother Yang kill me?" After a while, Han Feng asked the doubts in his heart.

"You are too special, Brother Yang is worried about you. In fact, I feel that Brother Yang may not have discovered you yet, but he is really worried about you. So..."

"So he wants to kill me?"

"Yes, in fact, yesterday, the task I received was to kill you. But..."

"But the situation has changed, so he plans to let you kill me today, right?"

After Han Feng finished speaking, Liu Zhe's eyes began to dodge a little, but he still nodded slightly. β†’

"Let's run? Wait until you bring the big army back! How about we take him down together?!" After hesitating for a long time, Liu Zhe mustered up the courage to say.

"What are the secret guards you just mentioned?" Han Feng suddenly asked, without answering Liu Zhe directly.

"Secret guards are people with special skills, whose purpose is to protect Brother Yang and spy on intelligence."


"Uh... yes! You can understand it that way. My superpower is playing with fire, you see..." After saying that, Liu Zhe raised his hand and snapped his fingers. After snapping his fingers, a flame appeared on his index finger. Although the flame was small, it continued to burn.

"Is this your superpower? A mobile lighter? Such a small fire, can it be used to light a cigarette..." Although Han Feng said this, his heart was already in turmoil!

If speed, telekinesis, recovery and other superpowers surprised Han Feng, then Liu Zhe's performance at this time might have completely overturned Han Feng's cognition!

"Luna, what is his superpower?! Humans also have genes that control fire?!" Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and asked.

"Report to Captain Han, Liu Zhe's superpower is of the superpower type. Human genes do not have genes that control fire, and they are the product of genetic mutation."

"I'm just showing it briefly~ Aren't I afraid of scaring you?" Luna's voice just fell in his mind, and Liu Zhe continued to say "Watch it!"


After Liu Zhe finished speaking, the flame in his hand suddenly grew larger! Forming a circle similar to a shield, blocking the two of them.

A fierce heat wave hit him, and Han Feng quickly closed his eyes in an instant. In a trance, Han Feng asked about the smell of burnt hair...

"Come on, Chief, shoot at this flame shield! Let you see~"

When Han Feng retreated, he heard Liu Zhe's confident voice.

Opening his eyes, Han Feng stood on the edge of his limit of endurable heat waves and fired a shot without hesitation...



After the gunshot, the flame shield slowly became weaker. Then within a few seconds, the flames disappeared. Without the heat wave, what Han Feng saw no longer wavered, but slowly became solid.

"Hehe... Look, am I okay~" Liu Zhe said with a stern tone.

Han Feng blinked several times to dispel the discomfort. Looking at the unharmed Liu Zhe in front of him, his expression gradually solidified...

"I call this a flame shield. It can withstand incredible damage! How about it? Am I the "Fire King" enough to join the country?~" Liu Zhe asked as he patted the burnt marks on his body.

"Enough! Besides you, who else in the secret guard has superpowers?!" Although his face was serious, Han Feng was smiling in his heart. Fire super power! Can defend against bullet attacks at close range! This is simply "bulletproof" magic!

"I don't know... I only know that I am a member of the secret guards... As for how many secret guards there are and what abilities they have... I don't know. They all contact me through a single line..." Then Han Feng question, Liu Zhe slowly lowered his head.

"Oh... okay, then..."

"Hoo!!! Hoo!!!"

Sudden! A violent roar interrupted Han Feng who was speaking.

"Level 4 zombie!!" Hearing this familiar voice, Han Feng immediately said who the owner of the voice was.

"What four..."

"Roar!..." Before Liu Zhe could finish speaking, the roar changed its tone, and a harsh sound wave swept over...

"Ah!!" At the same time, Han Feng subconsciously dropped the pistol in his hand, and together with Liu Zhe, they covered their ears and fell to their knees. , enduring severe pain...

"Roar!" The voice continues...

At this time, the whole hospital. There was no other sound except this roar.

"Simon...can you find...and fight?" Holding his head, Han Feng contacted Simon and tried to get Simon to use sniper attacks to interrupt the level four zombies.

"Sorry Team Han, we can't see it..."

Suddenly, the roar stopped...just the moment Simon finished speaking.

"Stop...stop..." He slowly put down his hands, and Han Feng's body was already wet with cold sweat.

"Let's go! Let's go! The big boss is coming out!" Before he could explain anything, Han Feng picked up his pistol and turned around and rushed out.

Liu Zhe was half a step behind Han Feng. At this time,

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