Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 202: Invulnerable to Swords and Guns Part 2

"Heavy soldiers! Now! Hurry!" Han Feng shouted frantically in his mind as he watched Cheng Ji's body running on the edge of the rooftop!

One second... Two seconds...

"Swoosh! Whoosh..." After 1.7 seconds of aiming time, the Stinger missile was finally launched!

A slender missile, carrying a hot tail flame, flew towards Cheng Ji on the rooftop!

Because the Stinger missile was so loud, Cheng Ji also looked at the flying missile at the first time.

"Hehe~!" Han Feng looked at the confused Cheng Ji and hehe. He turned on his speed superpower again and fled from this area. ✪

Finding a corner on the rooftop, Han Feng curled up his body with all his strength, trying to reduce his injured area...

One second... Two seconds... The sound of the Stinger missile exploding has not been heard yet.

Three seconds... Four seconds...

"Huh? Why is the sound getting farther and farther?" Han Feng muttered to himself in confusion as he listened to the sound of the Stinger missile slowly getting farther away.

Han Feng looked out of the window after hearing the sound... and found that the Stinger missile did not hit Cheng Ji at the first time, but flew towards the sky!

However, looking at the trajectory of the Stinger missile, it should be "turning around" in the sky, preparing for a second attack.

"Report to Captain Han, the Stinger missile was dodged by Cheng Ji and did not hit the target. Now the Stinger missile is being guided and is ready to attack again." At this time, Luna's voice came to Han Feng's mind.

What is happening now has exceeded Han Feng's original expectations. Gritting his teeth, Han Feng replied, "Okay... I hope it can hit this time!"

Now, every extra second is more dangerous. Because the Stinger missile "does not have eyes"! If it gets close to Cheng Ji, then his life will be in danger...

"Hey! Cheng Ji!" Han Feng jumped out of the corner and shouted at Cheng Ji.

"Hey?!" Suddenly, Han Feng saw a ball of fire behind Cheng Ji, a ball of fire burning fiercely. And... and Liu Zhe not far behind Cheng Ji! ! !

"When did Liu Zhe come up?!" Seeing Liu Zhe, Han Feng was a little confused, because Han Feng did not see anyone else on the empty rooftop.

"Report to Captain Han, Liu Zhe climbed up the rooftop before the Stinger missile attack. Due to the emergency, I did not inform you in advance."

"It's okay..." After replying to Luna, Han Feng asked again, "What is Liu Zhe doing? Is Cheng Ji, who is invulnerable, used to burn?"

"Heh! How dare you betray me! I want you dead!" Before Luna could answer the question, Han Feng heard Cheng Ji's angry roar.

"Damn, isn't this a hindrance?!" Muttering, Han Feng turned on his speed superpower and ran towards Liu Zhe, trying to save Liu Zhe's life from Cheng Ji.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Han Feng roared while accelerating at full speed. It's a pity that Han Feng is not Wei Peng... not as fast as Wei Peng. At this speed, it is difficult for Han Feng to save Liu Zhe.

"Telekinesis! Imprisonment!!!" Dual superpowers were used at the same time, instantly freezing Cheng Ji in place!

"Ugh..." Han Feng knew that his mental power was definitely not enough, but he didn't expect it to pass so quickly... In just a second, a headache and dizziness came together, causing Han Feng to stagger. After running a few steps, Han Feng fell to his knees...

"Brother!" Liu Zhe noticed Han Feng slowing down, shouted, and quickly approached.

"I'll take you away!" Pulling Han Feng up from the ground, Liu Zhe struggled to drag him away.

Han Feng was now looking at the stinger missile that was about to stab down in the sky, and he was fully controlling his telekinesis, continuously exerting pressure on Cheng Ji to prevent him from moving.

"Three... two... one..." Han Feng whispered the countdown for the missile to hit.

At this time, he wanted to get up and dodge, but he was powerless and could only watch the Stinger missile explode...


"Flame Shield! Open! Open for me!!!" One second before the Stinger missile exploded, Han Feng heard Liu Zhe behind him yelling.

"Boom! Boom!! Whoosh!..."

The explosion lasted for several seconds, and the shock wave almost continuously destroyed everything on the rooftop.

The flames in front of him were bright and dazzling white, making Han Feng unable to open his eyes for a while.

"Whoosh..." After a few seconds, the explosion finally ended...

Everything returned to calm, leaving only the flames still burning around.

"Awesome, right? I think the name of the flame shield is a bit rubbish, so I changed it to a new name - Flame Shield. Good... sounds good, right? Doesn't it sound like the ultimate move... so cool! Ha... ha." When Han Feng could barely open his eyes, he heard Liu Zhe's extremely weak voice behind him.

"Stupid! You're awesome! What the hell are you doing here?! Are you going to die?!" Although Han Feng had no strength at this time, he still turned his head and looked at the staggering Liu Zhe, "swearing".

"Hehe... Hehe... You are stupid... Missiles are all heat-conducting... Human body temperature is not high, and it can't attract the "attention" of missiles... So I warmed up Brother Yang... In this way, the missile can hit him. If he dies... I'll be relieved~" At this time, Liu Zhe's figure became more and more weak, but it couldn't hide the joy in his words.

"Even if the missile can't hit him, I can still deal with him! What if we are killed by the missile! What should I do?! What should I do!!!" Han Feng struggled to get up, and at the same time, he didn't forget to continue "swearing" at Liu Zhe.

"Hehe... This, this is not dead... Surviving a disaster, there will be... good fortune in the future." As soon as Han Feng stood up, Liu Zhe sat down on the ground and panted.

"If you're not dead, you'll only have half your life left!" Seeing Liu Zhe's look, Han Feng couldn't say anything harsh.

"Come on, I'll take you down." As he spoke, Han Feng pulled up Liu Zhe's arm, but saw that Liu Zhe's nose was bleeding.

Han Feng knew that this was a sequelae caused by excessive use of superpowers, so he didn't take it too seriously, and just whispered, "Hold on! If it doesn't work, just faint and sleep for a while."

"No... Tell me, how about the name of Flame... Flame Shield... Is it good... Such a cool skill, it will be great to pick up a girl in the future..." Liu Zhe's voice became weaker and weaker, and Han Feng could hardly hear the last few words.

"Why the hell are you talking so much nonsense? Can't you..." Han Feng suddenly stopped talking halfway! Because he found that Liu Zhe's mouth was full of blood! And it was still flowing out slowly!

"Luna...what happened to Liu Zhe? Even if he lacks mental strength, it shouldn't be like this?" Staring at Liu Zhe, Han Feng hurriedly asked Luna.

"Captain Han, the system is conducting preliminary testing, please wait..."

"I risked my life to save you...how, how do you thank me?" Suddenly, Liu Zhe raised his head and looked at Han Feng with a mouthful of scarlet blood teeth, and asked with a wretched face.

"Shut up first! Don't talk! We'll talk about the future later!" Han Feng stared, "warning" Liu Zhe to shut up! Because...Liu Zhe's blood had already stained most of his shirt...

"Report to Captain Han, according to the preliminary system test, Liu Zhe's organs were damaged by the shock wave..."

"Why?! Doesn't he have some damn flame shield?! Why is he still injured!" At this moment, Han Feng's nervous body was trembling slightly, fearing that Liu Zhe would have any "accidents"...

"Damn...you are mean to me...I knew it earlier..." Before Luna could reply, Liu Zhe on the ground started the "nonsense" mode.

"Why do you have so much to say?! If you keep talking, I'll glue your mouth shut!" Han Feng was anxious to find the cause and rescue.

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