Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 21: Plunder

The first place Han Feng had to go was the gas station. As more and more soldiers were summoned, Han Feng had to make a longer-term plan - collecting supplies.

"Pay attention, Team One and Team Two move forward alternately, remember not to shoot." When he arrived at the gas station, Han Feng gave instructions in his mind.

In the gas station, Winter Soldier held a fire axe and killed several zombies in a few minutes.

"Team One, follow me into the store, Team Two will be responsible for guarding the door." Han Feng said and entered the store.

Looking at the store with few goods, Han Feng knew that survivors had been here and took away a lot of goods.

"Take away all the food and water and put them in the trunk." Looking at the busy team one, Han Feng walked to the counter.

"Good stuff..." Han Feng said to himself, because he saw the cigarettes on the counter.

Fu Wang, Zhonghua, Dongxiacao... cigarettes that Han Feng dared not think of before the end of the world, now all free to smoke!

"Winter Soldier, come and help me." Han Feng said and entered the counter.

Cigarettes, alcohol... The two of them were having a great time moving...

After coming out of the store, Han Feng filled up three cars and four oil drums with oil.

Looking at the vehicles loaded with goods, Han Feng smiled with satisfaction.

The supplies in the store were completely empty. Except for a few snacks, water and food were all in the car. Of course, except for rice and noodles...

"Get in the car and go home. Han Feng turned back to the car after saying that, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out first.

Two Red Alert soldiers' off-road vehicles followed Han Feng's car.

Each vehicle should pay attention to the interval and be alert. Han Feng gave orders to the two teams of soldiers in his mind.

At this speed, they will be home in more than ten minutes.

In the car, Han Feng was still thinking about the food and drinking water that were taken away by others in the gas station convenience store.

Zombies do not have such thinking, and zombies will not eat food eaten by normal humans.

Obviously, it is their He is a survivor.

Han Feng thought about it, and finally gave up the idea of ​​using radar to scan the surroundings.

In the end times, the surviving humans need to keep each other warm and snuggle up to each other.

But Han Feng doesn't need it, because Han Feng has a red alert system.

There is no need to seek shelter from other forces, nor to be as nervous as other survivors.

If Han Feng joins or someone joins Han Feng's team, Han Feng will have to think about how to conceal the origin of his soldiers.

Instead of this, it is better to act alone, and it also saves a lot of trouble.

"Captain Han, look."

Wayne's words on the co-pilot interrupted Han Feng's thoughts at the moment.

Following the direction pointed by Wayne, Han Feng saw a person squatting on the ground not far away.

The person squatting on the ground also heard the roar of Han Feng's vehicle at this time. He slowly stood up, looked at Han Feng's vehicle, and slowly walked over.

Han Feng stepped on the brakes and parked the car. Calling Wayne, the two got out of the car.

The man not far away saw Han Feng and the others, ran slowly, and approached at a faster speed...

"Be alert! "Han Feng said to Wayne beside him.

Wayne raised his gun and pointed it at the man who was running towards him.

The distance between the two sides was less than 30 meters, and they were still closing in.

"Stop!" Han Feng shouted at the man, but he always felt something was wrong.

"Please stop immediately! Otherwise I will shoot!" Han Feng said, took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at him.

The other party was still approaching, as if he could not hear Han Feng's two warnings.

"Damn it. What's going on? Is he deaf? !" Han Feng yelled.

"Stop right there! Otherwise I will really shoot..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

Han Feng's third warning was not finished, and instead, the sound of Han Feng firing three shots was heard.

The other party instantly fell to the ground more than ten meters away from Han Feng.

It was not that Han Feng had lost his patience, but Han Feng saw a clear bite mark on the other party's leg...

The distance was far before, so Han Feng could not see the wound. In addition, the other party's legs kept swinging when running over, and it was not until more than ten meters away that Han Feng finally saw it clearly...

"Roar! Roar!" The person lying on the ground, oh no, it should be said that it was a zombie. He kept roaring in his mouth, supporting his body with both hands and crawling towards Han Feng.

He struggled to stand up, but he was shot twice in the leg and couldn't stand up at all.


Another gunshot ended the struggling zombie and his miserable life.

"This..." Han Feng looked at the zombie on the ground, not knowing what to say.

Evolution? Alien? Why does he have a speed that other zombies don't have?

"Why can he run? "Han Feng, who couldn't figure it out, asked the system in his mind.

"The system cannot answer the commander's question. Please build a combat laboratory."

After listening to the system's answer, Han Feng didn't speak, and his attention shifted to the gold coins.


Hmm? What's the situation? 136 gold coins? How did the gold coins increase so much?

When eating breakfast in the morning, in order to have more combat power, Han Feng used all the gold coins to increase the summons of combatants. Even if he killed a few zombies before, there shouldn't be so many gold coins?!

Could it be... Han Feng looked at the zombies on the ground again.

"How many gold coins did you give me when I killed this zombie just now?" Han Feng asked the system again.

"The reward for killing the zombie just now is 50 gold coins."

After hearing the system's answer, Han Feng smiled.

"Haha, so much! Although this kind of zombie is faster, it is just the speed of normal humans. It would be great if every zombie I encounter in the future is like this! In this way, I can build my base faster!" Han Feng thought excitedly.

"Get in the car and keep going." Han Feng was in a good mood. He greeted Wayne and continued to drive.

Ten minutes later, Han Feng and his team returned to the villa.

"Team one and team two carry the supplies back to the villa." Han Feng issued an order before getting off the car and entered the villa.

"You are back. You must be exhausted." Wei Yun greeted Han Feng with a smile and handed Han Feng a pair of slippers.

"It's okay, not tired. This time I emptied the gas station convenience store before, and took some gasoline. This amount of goods should last for a long time, right?" Han Feng changed into slippers and sat on the sofa.

"I'll go count it." Wei Yun said and turned to sort out the goods.

Han Feng sat up and took out a cigarette and played with it in his hand, thinking about the special zombie before.

After counting the gold coins, Han Feng was still thinking about how to make money.

"Where are the zombies?"

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