Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 210: Insufficient authority

"Okay... let's prepare these ten rockets first, and the rest of the people will go get the equipment for the advance. After saying that, Han Feng thought for a while and added, "Snipers, keep an eye on emergencies at all times!" The powerful weapon - rockets, was used up, and Han Feng could only start the next battle plan.

"Yes! Captain Han!" In his mind, the two snipers responded in unison.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng opened the car door. After getting off the car, Han Feng watched and listened to the movement...

A few seconds later... "Well, it seems that the most difficult level 4 zombies should be gone." After listening for so long, Han Feng no longer heard the roar or running of the level 4 zombies.

"Da Da Da! Da Da!" The sound of shooting kept ringing in his ears, but it was all aimed at the zombies that had just rushed out of the fog.

"All soldiers, hold your position! Wait until the smoke clears, and then we will go up! "Han Feng ordered as he watched the fog dissipate bit by bit.

After that, Han Feng turned around and walked towards the SUV behind him...

Opening the trunk, Han Feng picked up the weapons at random.

"Assault rifle, four spare magazines for assault rifle, four grenades, two pistols, four spare magazines for pistols..." Han Feng muttered as he "hung" the equipment on his body.

"All soldiers! Slowly advance to the entrance of the mall! !" Two minutes later, the fog dissipated. In order to achieve a better view, Han Feng waited for dozens of seconds for this.

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!" As Han Feng's order was issued, the gunfire of the Red Alert soldiers became dense again, and they slowly advanced towards the mall.

"Stop! "When the first row of Red Alert soldiers stood five meters away from the entrance of the mall, Han Feng opened his mouth and ordered to stop the charge.♚♞  ♦♦

At this distance, even if a level 3 zombie rushed out, Han Feng could react immediately and organize a counterattack. Even if he couldn't react in time, there were still two snipers in the high sniper position. Well-trained snipers can kill the level 3 zombie the moment it rushed out!

Anyway, there is plenty of time, and the zombies in the mall can be exhausted slowly!

At this moment, Han Feng used the "delay tactic" and decided to use ammunition to pile up damage instead of rushing mindlessly.

"Da da! Da da da!" Zombies rushed down from the upstairs one after another, and the gunfire around Han Feng never stopped for a moment.

Five minutes later... This battle lasted for five minutes!

During this period, Han Feng only saw level 1 and level 2 zombies rushing out, but level 3... never seen! A hint of conspiracy is getting stronger and stronger...

"Tanya, is there anything wrong with the rooftop? "Han Feng felt a little uneasy at this time, always feeling that something was going to happen but he couldn't figure it out.

"No~ The door to the rooftop is locked, no one can get in." Facing Han Feng's solemn answer, Tanya replied leisurely.

"Okay... let's wait a little longer..." When saying this, Han Feng hoped to see the third-level zombies rushing out.

Because if he led the team into the mall at this time, if he encountered a third-level zombie, then even if the sniper had great skills, he couldn't penetrate the wall to kill the third-level zombie...

Without long-range precision sniping, the result of encountering a third-level zombie would be disastrous.

Watching the zombies rushing and falling, Han Feng estimated that at least a hundred zombies died during this period of time.

Hundreds of zombies rushed out of the tiny mall! There are no high-level zombies hosting here, Han Feng would not believe it even if he was beaten to death!

After another three or four minutes, Han Feng's sense of loss of control became stronger and stronger! Gradually, he couldn't sit still anymore...

"Everyone! Retreat! Evacuate here first!" After the order was issued, Han Feng contacted Tanya and said, "Tanya, how many weapons and equipment did the armed helicopter bring?"

"Weapons and equipment? Fully loaded~"

"Be more specific."

"Eight Red Arrow 8-wire guided anti-tank missiles, and a lot of chain gun bullets, but there is no assistant on the helicopter, so I can't shoot, which is a pity."

After listening to Tanya, Han Feng said directly, "Okay! Take off now! Aim at this mall and fill me with damage!"

"Really? ! ! !" What Han Feng didn't expect was that Tanya was even more excited than himself at this time?!


"Okay!" After getting Han Feng's affirmation again, Tanya ran towards the armed helicopter excitedly and started to pull up...

Looking at the armed helicopter hovering in the sky, Han Feng heard Tanya's voice in his mind, "Sir! Run!"

"Fuck! Did you see something? !"

"No~ I'm afraid the missile will blow you up! ”

“…” Although Han Feng was a little speechless, he still followed Tanya’s “instructions” and asked all Red Alert soldiers to retreat to a place one hundred meters away from the mall, including various vehicles…

“Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!!” Just after retreating to a safe distance, Han Feng heard bursts of piercing missile roars from the sky before he turned his head!

Hearing the movement, Han Feng immediately turned back and saw eight missiles lined up in a row, flying towards the mall…

“Oh my goodness…”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!!” As Han Feng exclaimed, eight missiles successfully hit the mall! And a huge explosion occurred in the mall!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!” ..."When the last missile exploded, the entire mall collapsed!

At the cost of 60 rockets and 8 Red Arrow missiles, Han Feng finally succeeded in collapsing the mall!

"Luna...will the supply box really not be damaged..." Staring at the hill-like ruins, Han Feng subconsciously asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, the supply box will definitely not be damaged." Luna continued to explain again without getting tired of it.

After listening to Luna's report, Han Feng's mouth kept rising, and then he said, "All soldiers! Rushing to the original site of the mall! Prepare for battle! Kill any zombies that can move immediately!"

Hahahaha! Supply box! Here I come!

Standing on the ruins with two large teams of people, Han Feng first ordered to find surviving zombies.

Twenty minutes later, there was no movement in the entire ruins...

"All soldiers of the first team, dig down at this place. The second team disperses the team to the edge of the ruins and stays alert at all times." It was not until now that Han Feng began to "dig" down according to the location of the supply box on the radar display.

Looking at the busy people, Han Feng retreated to the armored vehicle and lit a cigarette... And Tanya, according to Han Feng's instructions, parked the armed helicopter on the nearest high-rise building and waited for orders.

Half an hour later...

"Report to the Han team! The supply box has been found!" Suddenly, Luna in his mind sent a "good news"! The supply box has been found! ! !

"Okay, okay! Wait for me!" Hearing that the supply box was "unearthed", Han Feng responded excitedly and rushed towards the ruins.

Arriving at the ruins, Han Feng looked around and did not find the supply box, and then asked in confusion, "Where is the supply box?"

Following Han Feng's question, a mobilized soldier handed over something that looked like an envelope and said, "Report to Captain Han! This is it!"

"Uh... Luna, is this a supply box? This is a supply box?!!!" Pointing to this "envelope", Han Feng asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, this is a supply box."

"Is this really a supply box?!!"

"Report to Captain Han, this is really a supply box..."

Han Feng wasted so much time just to confirm whether this envelope was a supply box. In Han Feng's subconscious, how could a supply box be just a few pieces of paper? ! Didn't the Red Alert soldier really take it by mistake? ...

However, after Luna's repeated confirmation, Han Feng finally believed that this was a supply box... Staring at the thin envelope in his hand

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