Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 23: Police Dog

"Now I order you! Change the address of the temporary base! Quick!" Han Feng didn't want to give up easily after grabbing the last straw.

"Sorry, Commander, the temporary base cannot be changed within one month since the default."

"Hehe... Hehe..." Han Feng laughed, tears welling up in his eyes... Han Feng regretted it so much at this moment! Regret why he jumped into the dangerous place when he saw it clearly!

Just when Han Feng was at a loss, an American soldier moved and caught Han Feng's attention.

Han Feng looked at the American soldier in front of him, and the American soldier pointed to the high-explosive grenade on his chest with his finger...

Han Feng knew what he was going to do!

He wanted to die with the enemy!

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"No! There must be a way! I still have the system. And..."

Before Han Feng finished speaking, the third-level zombie moved again.

The time interval was shortened a lot, but in just over ten seconds, did the level 3 zombie finish eating? No... It's just that he lost a lot of patience... ✪✪

Looking at the level 3 zombie rushing again, Han Feng's brain froze on the spot...

At this time, the American soldier moved.

He threw the machine gun to the ground and pretended to attack him with his fist.

The level 3 zombie hesitated for a moment, without thinking much, and instantly kidnapped the American soldier...

Han Feng clenched his fists tightly! His teeth were clenched.

The anger in his heart slowly dispelled the fear.

Han Feng stared at the American soldier, who endured the pain of his body being torn apart and slowly pulled the high-explosive grenade!

Suddenly, the level 3 zombie seemed to feel something and fled at a very fast speed, but... the high-explosive grenade exploded significantly faster!


A huge explosion sounded, and a few seconds later the smoke dispersed, and Han Feng saw half of the body of the third-level zombie...

One of the third-level zombie's arms was blown to pieces, and it was dangling with its flesh-like stumps...

Most of the entire chest cavity was torn apart, and through the hole in the chest, Han Feng could even see the environment behind him.

One leg supported the body, and the other leg was badly injured, but not blown off.

"Roar!" The third-level zombie roared, his eyes full of fear.

One leg controlled the body and slowly retreated...

He was actually afraid? !

Zombies without emotions actually evolved a fearful mentality? !

The third-level zombie turned around, kicked the ground with one leg, and ran away!

Although one leg was injured and the speed was significantly reduced, it was still very fast!

In a flash, the third-level zombie smashed the glass and rushed out of the supermarket.

He ran away? !

Without the control of the third-level zombie, the rest of the low-level zombies began to move freely.

"Roar! Roar!" The zombies began to surround him...

"Fire!" Han Feng picked up the American soldier's machine gun and pulled the trigger.

The zombies on the first floor surged, but they couldn't get up.

Although there were not as many zombies on the second floor as on the first floor, the number was still beyond Han Feng's ability to deal with.

"Da da, ka"

Another mobilized soldier ran out of bullets...

Without the subsequent replenishment of ammunition, the mobilized soldier began to use the most primitive weapon - the fire axe to continue killing zombies.

While shooting, Han Feng observed the gold coins, 439 coins...

What can this gold coin do? Summon four mobilized soldiers? Or summon an American soldier?

But no matter what kind of soldiers are summoned, the current dilemma cannot be resolved. The reason is that there are not enough bullets...

Even if the summoned soldier is a sharpshooter, one bullet can take away one zombie, but the number of zombies is far from being cleared.

"Ka ka, ka"

The three mobilized soldiers stopped shooting at the same time...

At this time, the mobilized soldiers had all used up their bullets and grenades.

Pull out the fire axe and start to fight the zombies.

458 gold coins...

"Winter Soldier, pull a few shelves over! Quick!" Han Feng shouted to Winter Soldier anxiously.

At this time, only Han Feng and Wayne were left to continue shooting...

We must find a way, it is impossible to break through. Facing the zombies, Han Feng must use everything around to resist.

About ten seconds, four or five shelves were pulled over by Winter Soldier.

"Everyone return to defense! Get closer to the wall! Use shelves to resist!" Hearing Han Feng's order, three mobilized soldiers rushed back quickly.

Two mobilized soldiers carried the shelves and fixed them firmly with their strong arms.

The direction with the most zombies was separated by shelves. One side is the wall, and the other side is the shelves. The zombie attack route is only on two sides, and Han Feng and his men only have two machine guns left...

One machine gun in one direction is obviously very difficult to resist.

"Winter Soldier, you and him carry the shelves and block this gap!" Han Feng couldn't resist and could only rely on Winter Soldier and another mobilized soldier.

As soon as the words fell, Winter Soldier bent down to pick up the shelf, and the two mobilized soldiers fixed it at the same time. In this way, Han Feng only faced zombies from one direction.

The pressure suddenly decreased, Han Feng turned the gun muzzle and stood shoulder to shoulder with Wayne. The two machine guns fired at the same time, taking away one zombie after another.

The number of gold coins increased rapidly.

"Wayne! Use the shelf for defense!" Han Feng immediately issued an order after noticing that the gold coins exceeded 500.

The two stood up the shelf at their feet and held it with their bodies. In this way, the zombies around were isolated.

"Swish, swish!" The zombies outside the shelves kept knocking and pushing the shelves. The shelves, which were not very strong, gradually became distorted under the pressure from both sides, and the space inside the shelves gradually became crowded...

"Summon the police dog! Confirm! Hurry!" Han Feng shouted anxiously.

Summoning the police dog is Han Feng's only plan and his only reliance. If the police dog plan fails... Han Feng will pay with his life!

"It takes 500 gold coins to summon the police dog. The police dog is being summoned. The summoning time is 30 seconds. Please wait."

"Everyone hold on for a while! You will be rescued soon!" Han Feng didn't care what the system said, he just held on!

The shelves were twisted and squeaked, and some joints actually broke...

"Tear——" At the joint of the shelf, a zombie's arm stretched out and grabbed Han Feng's sleeve. With a violent tug, Han Feng's sleeve was torn open.

"Almost there, almost there, almost there..." Han Feng kept repeating the word "almost there" in a slightly neurotic manner.

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