Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 247: Departure

The next morning, Han Feng, who had been on tenterhooks all night, walked out of the tent rubbing his sore eyes.

That night, there were no zombie attacks and no emergencies.

Walking to the damaged highway, Han Feng saw that engineers were still carrying out reconstruction work.

"Luna, how long will it take before we can start again?" Han Feng asked in his mind.

"Reporting to the Korean team, it will take about two hours to open to traffic."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took out his phone and looked at the time.

The time now is half past six in the morning...that is to say, the engineers have been working continuously for nearly nine hours...

"Okay, I understand." After saying that, Han Feng thought for a moment. Due to yesterday's battle, the Red Alert soldiers suffered "heavy losses". Do you want to replenish the manpower?

But soon, Han Feng gave up this idea. The reason is simply that there are not enough vehicles... To complete the establishment, fifty-seven Red Alert soldiers need to be summoned. Gold coins are easy to talk about, but I don’t have a car... ✪

"Luna, how far are we from the zinc mine?" Han Feng asked after hesitating.

"Reporting to the Korean team, we are still 137 kilometers away from the zinc mine."

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng decided to wait until he reached the zinc mine before summoning for replenishment. Anyway, the distance is not far away. If we encounter any situation, Brother Wang will be able to provide considerable fire support.

Next, Han Feng casually walked in the convoy and conducted a simple inspection.

Half an hour later, Wei Yun found Han Feng. In the tent, the first bowl of hot porridge in the morning was served on a simple dining table.

While eating and chatting, everyone was full of expectations for their new place of residence...

After dinner, it was still an hour before the bus opened.

"Luna, call the engineers and multi-purpose infantry vehicles over." Han Feng, holding a cigarette in his mouth, thought for a moment and gave the instructions.

"Okay, Team Korea."

Within a minute, Wayne arrived in a multipurpose infantry vehicle. Beside Han Feng, an engineer was already on standby.

"Thanks~" Wayne got out of the car, Han Feng got into the driver's seat, and the engineer got into the passenger seat.

"Buzz...boom..." As soon as the engineer got on the vehicle, Han Feng felt the deformation disk on top of the multifunctional infantry vehicle tremble.

"The deformation disk is in place and the maintenance arm has deformed. The maintenance arm does not consume ammunition when repairing damaged tanks. Report to the driver that no damaged vehicles were found within the repairable range of the maintenance arm." When the multifunctional infantry vehicle completed its transformation Finally, bursts of beeps came from the speakers in the cabin.

That's right, Han Feng did this to restore the Grizzly Tank!

Repairs to the Grizzly Tank were delayed overnight because engineers were urgently needed due to previous highway reconstruction.

Now that the highway is about to be opened to traffic, I took off an engineer and went to the Grizzly Tank with myself, so I didn't waste any time~

He stepped on the accelerator and reached the front of the convoy in less than a minute.

Looking at the Grizzly tank paralyzed at the front of the convoy, Han Feng stopped the car and stared for a while...

Bent and broken gun barrels, loose and broken tracks, dented and twisted turrets... Han Feng also saw a huge hole on the side of the Grizzly Tank.

When Han Feng got out of the car yesterday, he was vomiting so much that he was so worried about the battle damage in the rear battlefield that he didn't pay attention to the Grizzly Tank for a while. Unexpectedly...the Grizzly Tank was beaten so badly...

"Report to the driver, we found a damaged tank ahead, please get close to within three meters for repairs."

"Report to the driver, we found a damaged tank ahead, please get close to within three meters for repairs."

"Report to the driver..."

While Han Feng was still observing the "injury" of the Grizzly Tank, a notification sound came from the cabin of the multifunctional infantry vehicle.

Following the prompts, Han Feng moved the multifunctional infantry vehicle closer to the Grizzly Tank.

"Squeak...chi..." As soon as the maintenance vehicle approached the Grizzly Tank, the mechanical arm above it poked out. Seeing that the Grizzly Tank was being repaired, Han Feng got out of the car curiously.

In the game, Han Feng knows that as long as the maintenance vehicle is close to the "short" tank, the tank will quickly recover its health. But he never thought about how a multi-purpose maintenance vehicle would "treat" a tank in the real world.

"Chi...chi..." Listening to the sound of the maintenance arm, Han Feng froze on the spot...

"Sprinkle...sprinkle gold dust?!!!"

That's right, Han Feng was really dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

I saw that the contact point between the maintenance arm and the tank... to be precise, the two did not touch each other. Sparks were just shining in the air...

With every "chi" sound, some sparks flew out of the maintenance arm. On the Grizzly Tank, these damaged areas have been restored visibly to the naked eye.

Under the control of engineers, the multifunctional infantry vehicle seemingly entered an unmanned state. Even without a driver, it can move to the damaged location of the Grizzly Tank for repairs.

Although Han Feng couldn't explain everything in front of him, the repair speed was indeed very fast.

In less than ten minutes, a "brand new" Grizzly tank appeared in front of us. Compared with the dilapidated original appearance before, it looks like it was just summoned!

"Report to the Korean team, because the grizzly tank's previous fuel tank was penetrated, so if you want to restart it, you must add fuel." As soon as the grizzly tank was repaired, Luna's voice came from his mind.

"Oh, okay, come on." After muttering in a low voice, Han Feng contacted the red police soldier guarding the oil tanker and asked him to drive a matching oil tanker to add more.

A few minutes later, the Grizzly tank started up. Accompanied by the sound of the roaring engine, the Grizzly Tank "resurrected with full health"! !

Took out his phone to check the time. There were still twenty minutes left before the highway.

"Luna, let the Grizzly tank continue to lead the way." Although the Grizzly tank now has no tank shells, it is still no problem for the huge steel body to lead the way.

"Okay, Captain Han." After Luna responded, the Grizzly tank slowly started...

Getting into the multi-purpose infantry vehicle, Han Feng suddenly had an idea and asked Luna, "Oh, by the way~ Can the multi-purpose maintenance vehicle repair other damaged vehicles?"

When asking this question, Han Feng thought that there were still many damaged vehicles in the convoy. Other vehicles can be left unrepaired, but what about the semi-trailer? If the semi-trailer can be repaired, then there is no need to wait to summon the Red Alert soldiers to fill the establishment.

"Sorry, Captain Han... The multi-purpose maintenance vehicle can only repair the tanks summoned by the Red Alert system, and cannot repair other vehicles."

"Oh... okay..." After Luna said this, Han Feng put away his little thoughts. It seems that this "loophole" has been blocked by the system again...

"Luna, notify everyone now, pack up and set off when the road is open~"

"Okay, Captain Han."

Twenty minutes later...

"Report to Captain Han, the damaged section of the highway has now been rebuilt and has reached the standard for traffic. Please give instructions." As soon as the engineer finished the work, Luna's report sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Okay~ Let's go~!" Han Feng, who had been looking forward to it for a long time, couldn't wait to give the order.

The instructions were issued, and the convoy stretching for several kilometers slowly set sail under the management of the Red Alert soldiers!

On the way, Han Feng, who was looking at the scenery outside the car window, asked, "Luna, when can we reach the zinc mine?"

"Report to Captain Han, if there is no special situation, we can reach the zinc mine in four hours."

"Well... That is about three o'clock in the afternoon?~"

"Yes, Captain Han."

Nodding, Han Feng's eyes returned to the scenery outside...

"Pah!!!" Half an hour later, Han Feng, who was watching the scenery, suddenly stood up and slapped his forehead with his right hand!


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