Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 270: The wounds after waking up

Hearing Luna's report, Han Feng closed his eyes in despair...

He could guess with his toes that the zinc mine had lost his own, Tanya, the Terminator and other powerful forces. In the case of insufficient ammunition supply, facing 100,000 zombies...

"Captain Han, the battle scene at that time has been retained by the system, please ask..."

Luna was halfway through, Han Feng sat down and said softly, "Look."

"Okay, Captain Han, the scene is being prepared, please wait."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes and waited quietly...

"Boom! Boom!"

"Da Da Da! Da Da!" As soon as the scene started, the battle in the zinc mine was extremely tragic.

Based on the movements of the owner of the perspective, Han Feng easily guessed that this was Tanya.

"Sister! Don't stop me! I'm going!" Amid the sound of gunfire, Han Feng vaguely heard Wei Peng's shouting.

"I didn't hit him lightly last time!" Tanya muttered, and then ran towards Wei Peng through the crowd.

After knocking Wei Peng unconscious again and bringing him back, Tanya ordered Wei Yun to evacuate with Hu Hu and others and wait at the construction plant.

Without time to listen to Wei Yun's answer, Tanya turned around and continued to fight...

At this time, the picture began to fast forward...

Level 3 zombies jumped off the wall one after another and rushed towards the soldiers and militiamen who were shooting...

After finally clearing out the level 3 zombies, the level 4 zombies took the opportunity to climb over the wall with the low-level zombies...

In an instant, the zinc mine was full of fireworks. Blood dyed one piece of land after another red...

Cries and cries for help were heard in a mess...

"In this battle, all those who were attacked and injured or killed by zombies, except for the Red Alert soldiers...the rest will mutate into new zombies. They will get up from the ground, join the ranks of the zombie army, and attack the teammates who just fought side by side..."

"Many people can't stand such stimulation, which makes it impossible to shoot at their former comrades, and for a while, the zombies will accelerate their encroachment."

Han Feng watched while Luna explained.

When the screen was played to two hours and fifty minutes, it began to shake and tremble constantly. This was a sign of Tanya's exhaustion...

Although Tanya was the undisputed king of combat power, she was still a mortal after all... Four or five hours of continuous high-intensity fighting had already exhausted all her physical strength.

Without eating a single grain of rice or drinking a single drop of water, Tanya relied on "one breath" to hold on.

Two minutes before the screen stopped, Tanya fought hard against the fourth-level zombie. But Tanya, who was weak, could no longer avoid the hammering of the fourth-level zombie.

Even though she subconsciously took a defensive posture, Tanya still spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then...the screen was dark.

The next second, the screen lit up, and according to the angle of view, it was a sniper hiding in the distance.

"Grizzly tanks! Change your attack targets now! Focus on hitting the legs of level 4 zombies! They have strong upper body strength, but their legs are weak! Remember, you only need to break their legs! Be fast, don't let them knock you over!"

"All three-star soldiers, hold the battlefield and try to hold it as long as possible! All one-star soldiers, try to collect weapons! Let the militia around you reload for you! Remember, your kill rate is higher than theirs! You must defend the zinc mine!"

"All heavily armed soldiers, after running out of bullets, look for cold weapons! Go and fight level 1 and 2 zombies! You have light armor on you, and low-level zombies can't hurt you! Remember, don't go looking for trouble with level 4 zombies!"

"All police dogs, bark around the zombies! They don't have a leader now, and the sound will interfere with them. Try to disperse them!"

"All! Action! Quick, quick, quick!"

A series of commands came out of the sniper's mouth. Judging from the tone, it was Simon.

Han Feng was unconscious, and the battlefield command was transferred to Tanya. Tanya was unconscious, and the battlefield command was transferred to Simon...

When Simon took over the battlefield...it was the time when the casualties were the most tragic...

This fight lasted from dusk to late at night.

Until four Grizzlies tanks were lying on their stomachs outside the wall.

Until all the ammunition was in urgent need and there was nothing left to use.

Until even the three-star soldiers started fighting hand-to-hand.

Until all the heavily armed soldiers collapsed.

Until the police dogs kept barking, their vocal cords were torn, and they vomited blood...

Under the dark night, the ghosts and monsters were finally eliminated. On the charred battlefield, tens of thousands of corpses were scattered...

When the last zombie in the zinc mine fell, the people holding machetes began to look around. Their eyes were full of crazy murderous intent...

It was also fortunate that the searchlight was prepared the night before, otherwise...in such an environment where you can't see me clearly and I can't see you clearly, it is easy to cause accidental injuries.

In the zinc mine that was as bright as day, people wandered around. It was not until several minutes later that they confirmed that their side had "won".

"Dangdangdang..." Letting go of the cold weapons in their hands, people knelt on the ground and cried, but no one spoke...

The screen dimmed again, and all the videos were played.

"Report to Captain Han, in this battle, the Red Alert soldiers killed a total of about 270,000 first-level zombies, about 80,000 second-level zombies, about 8,000 third-level zombies, about 2,000 fourth-level zombies, and one fifth-level zombie. The remaining zombies were killed by the militia in the zinc mine. In this battle, a total of 1,132,004 gold coins were rewarded."

"1,302,004 gold coins..." Han Feng, who was absent-minded, repeated the last number Luna said. There was no trace of joy...

"Yes, Captain Han, now your gold coins are 1.36 million..."

"After this battle...how many troops do we have left..." Han Feng asked, interrupting Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, our losses are four Grizzlies tanks, all of which are in scrapped state. The mobilized soldiers suffered heavy damage, and now there are only 57 people left. There are 30 American soldiers left, and all snipers survived, totaling 36 people. There are three heavy soldiers left, and two police dogs left... All radiation engineers were killed. The Terminator Ghost is now in a state of emergency repair, and Tanya is in a coma..."

"In other words, my six battalions of troops are now...only a little more than one battalion is left?" Han Feng asked, covering his chest with trembling lips.

"Yes, Captain Han..."

"What about Brother Wang? How many casualties are there? How many casualties are there for the survivors?"

"Report to Captain Han, there are only two people left in Brother Wang's Domination Team...Wang Man and Kong Xiang. The casualties of the survivors are more than 60%...less than 7,000 people survived."

As he listened, two tears flowed from Han Feng's eyes.


Han Feng opened his mouth to the sky, but made a very small cry, but the blue veins in his neck kept beating. Trying his best to lower his voice, Han Feng almost roared "silently".

It's not accurate to say that he roared, it should be a manifestation of extreme self-blame and guilt.

A few minutes later, Han Feng lowered his head. He felt exhausted as if all the strength in his body had been drained away.

Slowly putting on his clothes, Han Feng staggered to the door, but he didn't have the courage to lift the curtain.

He was afraid of seeing the charred land outside the curtain, and even more afraid of the survivors...

Knowing that he was ashamed, Han Feng hesitated for a long time with his shaking hands.

"Brother Han? Brother Han? Are you...are you okay? Do you need me to go in?"

Outside the door, Wei Yun heard Han Feng's self-blaming cry. He was struggling whether to go in, but heard no movement in the house. Wei Yun, who was getting more and more anxious, whispered and asked.

"No need..." As soon as the voice fell, a hand reached out to lift the curtain, and then Han Feng walked out.

"Brother Han...you..." Looking at Han Feng, whose eyes were red and misty with tears, Wei Yun was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Han Feng took a few steps, looked at the sunset, and then looked down at the charred land around him. His mouth twitched constantly but he never spoke...

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