Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 306: Empty Finger Division

"Luna, what's going on? Why have you been gone for so long?!" When asking this question, Han Feng thought in confusion, if there was something going on, Luna would have called him up? how……

"Reporting to the Korean team, there is no emergency. It's just that it was dark after nine o'clock and there was a lot of ice on the road, so the speed slowed down a lot."

"Huh..." After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng felt relieved.

Returning to his seat, Han Feng asked casually, "How long until we can go back?"

"Report to the Korean team, it will take about ten minutes."

After listening, Han Feng looked out the window... Sure enough, in the dark environment, Han Feng recognized that this was the road "in front of his home".

"Gulu..." Suddenly, an "empty" protest came from his stomach.

Rubbing his hungry belly, Han Feng turned around and found two compressed biscuits and two sausages, along with bottled water, which was considered dinner.

After eating and drinking, the convoy just arrived at the zinc mine.

"Luna, these five semi-trailers should be driven to the entrance of the warehouse first and then unloaded at dawn tomorrow."

"Okay, Team Korea."

After talking to Luna, Han Feng turned to look at the American soldier beside him and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest early."

"Yes! Korean team!" After saying that, the American soldier got out of the car.

Rubbing his eyes, Han Feng dispelled the last trace of sleepiness, then moved from the passenger seat to the driving seat, then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the Allied base. ♦♕ ♦ඏ

Because...it took two days to build the radar, and it will be completed soon!

Sure enough, when Han Feng parked the car next to the base, Luna's voice came in his mind: "Report to the Korean team that the physical building, the radar, has been completed."

Immediately afterwards, Luna continued, "Congratulations to the Korean team for having a physical building - radar."

"Shredded coconut!" After shaking his fist a few times, Han Feng opened the car door excitedly.

After bypassing the long wall of the base, Han Feng finally saw the so-called "radar"...

"Oh my God...this is a radar?! This is not empty..."

Looking at the Gundam buildings and the empty apron, Han Feng's voice was choked with excitement! At the highest point of the radar, a semi-sector-shaped thing was constantly rotating. Although Han Feng couldn't name it, he knew that this was the most critical "eye" of the radar!

At the foot of the tower-like building, there are four huge apron facing each other! Around the apron, there are various small lights to divide distances and areas.

And in the middle of the two opposite aprons, there is a landing strip of nearly 800 meters!

This is not a radar! Isn't this the empty finger department? ! Han Feng's right hand pointed at the building, trembling slightly...

"Yes, the Korean team, this is the air command unit. Because the virtual building cannot park fighter jets, certain functions of the air command unit have been deleted. Now that the construction of the physical building is completed, all functions will be automatically restored."

"Oh~ Really..." Han Feng nodded thoughtfully, then frowned suddenly, and subconsciously asked, "Luna! Restoring all the functions of the empty finger, will it be an additional reward?!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, it's not..."

"Huh... good news~" Hearing the answer, Han Feng smiled, and then asked, "What about its additional rewards? What are they?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the completion of the air command department will open a function, upgrade a function, and an additional reward."

"Gulu..." After hearing this, Han Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tried his best to calm down his mood!

Perhaps Luna did not observe Han Feng's mentality at this time, and kept speaking at a normal speed, "The first is to open the fighter summoning function. The second is to upgrade the radar exploration range. The third additional reward is the manufacturing and equipment of aerial bombs."

Probably because Luna spoke too generally, there was no reply from Han Feng for several seconds after she finished speaking...

"Uh...Team Han?" Seeing that Han Feng didn't answer, Luna reminded him softly.

"Haha...can you explain it again?~ I don't understand." Unexpectedly, Han Feng's first sentence was like this...

"...Okay Team Korea."

"The first is to open the function of summoning fighter planes. This means that the system has opened up the function of summoning fighter planes for you to fight, which makes up for the previous lack of air supremacy."

"After the second physical building - the air command department is completed, the radar scanning range will be expanded from the original five kilometers to ten kilometers. Within the detectable range, your rights and authority will be extended accordingly. In other words, You can perform vision connection and remote command functions within ten kilometers.”

"The additional rewards of the third-level air command department are the production and equipment functions of aircraft bombs. Normally, the time for a fighter aircraft to refresh ammunition is 24 hours. During this period, you can have the air command department produce relevant weapons and ammunition for the fighter aircraft and provide them to you for free. Fill."

After Balabala said a lot, Luna saw that Han Feng was still staring at the empty fingers without saying a word, so she reminded her, "Team Han, the above three points... have I made it clear?"

"Let me see what the fighter plane is." Han Feng did not answer Luna's question directly, but changed the subject and asked about the fighter plane model.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the fighter plane you can now summon is the Aggressor fighter plane, also known as the "VA-8 Sea Harrier attack aircraft."

When Luna responded, Han Feng focused his attention on entering the system's tank vehicle interface... Sure enough, in the first option on the interface, Han Feng saw the "legendary" invader fighter plane...

"Let me introduce it quickly!" Han Feng suppressed his strong desire to buy and decided to first understand the actual performance of this fighter.

"Reporting to the Han team, the Invader fighter (VA-8 Sea Harrier attack aircraft), a carrier-based aircraft. It has high infiltration, pursuit and sneak attack capabilities. After an attack, it needs to return to the air command headquarters. It is mainly used to attack important ground units and buildings. (Note that the Invader fighter has only a thin defense and cannot effectively evade or defend against air control weapons.)"

"As a fast and maneuverable fighter, the Invader fighter can achieve vertical take-off characteristics and is equipped with five 4536 kg free-fall or slow-fall bombs, a "Sidewinder" air-to-ground missile, and a "Cub" - Maverick air-to-ground missile. (Note that only one of the above weapons can be carried in each attack, and they cannot be carried at the same time.)"

When Luna introduced it, Han Feng slowly held his breath. While admiring the power of the fighter, he was also ready to "judge" himself by the price...

Finally, after introducing everything, Luna said, "The price of summoning the invader fighter is 50,000 gold coins."

"Huh..." Patting his chest, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved...

"The price is not expensive, the price is not expensive..." He murmured first, and then Han Feng continued, "Come on~! Luna, summon two invader fighters first! Show your eyes!!"

"Report to Captain Han, summoning two invader fighters requires 100,000 gold coins, please confirm."

"Confirm!" These two words came out of Han Feng's mouth without any hesitation.

"Okay Captain Han, the invader fighter is being summoned, please wait..."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's gold coins instantly decreased by 100,000. At this time, there were more than 1.5 million left in Han Feng's gold coin column...

"Luna, when can the fighter be summoned?" Looking at the empty apron, Han Feng was itching.

"Report to Captain Han, the summoning time of the invader fighter is one hour."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng took out his mobile phone... and saw that the current time was 0:30...

If you want to see the summoned fighter with your own eyes, the earliest time is 1:30 in the morning... Frowning slightly, Han Feng knew that he would definitely not be able to wait that long.

Shaking his head, Han Feng said, "Come back tomorrow..." Having said this, Han Feng walked towards the multi-purpose tank.

"By the way, Luna

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