Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 315: Hospital

But for Wei Peng, who was twenty years old, how could he stop his curiosity? So even with headphones on, Wei Peng lowered his voice again and again. And I also deliberately wore the headphones a little "askew" so that I could hear the conversation behind me more clearly...

But how could Han Feng give Wei Peng this "opportunity"? As soon as he saw his small movements, Han Feng directly used his telekinesis to "do it for him", straightened his headphones and turned up the volume.

After everything was prepared, Han Feng began to tell the story to Liu Zhe and Guo Yongxing in front of him...

In ten minutes, Han Feng told the cause, process, results and response plan of the incident.

Seeing the silence between the two, Han Feng said decisively, "Because this is just an expected plan, I can't guarantee whether there will be any accidents in the real battle."

"If in another dimension, Guo Yongxing is invincible. If in reality the opponent attacks from a "long range"... then you two will be in danger." Han Feng was also "generous" and was not afraid of stage fright between the two of them, so he said it directly They both have deep concerns.

"When should we set off?" What Han Feng didn't expect was that Liu Zhe made his position clear as soon as he opened his mouth.

Han Feng did not reply to Liu Zhe immediately, but turned to look at Guo Yongxing.

Guo Yongxing's eyes were still as dull as ever. Just a slight nod showed what was in his mind.

Seeing this, Han Feng thought for a few seconds and felt that the sooner this matter was resolved, the better, so he answered "Tomorrow."

"Okay, tomorrow!" Liu Zhe and Guo Yongxing said in unison.


After the three exchanged words, Han Feng stood up and sent them away. ♦♦  ♦♦

After closing the bedroom door, Han Feng walked behind Wei Peng, reached out and took off his headphones and said, "You play for a while longer, and I'll go wash up first. Go to bed early today, I have other things to do tomorrow."

After saying that, Han Feng walked into the bathroom.

At night, Han Feng lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. My mind is constantly simulating emergencies that may arise tomorrow and how to deal with them.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the physical building - the combat laboratory has been completed." Then, Luna continued, "Congratulations to the Korean team, the physical building - the combat laboratory~"

After hearing the report in his mind, Han Feng quietly picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table... The time was just past midnight.

Standing up slowly, Han Feng tried not to disturb Wei Peng, who was already asleep.

After tidying up a little, Han Feng quietly went downstairs...

"Luna, check Xiaopeng's movements at all times. If you find that he is awake, report to me immediately." Before leaving, Han Feng still felt uneasy about Wei Peng. But he couldn't take him to the base with him, so Han Feng had to make this "last resort".

"Okay, Team Korea, I will test Wei Peng at all times."

After listening, Han Feng started the multi-functional infantry vehicle, then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the base...

Two or three minutes later, Han Feng arrived at the base.

As soon as he got off the car, Han Feng saw the combat laboratory...

Next to the base, an "oval" building rises from the ground!

Silver-white building materials full of technology, coupled with two long "antennas" that shoot straight into the sky, combined with an architectural style that has never been seen in the real world... a strong sense of the future is coming!

"This...is this a combat laboratory..." Looking up at the "tallest" building in the main building, Han Feng sighed...

"Team Han, please go inside the combat laboratory for a tour." While Han Feng was still lamenting the birthplace of Red Alert's "black technology", Luna's voice suddenly came to his mind.

"Come...in for a visit?!" Han Feng asked again, suspecting that he heard wrongly.

"Yes, Team Korea."


As soon as Luna finished speaking, the glass door of the combat laboratory opened to both sides. The lights inside also became brighter as the door opened and closed.

Looking at the bright interior of the combat laboratory, Han Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva... and then asked, "What... is inside?"

As he asked, Han Feng raised his feet and walked inside.

"Wow..." Before Luna could answer, Han Feng started to "play" on his own!

Inside the first floor of the combat laboratory, both sides of the corridor are filled with new things that I have never heard of or seen.

"Luna, what is this?" Han Feng pointed to the instruments in the glass cabinet beside him and asked curiously.

"Report to the Korean team, this is a refiner. Its function is to increase the output of minerals, but it consumes more power."

"Oh...what about this?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is the core of the teleporter. An essential core material for the hyperspace teleporter."

"Oh...then, what about this one?!" Suddenly, Han Feng caught a glimpse of a set of tank construction drawings.

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is the basic modeling drawing of the Phantom Tank."

"Phantom tanks?" Upon hearing this word, Han Feng immediately thought of tanks that could disguise themselves as various trees.

"Yes, the Korean team, but due to your authority, it cannot be summoned now."

"Haha~ It's okay! Take your time! One day I will upgrade to the highest level of authority! By then all these high technologies will be mine! Haha!"

Looking at the various technological materials around him, Han Feng laughed loudly. Although he cannot build a summons now, he believes that one day, he will have a powerful Red Alert Legion!

He walked in circles around the first floor. When Han Feng returned again, he frowned and asked, "Are you letting me in just to see these things that can't be built yet? What else is there?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is only the inside of the first floor. Please go upstairs now." After Luna finished speaking, an elevator suddenly lowered from the ceiling...

"Yohoo?~" Looking up at the elevator that suddenly appeared, Han Feng was a little surprised.

Going up to the second floor, Han Feng saw a research team. They were wearing white clothes and were studying something behind the glass curtain wall...

"Luna, who are they?" Han Feng asked, pointing to the busy people behind the glass wall.

"Report to Captain Han, this is the medical and biochemical team inside the combat laboratory. The purpose is to study the GS virus and cure various injuries and diseases of the human body."

"Didn't the report on the GS virus come out a long time ago? Why are they still studying it?" While expressing his doubts, Han Feng thought... A few months ago, the report on the GS virus came out. It's been studied for so long, and there are no new reports.

"Report to Captain Han, this is the internal research of the combat laboratory, they will not be idle."

Hearing a hint of "hidden meaning", Han Feng tentatively asked, "They continue to study the virus, will they never get any results?"

"Uh... Captain Han, you can understand it this way."

Haha... After hearing Luna agree with his idea, Han Feng instantly understood. This is a group of "NC" in the game! As long as I don't issue a research project order, these people will continue to research aimlessly! Although... they don't understand anything.

"Oh, by the way, you just said they are a medical and biochemical team?" Suddenly, Han Feng remembered what Luna introduced to him just now.

"Yes, Captain Han."

"Medical... So, the combat laboratory can cure diseases and save lives?!"

"Yes, Captain Han."

"Oh my god! That's great!!!" After hearing this, Han Feng waved his fist and shouted excitedly!

"But the combat laboratory only treats injured and sick Red Alert soldiers, and it is temporarily unable to treat survivors other than Red Alert soldiers."

"Uh... That's not bad..." Hearing this, Han Feng felt a little regretful...

"But Captain Han, you can use the amount of treatment to become a small treatment

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