Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 318: Hitting the Soul

"Okay, Captain Han." Luna said, and the Terminator continued to drive the vehicle forward.

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Take out cigarettes and mobile phones, Han Feng saw that the time was almost three o'clock in the afternoon...

Holding a cigarette, Han Feng looked out the window, wondering whether he should continue to go deeper.

Now there are only three helpers around him. Although each of them has unique skills, but... the number is really small.

In addition, we have to guard against the sneak attack of the mysterious man... It's a bit stretched.

"Luna, how about..."

"Report to Captain Han, the radar has found traces of the other survivors!" Han Feng wanted to retreat, but was interrupted by Luna.

"Find, found? ! So fast? ! It's only been a few seconds?" At this moment, Han Feng was excited and worried.

"Yes, Captain Han, the other five survivors are at your twelve o'clock direction, 9.9 kilometers away. ”

“…” After thinking for a few seconds, Han Feng gritted his teeth and continued, “Hang behind them! Keep a distance of 9.9 kilometers! Find the other party’s “nest” first! ”

“Okay, Captain Han.”

“Oh, by the way! Remember…try not to attract the other party’s attention. This time we have infiltrated and investigated as the main purpose.” After a pause, Han Feng instructed.

“Okay, Captain Han, I will pay attention.”

“Huh…” Han Feng took a deep breath and suppressed his excited heartbeat.

Smoking a cigarette, Han Feng muttered in a low voice, “I’ll find it soon…I’ll find it soon…”

“What? What’s here?” Hearing the muttering in front, Liu Zhe moved his butt and asked.

“Found the other party’s “nest”.” Han Feng didn’t hide it and said it directly.

“Ah? No way? ! Didn’t we say that we were alone today? Why, why do we have to fight against a group of people on the other side now! "

Hearing Liu Zhe's words, Han Feng knew that this guy was probably scared.

With a chuckle, Han Feng explained, "The plan has changed. Today, we have mainly determined the location of the other party's lair. Try not to fight~ Don't worry~"

"Oh... Hey~ It's okay~ We are not afraid of a real fight~ We are all good at fighting! Even if the other party has more people, we are not afraid of them!"

"Hehe..." Hearing Liu Zhe's "hindsight", Guo Yongxing laughed on the side.

"Hey? ~ What are you laughing at? Am I wrong? !"

"No, no, no, I suddenly remembered a joke, not you."

Han Feng listened to the various jokes in the cabin, and his mood immediately improved.

A few minutes later...

During the time when he continued to follow the other party, Han Feng noticed that he had walked out of the city and came to the edge.

Around the city, large areas of bungalows and barren slopes appeared, and the field of vision was greatly broadened.

"Luna... The other party won't see us, right? "Staring at the front, Han Feng asked.

"Report to the Han team, we have been following them for ten kilometers. At this distance, unless they use a telescope. But according to the known terrain now, even if the other party uses a telescope, it is difficult to find our vehicles. "

"Okay... That's good. After hearing this, Han Feng was relieved.

But in the next second...

"Report to the Han team! The system detected an unknown radar wave! It has been automatically blocked and intercepted by the system!"

"Report to the Han team! The system detected an unknown radar wave! It has been automatically blocked and intercepted by the system!"

"Report to the Han team! The system detected an unknown radar wave! It has been..."

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in Han Feng's mind! Han Feng was so shocked that he immediately "jumped" to sit down.

"What's wrong! What radar wave?!" Han Feng asked almost subconsciously.

"Report to the Han team, our radar detected the enemy radar scan. But it was blocked by the system, and the other party has not discovered us yet."

"What do you mean?! Does the other party also have a radar?!" Han Feng asked after hearing "half understanding".

"Yes, Captain Han, the other side has radar equipment."

"Fuck..." Staring blankly at the front, Han Feng cursed softly and asked, "Luna, can you detect how far the other side's radar is from us?"

"Report to Captain Han, yes. The system has detected and analyzed the other side's radar wave band, and preliminarily calculated that the launch point of the other side's radar is 18 kilometers away from us."

Hearing that the other side can be detected, Han Feng continued to ask, "What's the direction?!"

"At your one o'clock direction."

"Yes, it should be..." After hearing this, Han Feng muttered. At the same time, he thought that his current position is the edge of the city, and if he walks 20 kilometers forward... it is almost the gathering place of the other side's survivors.

But what surprised Han Feng was that the other side actually had a radar!

Could it be that the equipment warehouse found by the other side has such a strong sense of technology? !

Fortunately, he has a red alert system! It can intercept the radar, otherwise it would have been a warning when he walked here...

"Luna, stay alert at all times!" At this time, Han Feng couldn't help but say.

"Okay, Captain Han, I'll keep an eye on it."

Just like that, half an hour later...

As they walked, Han Feng felt the speed of the armored vehicle slowed down significantly. The next second, Luna reported, "Report to Captain Han, the radar detected the enemy's station."

"Have you found it yet?!" Han Feng became excited and asked.

"Report to Captain Han, it's not certain whether this station is the enemy's headquarters."

Hearing Luna's words, Han Feng frowned slightly and asked, "Tell me what you found."

"Okay, Captain Han." After a pause, Luna continued, "Within the radar's detectable range, we have detected 178 survivors and 21 vehicles from the other side..."

"3D projection." While listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng turned his attention to the radar.

In the 3D projection constructed by the radar, Han Feng vaguely "saw" the scene of the other side's garrison... In this projection, almost everything was constructed with lines or blurred modules.

Walking in the air and passing through walls are basic operations in the world of consciousness.

Although the wall scanned by the Red Alert radar is unknown, the size and thickness can still be seen by the lines.

"Looking" at the roads, buildings, and street scenes in front of him, Han Feng can easily see that they are based in a large village.

However, the range of radar scanning is limited, and Han Feng "walked" to the edge of the area not long after.

Helplessly, Han Feng can only move within the known range.

Tens of seconds later, Han Feng was attracted by a small second floor...

The virtual state condensed by consciousness "floated" into the air and then passed through the wall.


Just after Han Feng passed through the wall, a deafening, soul-piercing sound exploded!

"Ah!" Instantly, Han Feng's body opened his eyes! He looked forward in horror!

"What's wrong, Brother Han? Are you having a nightmare?" Seeing Han Feng "sitting up in a dream", Liu Zhe asked curiously.




Without hesitation, Han Feng directly issued a retreat order.

Although the mysterious man was not found today, the mission was "successfully" completed and the opponent's base was found.

Seeing Han Feng's somewhat worried expression, Liu Zhe did not ask anything else, but just nodded in agreement.

On the way back, Han Feng suddenly felt cold sweat on his back...Yes, Han Feng was frightened by the roar just now...

How did he find me? It doesn't make sense? ! I was not the body at that time, not even the consciousness body!

Puzzled, Han Feng asked Luna, "Luna, just now...how was I discovered?"

"Captain Han, I don't know...the system has also done a preliminary

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