Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 323: Qualitative Change

"Sorry, Captain Han, the result is unknown..." After waiting for a long time, Han Feng got an uncertain answer from Luna...

"It's okay~ We'll know in two minutes~"

With a relaxed tone, Han Feng glanced around and sat down slowly.

Take off your coat, cotton-padded jacket, sweater... Soon, Han Feng took off all the clothes on his upper body.

"Huh... Sorry to bother you, or intracardiac injection." Staring at the two energy 7 injections in his hand, Han Feng exhaled heavily and turned to Tanya beside him.

"I know, I injected you before~"

After Tanya said this, Han Feng's eyes suddenly became a little vague...

Yes! I also got an injection in the cinema before... Was it put there by the manager? Or...

Han Feng just thought of this and didn't think deeply. Tanya had already squatted down, put her hand on Han Feng's shoulder blade, and motioned him to lie down.

"Forget it~ Ask the manager after you wake up..." Han Feng lay down slowly while thinking.

"Wait a minute!" Han Feng suddenly stood up again just after closing his eyes. In Tanya's puzzled eyes, Han Feng took out a vest from the pile of clothes...

Crumpled the vest into a ball and held it in his mouth... Then nodded gently to Tanya...

A few seconds later...

The cold needle went along the flesh and pierced the heart...

Soon, the first injection of energy 7 was completed.

In an instant, Han Feng's heart was wrapped by the familiar, warm feeling again...

A second later, the second injection was pierced into the chest.

When both injections were completed, Han Feng's brows frowned instantly!

"Ugh! Ugh!!!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Staring with eyes wide open, Han Feng's body kept rolling and flapping like a fish on the shore. The painful screams were blocked by the clothes in his mouth, and he could only make a humming sound. But... Even so, the strange sound of the vocal cords "tearing" could still be heard from these screams.

It was only a few seconds, and Han Feng's body turned red. Veins and blood vessels were throbbing under the skin, and Han Feng's violent struggle gave people a strange and terrifying vision.


Suddenly, Han Feng used his tongue to push the clothes out of his mouth. Because he found that this method was useless...

"Hit... Hit!"

Staring with bloodshot eyes, Han Feng said to Tanya with difficulty, "Hit... knock me out! Stun me!"


After receiving Han Feng's "instructions", Tanya stretched out a palm knife without hesitation and chopped it down at Han Feng's neck!


But... what Tanya didn't expect was that Han Feng, who was hit in the neck by her palm knife, was still the same as before, with no signs of coma at all!

"Don't believe in evil" Tanya quickly stood up and stood behind Han Feng. Fist into palm, ready to go! Aiming at the aorta in Han Feng's neck, Tanya chopped down again!


The palm knife fell, making a muffled sound between the flesh and blood of the two. But... Han Feng was still "full of energy", as if the palm just now had not hit him at all.

"Not fainted yet? I'm sorry!" Tanya was also a "hot-tempered" person! Seeing that her "tried and true" knockout had no effect twice, she began to "take it seriously" for a while.


Stepping on tactical boots, Tanya took three steps back...


Tanya put all her weight on her left leg, and her right leg brought a whirlwind and swung out a whip kick! The straight instep of her foot hit Han Feng's neck again!

"Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, a sound of golden swords rang out in the room!


The next second... Tanya took a breath and retracted her right leg.

Looking at Tanya's "limping" figure, Han Feng collapsed in his heart and said, "I... am, a level 5... zombie..."

"Mission failed~ I have no other tricks." Sitting aside, Han Feng rubbed his right foot and shrugged helplessly.

Unfortunately, Han Feng was destined not to hear what Tanya said...

Forty seconds later...


From the injection to now, a long minute has passed. At this moment, Han Feng can clearly hear his heartbeat.

Han Feng closed his eyes tightly, sometimes clenched his teeth, sometimes opened his mouth and "silently" shouted.

Even with the "rich" experience of two injections, Han Feng was still stimulated by the pain and couldn't breathe.

In this time when he couldn't faint or survive, Han Feng tried his best to keep himself awake.

Time passed second by second, and in Tanya's view, Han Feng went from "madness" to "paralysis" several times.

The last minute passed...


Lying on the ground, Han Feng gasped heavily. The sweat all over his body made him look like he had just been fished out of the water, soaking the floor and soaking his cotton pants...

Han Feng moved his body and slowly changed from lying to kneeling on one knee. This little "exercise" consumed all of Han Feng's strength.

"Tan... Tanya..." Han Feng stretched out his arm towards Tanya in a hazy vision.

The next second, Han Feng's arm fell freely. And his body, along with the fall of his arm, fell to the ground again...

That's right, although Han Feng had survived the "torture" of two energy 7s, he eventually succumbed to exhaustion.

"Da Da Da! Da Da!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

In his dream, Han Feng entered a battlefield.

In front of him, there were a large number of zombies...

"Ah! Help!"

As if from a God's perspective, Han Feng calmly watched the tragic scene in front of him, and the screams and cries for help that kept coming into his ears.

"From... unconsciousness... start... reminder."


Suddenly, Han Feng heard intermittent voices coming from the sky far away.

While Han Feng was wondering and looking for the source of the voice...



"Ah!!! It hurts!!!!"

Inside Han Feng's body, Luna activated the second emergency strong reminder.

Amid Han Feng's screams, Luna said "calmly" "Captain Han has woken up, and the second emergency strong reminder is over."

"Oh my god! What's going on?!"

"Da da..."

Han Feng touched the sweat on his head and asked in confusion.

"Captain Han, you have been unconscious for two hours."

"Da Da..."

"Only two hours? Let me rest for a while?"

"Da Da..."

"Wait!... This is..."

Suddenly, Han Feng finally felt an abrupt sound...

"Is this the sound of a gunshot?"

"Captain Han, yes."

"Da Da..."

"Damn!!! This is not a dream!" Han Feng yelled and jumped up from the bed.

Standing on the ground, Han Feng turned around and looked at the bed behind him, thinking, wasn't he on the ground before he fainted?

Then he thought, oh... maybe Tanya put me on the bed.

Looking down, the clothes on my upper body were also neatly put on. No need to think, it must be the attentive Tanya who helped me put them on~

"Oh my god! What am I thinking about!" The next second, Han Feng slapped his forehead with his right hand, realizing that now is not the time to think about these trivial things.

Putting on his shoes in a hurry, Han Feng glanced around the room and found no trace of Tanya.

Running to the door, Han Feng pushed it open and looked out...

Tanya, Guo Yongxing, and Liu Zhe were leaning on the railing of the second floor, looking in the direction of the gunshots.

"What's going on?!"

"Are you awake?"

Han Feng and Tanya asked at the same time.

"What's going on? Why are there gunshots?!" Han Feng did not answer Tanya's question and repeated it.

"I don't know~ Ten minutes ago, the manager ran over and told us not to go out. He heard that there were zombies surrounding us."

After hearing this, Han Feng immediately ran downstairs. While running out, Han Feng contacted Luna "Luna! What's the battle situation?!"

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