Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 325: Level 6 zombie?

"Huh... Puff..."

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, Liu Zhe extinguished the flames all over his body.

"Oh my god! It's so cold!" The heat wave receded, and Liu Zhe hugged his bare chest and trembled.

"Put on your clothes quickly, don't catch a cold~" Without the barrier of the flame, Han Feng trotted over and handed over the clothes in his hand.

After taking the clothes, Liu Zhe thanked him.

Walking aside, Han Feng took out his mobile phone and took out a cigarette to light it.

"It's half past nine..." Holding a cigarette, Han Feng silently recited the time displayed on the mobile phone.

"Oh my god! Do you want to take a photo?!"

Suddenly! Liu Zhe's shouting scared Han Feng so much that he almost threw the mobile phone in his hand away!

"Fuck... Are you sick! I'll check the time! Who has the heart to take a photo for you!" Han Feng yelled in a bad mood.

When Han Feng saw Liu Zhe frantically pulling up his pants, he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha! Your butt is so white!"


Giving Han Feng a look, Liu Zhe's face flushed...

"Hey~ We are all grown men~ Why are you still shy?" Holding a cigarette, Han Feng leaned against the tree trunk and "enlightened" Liu Zhe.

"Hey~ Tell me? Why is your skin whiter than a girl's? I don't see you using any skin care products? Is it..." At this point, Han Feng's laughter stopped abruptly...

Because... Han Feng suddenly felt a huge sense of crisis lurking around him!

And this feeling... is exactly the same as the sense of crisis he felt when he first entered the battlefield...

At the same time, Liu Zhe, who was putting on his clothes, also stopped his movements and stood still like Han Feng.


At this time, in this quiet and empty place, Han Feng and Liu Zhe could hear each other's heartbeats!

One second...

Three seconds...

Five seconds...

Five seconds passed, and Han Feng and Liu Zhe both held their breath, and no one moved.

"Rustle... rustle..."

Suddenly, a discordant sound came...

Hearing this noise, Han Feng and Liu Zhe looked at each other. In their eyes, there was a sense of disbelief!

"Rustle... rustle..."

The strange sound was getting closer and closer, and Han Feng's premonition of crisis became stronger and stronger...

"Then you two must pay attention to safety... Haha, I'll give you a good word, I'll give you a good word..." Suddenly, Han Feng remembered the shocked expression of the steward when he and Liu Zhe proposed to leave the village...

Could it be... that the steward also predicted that there would be danger? !

"Rustle... rustle..."

Just as Han Feng was analyzing the steward's words, the strange sound came again! This time, Han Feng turned his neck and looked in the direction of the strange sound!

It was a figure!

What came into view was a figure "wrapped" in the night more than 20 meters away!

The thin figure and blurred outline made Han Feng unable to quickly distinguish between men and women.

But...I always feel that it should be "not related" to zombies.

Staring at the figure, Han Feng could clearly feel that the sense of crisis in his heart... came from this person!

"Who are you?!" Han Feng asked without any warning. ♚♞  ♦♦

As soon as Han Feng opened his mouth, Liu Zhe pulled up his pants and quickly put on his coat. And the cotton jacket left a meter away from his feet... Liu Zhe really didn't have the courage to explore.


The figure did not answer Han Feng's question, but just stood there quietly, like a "model".

"Who are you?!" At this time, Han Feng asked for the second time.

Taking advantage of the gap when Han Feng was talking, Liu Zhe trotted all the way. He ran to the back of Han Feng and looked at the figure with Han Feng vigilantly.

"Who are you!" Three seconds later, Han Feng asked the same question again. At the same time, Han Feng's telekinesis gently triggered twenty customized weapons, ready to attack at any time...

Unfortunately, Han Feng waited and waited. The figure never spoke...

Han Feng's eyes retreated and found a stone on the ground. He silently chanted the telekinesis in his heart, and started!


The stones on the ground moved with the telekinesis, and hit the figure in an instant!

"Bang! Crash..."

What Han Feng didn't expect was that... the stones were actually smashed and scattered!

"Fuck!" After a subconscious exclamation, Han Feng shouted "Telekinesis! Start!!!"

"Scream! Clang!"

The silver shuttle and silver wings flew out from Han Feng's waist and stabbed directly at the figure!

There was no picture of flying all over the sky, Han Feng just wanted to kill this strange figure quickly!


Twenty customized weapons, flashing cold light, attacked the figure together. The sound they made was surprisingly consistent, as if there was only one...

This is the improvement of Han Feng's control over each customized weapon after injecting four energy 7 injections!

"Ding! Ding Ding!!"

But... the next moment, Han Feng actually heard the sound of golden swords! Twenty customized weapons were like hitting a steel plate!

No! Not right! It's not a steel plate... Because even if it is a steel plate, the custom weapon made of tungsten steel can penetrate it a little bit...

Instantly, Han Feng knew that the attack just now had failed...

"Clang, clang, clang..."

The next second, Han Feng heard the sound of someone running barefoot.

No need to guess, it was Liu Zhe without a doubt...

"Hehe, this kid..." Han Feng thought Liu Zhe ran away because he was afraid, and smiled helplessly for a while.

But what he didn't expect was that Liu Zhe, who ran to a distance, shouted "Burn! Burn you to death!"

"Stupid..." Han Feng cursed inwardly after hearing Liu Zhe's immature words, but it did not affect his inner touch at all.


As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, a dazzling flame burst out behind him! And the heat wave followed!

"Flame - Kamehameha!"

After Liu Zhe shouted, a scorching "fire dragon" suddenly emerged a few meters to the side of Han Feng and rushed straight towards the figure.

With the help of Liu Zhe's light, Han Feng finally saw the figure clearly...

The bloodless face, the empty eyes, the thin and depressed figure, the gray and pale skin... Looking at the figure's long hair, Han Feng "preliminarily" concluded that this was a woman.

"Zombie?..." Staring at the figure, Han Feng was a little unbelievable.

Level 5 zombie? A female level 5 zombie? Impossible... I have fought with level 5 zombies before and know the defense of level 5 zombies! It can't be so strong!

Thinking of this, the "fire dragon" was already roaring and crashing towards the figure!

The flames were getting closer and closer to the figure! The strange thing was... "she" didn't even move her eyes, as if it was just a breeze coming towards her!

"Boom! Boom!"

The flames finally hit the figure, making bursts of simmering sounds...

"Burn you to death!" Behind Han Feng, Liu Zhe shouted excitedly, and then asked "Brother Han! Are you burned to death?!"

Han Feng stared at the direction of the figure without turning his head. But... the slightly shaking head indicated that there was no...

The sense of crisis in my heart lingered all the time... This also meant that Liu Zhe's flames did not kill...

"Huh..." The flames dissipated, leaving sparks and flames on the ground.

On the dark scorched earth, the figure was still standing in the same place, and even his posture had not changed at all!

However... "she" was not completely unscathed.

The long hair on the "glossy" and "shiny" head was no longer there.

The clothes she was wearing also turned to ashes in the flames.

"Gululu..." Looking at this unique zombie, Han Feng swallowed his saliva subconsciously...

It was indeed a woman, but she was infected with the GS virus, and both her appearance and body color were different from normal people.

Facing this gray "alien", Han Feng could not raise any "interest".

"Run..." Staring at the zombie, Han Feng's mouth twitched slightly...

"What?" Standing behind Han Feng, Liu Zhe didn't hear clearly.

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