Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 327: Unfulfilled Wish

In a hurry, Han Feng didn't notice the stone under his feet and accidentally tripped.

At the moment when he flew towards the two, Han Feng roared "Imprison!"

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With his eyes fixed on the female corpse, Han Feng instantly released the limit of his mental output!

Before this, Han Feng had been unsure whether the female corpse would be imprisoned by himself, but the next second, "good news" came...

The female corpse's figure paused obviously, and in such a flash, Tanya opened a safe distance from it!

Seeing this! Han Feng hurriedly shouted to Tanya, "Run! Run! Don't look back!"

"Hey... Hey..."

"Boom!!!" The dust was excited...

Han Feng, who was falling in the air, saw that Tanya was safe, and subconsciously opened his mouth and smiled. But... gravity "pulled" him down, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Due to the huge inertia, Han Feng continued to roll after landing.



After a few seconds, Han Feng's body finally hit a hard object and stopped rolling.

To make matters worse, the hard object was none other than the female corpse's calf...

This collision really knocked Han Feng unconscious. He subconsciously covered the point where his body hit the hard object and rubbed it gently.

"Ouch... Ouch..." With his eyes closed, Han Feng "wailed" several times with his teeth bared...At this time, he didn't know what he was about to face!

After a while, Han Feng, who was covered in dust, opened his eyes...but saw the "person" he least wanted to see in the world - the female corpse.

The female corpse squatted beside Han Feng, lowered her head and looked at him.

"Ah!" Seeing the face of the female corpse in front of him, which was more than ten centimeters long, Han Feng screamed, and then used his hands and feet to "roll and crawl" backwards.


As Han Feng moved, the female corpse turned her face and continued to count down to Han Feng...

It must be said that this female corpse really had martial ethics and did not sneak attack Han Feng when he was not prepared.

"Hey! Are you coming again?! Stop! I'm afraid of you, okay?!!!"


The female corpse ignored Han Feng's horrified face and continued to silently count down.

"Can I admit defeat?! I admit that I can't beat you! Let's sit down and have a good talk, ok?! I firmly believe that there is nothing that can't be solved by communication! If there is, wouldn't it be solved by talking twice?! Why do you have to fight and kill?! You have no quality, right?" Han Feng stood up while speaking quickly.


"Fuck... What is your purpose? Tell me! You know I can't hurt you! Why are you still "aggressive"?! As long as you don't hurt anyone, you can make any other conditions, okay?! As long as I can do it, I will never shake my head! How about it?!"


"You... You are so stubborn..."


The last number was read out from the female corpse... The countdown ended.

"Gurgle..." Staring at the female corpse crouching on the ground, Han Feng trembled at the corners of his mouth, wondering if it was going to attack...

"Bang! Whoosh!"

Suddenly! The female corpse squatting on the ground moved without any warning! It kicked the ground with its legs! Two deep footprints were left on the hard ground, and its body rushed towards him like a cannonball!

Mixed with the sound of whistling wind! The female corpse's arms naturally fit her thighs. It looked like she wanted to use her head as a "spear"!

At the same time, Han Feng also activated his speed superpower in the first place! He moved to the side and avoided the first attack of the female corpse.

It was also thanks to Han Feng's guard that he was on guard, otherwise he would have been smashed into pieces by this collision!

The attack missed!! The female corpse flew past Han Feng and reacted quickly. After landing, after plowing a gully several meters away, she ran towards Han Feng again!

"Come again?!" Seeing this, Han Feng ran away!

While running, Han Feng shouted, "Are you stealing my skills?! Are you!!!"

"..." The female corpse following behind Han Feng did not answer.

"Speak! Can't you speak?! Why do you have telekinesis?! Speed ​​superpower?!" At this time, Han Feng also felt very strange. He had seen zombies of all classes, but he had never seen such a strange female corpse!

The superpower it used was the same as his own!

But... whether it was telekinesis or speed, it was not inferior to his own! This... this was too targeted at him, right? ! ! !

"..." The female corpse still didn't speak, but her speed slowly increased...

"Damn it!" Han Feng was helpless because the female corpse didn't express her attitude. After cursing secretly, he could only tap his own potential, otherwise at this speed... he would definitely be caught!

Pursing his lips, Han Feng swung his legs frantically, trying to distance himself from the female corpse.

"Telekinesis!..." Han Feng, who was running, closed his mouth as soon as he spoke.

At this moment, Han Feng wanted to attack the female corpse with a customized weapon, but he changed his mind... or forget it.

You know, the female corpse also has telekinetic powers. If he fails to steal the chicken and loses the rice, wouldn’t it be a big loss!

Just as Han Feng gave up the idea of ​​attacking with the silver shuttle and silver wings, he found that the female corpse was several meters closer to him! Now, the distance between the two is less than two meters... It’s really a race with death!

"Hey! Sister! Stop chasing me!" Seeing the female corpse getting closer and closer, Han Feng collapsed! ! At this speed, it’s only a matter of time before he is caught by the female corpse...

"Sister! Please! I really beg you!" At this moment, seeing the female corpse getting closer and closer, Han Feng was so anxious that he almost cried. No matter how fast he accelerated, the female corpse continued to approach.

"Sister! What do you like about me?! Can I change it? Stop chasing me! If you chase me again, I will really catch up!!!"

After "begging for mercy", Han Feng, who was "in the midst of a busy schedule", turned to look behind him...

At this time, the female corpse had already stretched out her right hand! Just a few centimeters behind me! ! !

"You really need to give me some warm words! What on earth do you want! Is it me..."


Before Han Feng finished speaking, the female corpse's hand had already grabbed the back of Han Feng's neck.

Lifted by the powerful force, Han Feng's feet instantly lifted off the ground...the soles of his feet and the bottom of his heart felt cold at the same time! !

Fuck...it can't be right? ! I won't just give up, right? !

While Han Feng was thinking wildly, the female corpse carrying Han Feng slowly began to slow down.

After a few seconds, the female corpse stopped. In its hands, it held Han Feng, who was dozens of centimeters taller than itself...

? ? ?

Um? ! Didn't kill me? ! I'm alive? ! This was Han Feng's first thought...

"Hey...hehe...I knew~ you definitely wouldn't..."


A muffled sound came out the next moment...

When Han Feng was "laughing apologetically", the female corpse kicked Han Feng in the back! At the same time, he released his right hand that was holding the back of Han Fan’s neck...


A "human cannonball" flew out of the female corpse's hand and flew dozens of meters straight! Paddling deep into the woods!

"Dong! Gudong... Gudong Gudong..."

Han Feng hit a tree, bounced back to the ground and rolled over...


As Han Feng rolled, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments spurted out from his mouth, staining the "passing" snow...


The female corpse instantly appeared next to Han Feng and stepped on Han Feng, stopping Han Feng from rolling further.

"Cough! Cough!" Han Feng stopped rolling and felt as if all the bones in his body were broken, and his whole body was in burning pain! The minced meat stuck in his throat stimulated him to cough.

While coughing, Han Feng felt the damage to his internal organs, as if they were all twisted together...

"Report to the Korean team, the system has detected that your body has been severely injured. The skull is comminuted fractures at the injury site, all ribs are comminuted fractures,

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