Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 336: Tanya advances

Two seconds later...

"Fuck?! Seven gold coins?!"

Looking at the rising number in the gold coin column, Han Feng exclaimed in surprise!

You know, this stone is the size of two people! It definitely weighs more than a ton!

"Yes, Captain Han, the number of gold coins extracted from this stone is seven gold coins.

"Hey... Although the stone is not valuable, this is too much, right?!" Han Feng pointed at the mine, stared at the gravel in the middle of the mine, and asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, this is the ore refining policy formulated by the system..."

"Ah~Okay~" Wait a minute, Han Feng waved his hand and continued, "Wait a minute, I'll look for it again..."

After that, Han Feng activated his speed superpower and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

"Luna, explore the surrounding stones and find me the most "expensive" one!" Standing on a pile of stones, Han Feng ordered.

"Okay, Captain Han. ”

After receiving Han Feng's instructions, Luna began to scan the surrounding ores.

A few seconds later, Luna responded, "Reporting to Captain Han, we found an ore with the highest zinc content. The specific location has been marked, please confirm it in the radar."

"Okay~Thanks." After that, Han Feng turned his attention to the system and began to look for this rough stone...

Five minutes later, Han Feng "carried" another boulder back to the ore refinery. It was also fortunate that there was only a mine around Han Feng, otherwise it would be difficult to find these valuable stones.

After placing the half-man-high stone on the conveyor belt of the mine, Han Feng turned his attention to the system again, staring at the gold coin column...

A few seconds later...

"Hey! Something's wrong? ! Why is it only fifty gold coins? ! "Coming out of the system, Han Feng questioned again...

The gap between ideal and reality is a bit far. In Han Feng's mind, this most "expensive" stone must be worth hundreds of gold coins?!

"Report to Captain Han, this stone is too light. According to the refining of the ore refinery, it is indeed fifty gold coins."

"..."After a few seconds of silence, Han Feng continued, "Heavy stones are not valuable. You say valuable stones are too light!"

After speaking, Han Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit one.

As soon as he took a puff, Han Feng was stunned...

"Hey? Not right? !"

"What's wrong, Captain Han?"

"Where's my mine cart? !" Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, Han Feng continued, "After I build the mine, shouldn't I also have a mine cart? ! Where's the car? !"

"Report to Captain Han, there is a mining cart delivered. "

After listening to Luna, Han Feng turned his head and looked around... But after searching for a few circles, he didn't see the shadow of the mining car. Helplessly, Han Feng had to ask, "Where is it? Why can't I see it?"

"Report to Captain Han, the trans-dimensional mining car is collecting ore at this time. May I ask if it should be recalled now?"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Han Feng hesitated for a moment, but soon, Han Feng decided to say "Recall! Let me see what the mining car looks like! ~"

"Okay, Captain Han, the trans-dimensional mining car is being recalled and will appear in the ore refinery in three seconds. "



Listening to Luna's countdown in his mind, Han Feng twitched on the spot. Because in his mind, Han Feng suddenly remembered the "sixth-level female corpse"... Although he was extremely uncomfortable physically, Han Feng still stared at the mine, wanting to see how the trans-dimensional mining car "traveled through time and space".


"Swish...Huh! "

At the moment when Luna finished the countdown, Han Feng saw that the space in front of the ore refinery was distorted! Then there was a whistling sound of wind...

Unable to bear the strong wind, Han Feng turned his head and closed his eyes.

When the sound of wind ended, Han Feng opened his eyes again...the trans-dimensional mining vehicle came into view!

Looking at the huge trans-dimensional mining vehicle, Han Feng widened his eyes. Although he knew that the mining vehicle was very big, but...this is too big?!

The first thing that caught Han Feng's attention was the "big head" of the trans-dimensional mining vehicle!

In the "big head" filled with strange electric currents, various sophisticated instruments were rotating. It seems , it should be a transmission device without a doubt!

Secondly, under the "big head" of the super-time mining vehicle, there are several "rollers" connected to the gear springboard... No need to ask, this is definitely for crushing stones.

On the body of the super-time mining vehicle, there are searchlights in all directions. In the dark night, this mobile "light bulb" can definitely easily attract many eyes...

Looking back, it is the "cargo compartment" of the super-time mining vehicle... The huge space is three or four meters long. Although it is not as large as the volume of a semi-trailer, this thick steel plate is absolutely invincible to ordinary shells!

"Luna, introduce it!" After Han Feng finished speaking to Luna in his mind, he threw away his cigarette butt and walked towards the super-time mining vehicle.

"Report to Captain Han, a large vehicle like the super-time mining vehicle can mine ore and transport it back to the refinery. It is the core of all the Allied economies. The ore transported back to the refinery will be converted into funds, allowing you to produce troops and build buildings to enhance national strength. When the Trans-dimensional Miner is heading to the mining area, it moves in the same way as a normal mining vehicle. However, when it is fully loaded with ore, it will be instantly teleported back to the refinery. "

"As a core-level strategic special vehicle, the Trans-dimensional Miner will never be disturbed by the enemy's mental power. Similarly, as a 100% closed operating vehicle, it will not be harmed by any poisonous gas. When it is physically attacked, the Trans-dimensional Miner will automatically repair the damage to extend its mining operation time. "

"Speaking of defense, the Trans-dimensional Mining Vehicle can even collect ore in areas full of nuclear pollution. After being teleported back, it will not bring back nuclear pollution. In this way, whether it is wealth accumulation or defense attributes, it is definitely a top-tier product!"

After introducing the Trans-dimensional Mining Vehicle, Luna stopped talking and quietly waited for Han Feng's other questions.

"Oh my god..." Patting the armor of the Trans-dimensional Mining Vehicle, Han Feng asked, "How can it unload such thick steel plates?"

"Squeak... Chi!!!"

As soon as Han Feng finished asking the question, the Trans-dimensional Mining Vehicle suddenly started! Startled by the strange sound, Han Feng took three or four steps back.

"Rumble rumble rumble..."

The tail of the Trans-dimensional Mining Vehicle was aimed at the conveyor belt of the ore refinery, and then the carriage was lifted, and countless stones scattered along the gap at the tail of the carriage, and fell into the conveyor belt "without reservation"...

"Oh... It's almost the same as I imagined~" Looking at this unloading method, Han Feng nodded thoughtfully.

A few seconds later, Han Feng entered the system and looked at the gold coin column.

After the ore slag was refined, Han Feng got 750 gold coins as he wished...

Looking at the gold coins, Han Feng pursed his lips, thinking that the trans-dimensional mining truck might not be fully loaded...

"Okay~ Let the mining truck go to make money~" After learning the details of the mining truck, Han Feng waved his hand.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna responded, the trans-dimensional mining truck turned its two thick tracks and left the ore refinery.

After watching the space-time mining vehicle leave, Han Feng asked, "Luna, the mine is built, where are the extra rewards?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, there is no extra reward for the physical building - the mine."

"What?! No reward?!" Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Didn't you say that all main buildings will have extra rewards after they are built? Doesn't the mine count as a main building?"

Following Han Feng's question, Luna explained, "Reporting to Captain Han, the mine is a main building, but it does not belong to a combat unit. As a logistics building unit, the mine is not classified as an extra reward.

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